Get on board... Levin stood on the steamboat and took a step back.

This is the catchphrase of many captains, but Levin could not hear any emotion in it. Rather than an invitation, it was an order, an order that could not be refused.

The other party's voice and appearance were firmly covered by the black hunter's clothes, and it was even impossible to distinguish between men and women.

What on earth is this... Levin touched the corner of his eyes. Just now, he seemed to see the black corner of the clothes floating like a tentacle.

Spiritual power detection!

What are you afraid of? But a person dressed strangely, the breath of his figure is only a second-level extraordinary person!

Levin gritted his teeth, mustered up his courage, half squatted, and put his sweaty fingers on the button of the steamboat.

But before he could control the boat to retreat, accompanied by the sound of Waku Waku, his steamboat actually automatically drove towards the broken ship!

"I took the initiative to move forward?"

Levin's breathing gradually became rapid, and a look of horror flashed across his face.

Under the boat, there seemed to be an indescribable terrifying monster.

He raised his head and looked at the rope thrown from the side of the ship. After hesitating for a long time, he still tightly grasped the thick rope and climbed onto the ship, onto this black ship.

And the moment he arrived on the deck, he saw a skull rolling past his feet.

"Ghost ship!"

Levin vaguely sensed something.

He heard that a strange ghost ship had appeared near the coast, but he never thought that the ghost ship would actually accept his commission!

The businessman in that office actually had a ghost ship behind him.

Who is that person?

He slowly raised his head and looked at the deck.

In front of him, there was a hunter wearing a tattered black hunter suit.

Only the breath of the second level, calm down, calm down, I can win...Levin asked curiously:

"Captain? Where are the others on the ship?"

Chen Qi said softly:

"Except for you, there are only two of us on this ship for the time being. Don't you say? It's better to have fewer people?"

"Only the two of us!"

Levin exclaimed, feeling happy.

Logically speaking, there was only one person on the other side, which meant that even if he was tricked, he wouldn't have to face a one-on-man situation!

The other side's aura was only level two, and he was at least a level two transcendent trained by his family. In a one-on-one situation, he had a chance of winning!

But now, he felt a kind of fear, a terror from the unknown.

Levin tried to cheer himself up:

"It really meets my requirements, Captain, you made a lot of money, as long as we are lucky enough, we can make a lot of money!"

You are still selling to me... Chen Qi didn't have time to chat with Levin, and got straight to the point:

"Tell me your destination and the reward you can pay."

Speaking normally, not a monster... Levin took a deep breath, took out the compass, and pointed to the distance:

"Go straight ahead from this direction, cross the dangerous sea area 'Blood Water Island', and you will reach an abandoned naval base. Of course, now, this is just an uninhabited island, and on the uninhabited island, there is a treasure buried.

I declare in advance that this treasure is related to the Blood Blade Pirates, and only I can open this treasure!

Afterwards, in addition to the 200,000 shells reward, we will split it 50-50!"

Only you can open it... Chen Qi touched his chin with his index finger and thought for a moment:

"No problem, but in exchange, after arriving, you must tell me everything you know."

Chen Qi leaned against the side of the boat and opened the map of the Ice Demon Pirates.

The abandoned naval base near Bloodwater Island. Due to naval experiments, many deformed monsters were born near this sea area.

Among them, the most common one is a flying fish, which is as fast as a bullet fish and is an extremely dangerous monster.

Because of this, this can be said to be one of the forbidden areas on the sea.

For this island, the speed requirements for ships are very strict.

No need to adjust the direction, just keep moving forward.

Chen Qi smiled slightly and snapped his fingers.

Let's go!

"Waku Waku (Yes, Captain!)"

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the Deep Sea Spirit No. 3 in the engine room suddenly started the engine.

Green ghost fire ignited from the ship, and the ship sailed towards the distant sea.

So fast... Levin tried to stabilize his body.

Wait, since there is only one person? Who started the engine? Levin had a little doubt in his heart.

Is there really only one crew member on this ship?

Levin leaned against the side of the ship nervously. Although he was very hungry now, he did not have the courage to enter the restaurant.

Should I tell the captain everything right away? Otherwise, I might... Levin clenched his fists guiltily.

Chen Qi walked into the captain's room and planned the next route.

The abandoned naval base is not far from the Black Mine City, and the route is not complicated. It only takes about five hours.

The real difficulty is the sea beasts in the dangerous sea.

Of course, this is almost no danger to Chen Qi.



Five hours later.

The voyage was unexpectedly smooth.

The ship continued to sail towards the depths of the sea. After a while, sharp flying fish kept flying out of the water and kept hitting the board.

They did not show any aggression, but they were like fanatical fans.

"Waku Waku! (Protect! Protect!)"

Water elves No. 4 and No. 5, wearing skulls, were like professional soldiers under the boat, constantly using water bombs to disperse these fanatical flying fish with loud noises!

"Oh my God..."

Levin touched his aching head, stood by the boat, and looked at the flying fish in the sea.

If this were an ordinary ship, seeing so many flying fish, it would either activate the ship's protection system or speed up!

However, this ship actually used an unprecedented way to expel sea beasts.

He glanced at the captain in the restaurant.

Facing so many flying fish, the captain still drank tea calmly.

"What confidence, can he easily knock down these terrifying flying fish with just one finger..."

Levin subconsciously clenched his fists.

He had already thought of the scene where he lost his usefulness after digging out the treasure and was thrown directly into the sea to feed the fish.

Levin looked into the distance tremblingly.

On the distant horizon, the outline of an abandoned island also appeared.

On the deserted island, you can also see a scrapped dome weather station.

We are almost there... After finishing his afternoon tea, Chen Qi walked out of the restaurant and looked at the sea in the distance:

"We have arrived at the destination, and the next step is up to you."

"Understood! Captain!"

Levin said subconsciously, took out his treasure map, and followed Chen Qi obediently.

Chen Qi put down the boat ladder, walked down from the boat ladder, and looked at the abandoned island.

The island is not large, it can only be regarded as a miniature island, and there is only an abandoned tower and a two-story abandoned research institute.

The dilapidated building is crumbling under the erosion of the strong wind, and the walls are covered with vines and moss.

"Captain! Be careful..."

Levin walked forward carefully.

How come this guy has become so honest after not seeing him for a few hours... Chen Qi folded his hands on his chest and watched Levin's performance quietly.

Levin looked at the map and hurriedly walked to a pile of waste soil, then he took out a shovel and dug down fiercely.

Hiss, the title was not saved

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