It's really a simple and crude way of digging... Chen Qi quietly watched Levin dig for treasure.

This was the first time he saw such a simple and unpretentious treasure hunt.

As the guide says, the difficulty of obtaining this treasure is extremely low, or even no difficulty.

The only difficulty is crossing the dangerous sea.

If you are prepared in advance, even with a first-level strength, you can cross the flying fish school.

Levin wiped the sweat off his head and struck hard with the shovel:

"Captain! That's almost it!"

The shovel hit a hard object and made a crisp "ding" sound.

He was overjoyed and carefully dug away the surrounding sand, and the outline of a rusty coded iron box gradually emerged.

"Captain, leave it to me next!"

Immediately afterwards, Levin squatted down, entered the password, and opened the box smoothly.


With a crisp sound, gold coins fell from the box. In addition, there were a large number of papers, a fiery red runestone, and a special hammer skill card.

What a gain! Really a treasure! Levin rubbed his hands excitedly.

Logically speaking, at this time, as the initiator of the action, he should be in charge of the distribution of the treasure!

But now, Levin only felt panicked.

Along the way, the entire ship was clearly empty, but it made some strange noises inexplicably.

In addition, there are green will-o’-wisps!

There is no doubt that the second-level aura emitted by the other party is just an illusion used for fishing!

Levin rubbed his hands and said softly:

"Captain, look first. Actually, I have something to tell you about how I found these treasures..."


Chen Qi was slightly shocked that Levin's mouth was pried open just like that.

He walked over and looked at the contents of the treasure chest.

There are not many gold coins, only half a million shell coins, and these gold coins are standard bank gold coins.

In addition, there is also a high-level hammer phase skill card "Steam Engine". The body is mechanized, and the power can be transferred into the engine to create extremely hot steam punches!

This skill just requires the mechanization of the body, and Chen Qi has no interest in the mechanical genre for the time being.

In Chen Qi's opinion, this skill is not as useful as the hammer phase's body hardening, whether in terms of versatility or strength.

These are weapon runestones... Chen Qi took out the long runestones from the box.

On the stone, a large number of hot red runes were carved.

[Forged Fire Pattern:

Sexuality: Blade

Description: Long sword, light up the fire!

Function: It can add a layer of hot runes to the outer layer of the weapon. After injecting spiritual power, the runes will burn, which can enhance the attack power of the weapon and obtain a special fire-casting effect.

Cast Fire: The temperature of this flame is extremely high, and it is more lethal to metals. Under the control of spiritual power, the temperature is more likely to rise.

Note: Under normal circumstances, this rune stone is only suitable for melee weapons and cannot be superimposed with other runes. 】

Rune stones, strengthening parts of weapons... Chen Qi touched his chin.

A rune craftsman with a third-level hammer script can forge this special prop to strengthen weapons.

But the more powerful the weapon, the higher the quality requirements for rune stones.

Forged Fire——Chen Qi looked at the rune.

Casting fire requires only a slight concentration of spiritual power to ignite a raging fire. Even for a third-level transcendent, this is a pretty good flame.

Chen Qi touched the stone carefully and felt a faint scalding temperature.

The quality of this rune stone is quite high!

Chenqi simply assigned:

"This rune stone belongs to me, and that hammer skill card belongs to you."

"No problem, Captain!"

Levin was delighted. Although he looked like a warrior with the blade aspect, he was actually an extraordinary person who adhered to the path of the hammer aspect.

This is undoubtedly good news for him.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Qi lowered his head and picked up a large number of papers from the ground.

"This is……"

Chen Qi's eyes lit up.

These papers are covered with encrypted text, which can only be vaguely seen from the countless distorted paintings of sea creatures. These are some confidential research documents.

The Navy's research documents are interesting, and they study aberrant sea beasts...

Among them, there are also pictures of the Deep Sea Hunter and his old enemy, the Blue Beast...

Chen Qi quickly scanned these documents.

Although most of the text is encrypted, some of the research content can still be seen.

To put it simply, it uses the material in the cracks to cause distortions in sea beasts and humans.

According to the laws of the Kingdom of Bei, unless you are a fourth-level cup-shaped transcendent, you are never allowed to study the fusion and distortion of living things.

The moment Levin saw the research document, he swallowed hard.

These research documents are the real treasure of this island, a treasure that has been buried for more than twenty years!

Can he understand these documents... Levin's heart began to beat violently:

"Captain, these documents..."

"These documents can be sold to the Blood Blade Pirates Group, the Poseidon Pirates Group, or even the Black Whale Pirates Group. No matter which party they are, they are enough to exchange for a skill card that releases skills."

Chen Qi said in advance.

There is no doubt that this document is definitely a qualified treasure.

As the tide of cracks comes, just this one document is enough to attract everyone to fight for it.

You know, despite the ban, both the Black Whale Group and the Poseidon Pirate Group have conducted a lot of research.

The value of this file is enough for the pirate group to train an ordinary person into a third-level extraordinary person.

No wonder some players can rely on this treasure to advance all the way!

However, how did Levin get the whereabouts of these files?

Chen Qi had a bad feeling:


"Yes! Sir!"

"How do you know this?"

Levin swallowed a mouthful of water:

"Captain, I am a free hunter. It's an accidental encounter. When I was carrying out the commission to find a cat, I accidentally met an old man. He claimed to be the former deputy leader of the Blood Blade Pirates and a former admiral. He hoped that I could dig out this file again and give it to the current leader of the Blood Blade Pirates...

He told me that except for that piece of paper, everything else is my reward."

Admiral... Chen Qi looked at Levin.

This kid, he encountered a strange encounter.

Levin raised his hand obediently:

"Although it sounds a bit absurd, I really met a powerful legendary old man, but he was already in his twilight years, and his body had long been eroded by the crack disease, and he couldn't move a step.

That's why he entrusted me, and then died, leaving nothing behind.

The Blood Blade Pirates hate deceivers, and they are fierce pirates. I suspect that this old man is deceiving me, and I am also afraid that the pirates will compete with me for the treasure, so I want to find someone to dig out the treasure first and confirm the authenticity..."

Chen Qi thought for a while.

Even if they are fourth-level legends, they can't escape the erosion of time. Even if they are not killed by the Lantern Death, they may become disabled for life because of the disease brought by the cracks.

Like the Flower Witch, even if she is promoted to a fourth-level legend, she may be unable to move for life because of the blood flower disease.

Levin raised his hand:

"I swear! Captain, if I tell a lie, I will be struck to death by the thunder of the storm! I will be tortured to death by the four strong men of the Black Mine City!"

The other party did not lie... Chen Qi smiled slightly and asked:

"Anything else to say?"

Levin took a long breath and mustered up his courage:

"That, sir, there is one more thing..."

"Say it."

Levin tried to speak:

"Sir, although it is just my personal guess, if we pass through this sea area, we may be hunted by the Blood Blade Pirates and the Black Whale Group.

Recently, they seem to have been guarding this area. We may not be safe on our way back!!"

Levin's palms were sweating, and his intuition told him that he was in a very dangerous situation.

The wind in the distance blew across this abandoned island.

"I know."

Chen Qi stood up. When he entered the island, the radar on his ship had already faintly detected the breath of danger.

"It seems that our luck is not very good..."

Chen Qi looked into the distance.

Above the dusk horizon, he seemed to hear the roar of warships and the roar of predators from beneath the sea.

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