Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 209 I am here to complete a mission

Snap! Snap! Snap!

Gray Rat clapped his hands fiercely:

"Okay! As a hunter, you should dare to challenge tasks beyond your own limits.

Being timid and cowardly will only swallow you up by the huge wave!"

Everyone's eyes were on Chen Qi's two bounty papers.

This kid, it's okay to accept the tasks, but he also accepted the two most dangerous tasks!

A newcomer actually dared to accept the tasks of Black Gloves and Black Hunter, which was too bold.

The Black Hunter is currently very mysterious. He just defeated the Black Pig Shark recently. With his strength, it would be easy for him to kill the newcomer in front of him.

Although Black Gloves is a masochist, his masochistic tendency is limited to people who are stronger than him. As the person who handles the dirty things for Black Gloves, he can make Chen Qi die like a bug on the street.

Gray Rat put one leg on the round table, his eyes fiery:

"Newcomer! Although you did a great job, our Hunter Association is different from the outside commissions. If you fail to complete the task, you need to accept the corresponding punishment.

If you fail, you need to pay a compensation of 100,000 shells for both tasks."

This is the first time a newcomer dared to take his task after the rift tide began.

You know, the previous Levin with luxurious equipment also took five days before he dared to accept the task he issued.

Chen Qi found that the supported Gray Rat looked at him passionately as if he was looking at a long-coveted dream lover.

"I know."

Chen Qi scanned the two papers.

Even if there was no commission from the Hunter Association to kill the criminal shadow of the black gloves, he would take the initiative to find this task.

However, his current strength is not enough to face the black gloves alone. However, if it is true as the intelligence says that the target of the killing is located in the territory of the Blood Blade Pirates, then the difficulty of the task will be greatly reduced.

As for the task of the black hunter, this is a great test...his acting skills.

The boxer said helplessly:

"Do you really know? Things are not as simple as you think. Our Hunter Association advocates freedom, which means that when you accept this task, you may be targeted by them...

I advise you to give up this decision, don't let yourself lose in vain, don't let the hard-earned money..."

The boxer advised. In his eyes, this newcomer was too reckless.

This person is pretty good... Chen Qi didn't pay special attention to this extraordinary person before, and thought for a while and said:

"Thank you, I will pay attention."

"Are there others?"

The gray rat looked around with expectant eyes.

The newcomers accepted it? Shouldn't these old people express it?

This guy is really not using the Hunter Association's task failure rules to make money... The boxer complained helplessly, and then raised his right hand.

Under the leadership of Chen Qi, a full ten people accepted this task. If they failed, they would pay the Hunter Association a million in compensation.

After everyone finished discussing, Gray Rat crumpled up more detailed mission information into a piece of paper and handed it to Chen Qi:

"Newcomer, this is the detailed information of these two missions, don't spread it.

As a newcomer, you only need to complete half of the mission to complete the assessment, such as finding the general direction of the black hunter, or injuring a black-gloved criminal shadow... Well, in short, you don't have to complete all the tasks. Don't worry, even if you fail, I won't ask you for compensation."

Gray Rat's head slowly moved forward, his tone serious:

"But remember, our Hunter Association is just a group of guys who value money. There is no blood relationship, no brothers, and no love.

Once you fall into despair, we won't even help you collect your body. We are just a place to issue commissions and complete commissions."

A place to issue commissions...Chen Qi paused for a moment.

Putting the consequences of things on the client and the client as much as possible is one of the fundamentals of the Hunter Association's survival.

The Hunter Association is not an "organization", but more like a temporary discussion meeting.

In the company, if a mission fails, there will be cruel punishment, but there will also be support and protection.

In the Hunter Association, all consequences are borne by oneself.

This also means that once being targeted by the Black Gloves, Chen Qi can only rely on himself.

There was a glimmer of sharpness in the eyes of the gray mouse. He did not want the newcomers to have too much affection and expectations for the Hunter Association.

I know, that's why I came to this place... Chen Qi smiled slightly, took the two task papers, pushed open the door, and left.

Black Mine City, Brewery, afternoon.

Chen Qi changed into ordinary hunter clothes and looked at the door of the brewery.

In the Witch Sea, wine is an extremely developed industry, and the Blood Blade Pirates also have many breweries.

Among them, the flower wine that sells well in the Witch Sea is the product of the Blood Blade Pirates.

At this moment, in front of the gate of the brewery, there are more than 30 armed guards.

Chen Qi sat on a chair outside the brewery, holding a photo, thinking about the next plan.

According to the information provided by the Hunter Association, the Black Gloves sent five men to successfully sneak into the brewery.

Generally speaking, the easiest way is to wait near the brewery and then find a way to assassinate them.

This method is too slow...

Chen Qi took out the "Blood Blade" given to him by Fenrir.

The Blood Blade Pirates' token, through this token, is enough to command the Blood Blade Pirates.

Would it be a better choice to directly use this token to order the Blood Blade Pirates?

In this case...

Chen Qi fell into thinking.

In this way, there is a certain probability that his identity will be exposed, and the connection between him and the Black Hunter will be exposed.

However, there is no better choice, so he can only try to fool around... Chen Qi put on a hunter's coat, covered his face, and walked towards the gate of the brewery.

The moment he approached the brewery, three guns were pointed at him.

"Hey! Damn it! Boy! Who allowed you to dress like this and get close to here!"

"Do you know whose territory this is!"

The captain of the guard at the door fired a shot directly into the air.

"I am Levin! I am here..."

Chen Qi flipped his hand and took out a bright red dagger from under his clothes.

"Levin! Blood Blade... cadres..."

The guard muttered, and immediately asked people to distance themselves and bow.

The cadres of the Blood Blade Pirates are all third-level masters! It's not something that these guards who earn tens of thousands of shells a month can afford to offend!

"Is this dagger so useful?"

Chen Qi tried to control his expression.

He seemed to understand why this item was one of the must-have items for the Blood Blade Pirates.

Levin? I don't know which distinguished cadre of our Blood Blade Pirates is under him, Little Red Riding Hood, Fenrir, or the veteran... The captain of the guards forced a smile on his face:

"Sir, what's the matter with you coming to our small winery? Do you want a bottle of fresh flower wine?"

Chen Qi thought for a while and smiled:

"I'm here to do a mission."

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