Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 223 Blade Master! Please teach me the Blade Method!

So fast——

The blade was reflected in Chen Qi's pupils, becoming larger and closer——

The coldness and pain spread from the neck again, and then quickly spread to the whole body, and then disappeared bit by bit——


Chen Qi fell to the ground with a bang, and turned his eyes with difficulty, looking at the high-up "enemy".

This time, the enemy had a face.

The bright red hair fluttered gently with the wind, and the Blade Witch pulled the long knife in his hand away from the neck and slowly pulled it out——

Chen Qi looked into the other party's eyes.

Disdain, contempt——

No, the enemy in front of him didn't have such an expression at all——Chen Qi moved his lips with difficulty.

In this crack, he was just a soldier.

Just like a player killed all the enemies, and then in excitement, he killed a soldier, a weak soldier.

This feeling of being treated as a small fish, an ant, is really unpleasant——Chen Qi's eyes were covered with thick blood mist again.

[You are dead, like an ant being stepped on. ]

Accompanied by the sound of the whirring wind, he returned to the starting point again.

"Hu, hu, hu——"

Chen Qi kept gasping for breath.

Although he had the ability to revive in this crack, the pain of death and the sense of frustration were extremely strong.

This kind of pain made people instinctively want to escape and give up struggling.

If he was not fighting, he really wanted to lie on the bed, listen to the sound of the waves, fill himself with the healing potion of the Flower Witch, and then enjoy the massage of the water elf.

No wonder Fen reminded me not to have a mental breakdown——

The only thing to be thankful for now is that this 'Blade Witch' should not have the idea of ​​torturing him.

Chen Qi turned his head and looked decisively at the monster on the pile of corpses.

Just now, he threw five twenty!

The legendary one hundred points! This is a big European emperor event in the game forum!

However, this random entry obviously has a higher point, and the higher the difficulty!

What kind of luck is this...

Am I a European emperor? Or a non-European?

Chen Qi couldn't help but complain for a while to relieve the pain, and then immediately looked at

The last entry he threw just now had a score of 500 points, which was higher than the total score of all the entries he chose!

Accompanied by the sound of whirring wind, the sound of blades falling to the ground, and footsteps came again.

I was not prepared the last few times-

This time I won't let you succeed again!

Touch of the embers! Blooming with embers!

The clothes on his body began to dance with the wind, and Chen Qi immediately adjusted his whole body's strength and infused his whole body.

When he threw out a hundred points, he had to face the Blade Witch.

Da! Da! Da!

The Blade Witch casually held the knife at her waist, and then walked towards Chen Qi step by step.

The Blade Witch saw Chen Qi forming a posture of resistance, and the expression on her face did not change at all, but just hummed softly:



Then the next moment, the Blade Witch stepped forward casually, holding the knife in one hand, and slashed out!

The remaining fire bloomed! Then it exploded!


The two knives clashed, making a crisp sound.

Chen Qi's hands couldn't stop shaking.

The power gap was too big!

Pure panel crushing! Is this thing really a monster created based on his second-level rank?

Is this a monster for second-level extraordinary people?

However, when he used all his strength, he was not killed instantly...

Every time he died, the combat power of the Blade Witch would be weakened, and it would reach its limit at the hundredth time.

Spiritual power, muscles, spiritual power, muscles-Chen Qi exerted all his strength and mobilized the power of his whole body.

Shadow Blade Slash!

Chen Qi roared, and a large amount of black air was wrapped around the knife!

The Blade Witch's knife was wrapped with a more terrifying bright red knife aura!


The blade pierced his body again!

"Third time, fifteen seconds--"

Chen Qi spat out a mouthful of blood and estimated the time.

From his resurrection to his death, only fifteen seconds had passed.

There was no halftime break!

[You are like a small fish, trampled to death by the Blade Witch. ]

As the prompt popped up, the whistling sound of the wind came again.

Chen Qi looked at the Blade Witch on the pile of corpses again and instinctively grabbed his neck.

So strong--


[Your skill 'Bonfire Heart' has become more proficient--]

Chen Qi looked at the prompt in front of him and felt his body again.

Although the pain still did not dissipate, there is no doubt that his physical condition has been replenished.

A powerful force refilled his body and made him full of vitality again.

The crack of the Blade Witch's trial... Chen Qi took a deep breath.

Three consecutive defeats, three consecutive ruthless defeats, being crushed like an ant--

This feeling--

It's really cool!

Unlike normal deaths, every death in the trial brought him rich combat experience.

This experience made Chen Qi's body excited. Sweat soaked his whole body, and the blade cut through his flesh without any cost, which was extremely rare.

Moreover, although Chen Qi practiced every day, many of his recent skills had been in a stagnant state.

Especially the spiritual power origin skill ‘Heart of the Campfire’, although he has almost mastered it, there is still a small distance from perfection that cannot be crossed!

And just in the moment, the feeling of mobilizing the spiritual power of the whole body made Chen Qi feel an unprecedented spiritual power impulse, an extremely exciting surge, a sense of transcendence.

This feeling of one day is comparable to ten days!

"Come again! Waste witch!"

Chen Qi mocked casually.

Facing Chen Qi's mockery, the Blade Witch closed her eyes, she didn't say anything, and silently walked down the pile of corpses.

"Come on! Kill me! Cut me off!"

Chen Qi said excitedly.

Bored madman... The Blade Witch silently moved forward.


Accompanied by the sound of the wind, the Blade Witch suddenly stepped forward, like an oncoming lightning, and rushed to Chen Qi.

Agility is also very fast, but compared with other attributes, the agility of the Blade Witch is her weakness——

Chen Qi activated the skill Hound Step, dodged the attack sideways, and adjusted his position to burst out spiritual power.

Shadow Blade Slash!

Furious Blade!

Chen Qi poured out all the spiritual power in his body.


The blade burning with black gas slashed at the unprotected shoulder of the Blade Witch——

Blood cut through the skin! Deep red blood spurted out!

Can break defense——Chen Qi's mouth curled up a smile.

At the same time, the Blade Witch's expression changed slightly, her bright red eyes blinked, and she immediately turned her body and slashed a bright red upward spin——

The bright red blood mist covered her whole body again——

Chen Qi returned to the starting point again and gripped the handle again.

[You are like a small fish, trampled to death by the Blade Witch...]

[You are like a small fish, trampled to death by the Blade Witch...]

[You are like a wild dog on the roadside, kicked to death by the Blade Witch...]

[You are like a wild dog on the roadside, kicked to death by the Blade Witch...]

[You are like a weak tiger, chopped to death by the Blade Witch...]



The blade keeps stabbing into the body! The blood mist keeps descending! The number of times accumulates again and again!

Ten times!

Fifty times!

One hundred times!

Two hundred times!

"The 306th time, thirty-seven seconds..."

Chen Qi held his neck and gasped.

In the long death, his spirit has begun to show obvious fatigue.

It has been more than three hours since he arrived at the crack of the Blade Witch.

And his number of deaths has long exceeded one hundred times.

Every time he dies, the Blade Witch will become weaker, until the limit of one hundred times.

In other words, the Blade Witch's strength has reached its lowest point.

However, despite this, the opponent is still stronger than him in strength and agility, much stronger.

In fact, Chen Qi has never seen the Blade Witch's health drop below half.

Is this the crack in the Blade Phase Trial? Is this the top difficulty of 900 points... Chen Qi held the long sword again.

At this moment, two conspicuous prompts jumped out like nectar in the rain.

[You have perfectly mastered the skill "Heart of the Bonfire", the spiritual power source has increased significantly, the basic damage of all strength skills has increased, and you have obtained a passive skill. When the blood volume is low, the perception is greatly increased. ]

[You have perfectly mastered the skill "Hound Step" and its subsidiary skill "Instant Step", and the agility is permanently increased by +5 points. ]

[You have comprehended the derivative move of Shadow Blade Slash, Shadow Blade Spin...]


Chen Qi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and smiled.

It's unbelievable!

You know, Hound Step is just a high-level skill that he just exchanged with Gray Rat yesterday.

Generally speaking, even for a third-level extraordinary person with high comprehension, if he wants to perfectly master the hound step, he needs more than ten days of practice and actual combat to master it.

However, now, he has mastered the hound step in just over three hours and applied it in actual combat!

In the death again and again, my skill level is growing at a rapid rate.

Chen Qi looked at the Blade Witch and couldn't help but smile.

This is not the Blade Witch, this is not the BOSS, this is clearly the Blade Teacher!

The only price is to be beaten!

If being beaten can increase experience, Chen Qi is willing to be beaten for a whole month.

Of course, if the Blade Witch can give me some time to rest-

"Hey, Blade Teacher, can you give me a chance to rest?"

Chen Qi teased the Blade Witch who was approaching.

And after three hundred times, the Blade Witch's expression finally showed a trace of disdain, contempt, and obvious desire to kill.


Along with the sound of the wind, a scarlet lightning rushed over again.

He is really unreasonable... Chen Qi smiled helplessly and held the long sword.

Hound Step!


Chen Qi's spiritual power instantly danced like the wind, and he blocked the attack with his long sword, and then moved his left toe lightly.

Instant Step!

In an instant, Chen Qi's body was like a stream of water, dodging the slash of the Blade Witch!

This is the Hound Step, which can greatly increase agility. At the same time, its skill can complete a very short displacement in a very short time!

If he can use this skill well in actual combat, he will be able to defeat the blood cow in front of him!

Shadow Blade Slash!

The dark blade energy slashed from the left side of the Blade Witch!

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

In the battlefield at this moment, there is only the clang of swords clashing!

Every time the blades collide, the huge force will directly hit Chen Qi's internal organs!

However, the opponent's body will also suffer losses!

The Blade Witch is indeed very strong!

However, in the continuous battles, I have seen you clearly!

The habit of taking action! Make a move!

I have seen everything about you! I've written them all down!

One sword, two swords, three swords——

Ten knives!

Blood splatters!

Accompanied by a bright red clanging sound, Chen Qi slashed downwards, tearing the blade witch's neck at the cost of bleeding from both arms.

has hope!

Chen Qi adjusted his breathing again and prepared for the next attack.

At this moment, a special reminder popped up in front of him again.

[The special posture of the Blade Witch, the madness triggers! 】

[Crazy Demon: In this state, the Blade Witch's attack frequency is increased by 100%, and she is immune to all negative effects!

And in this mode, Blade Witch will remember your attacks! Remember your face! 】

[The Blade Witch's residual health form is triggered in advance due to the mad devil! 】


Chen Qi's pupils suddenly contracted.

Phase two! ?

The Blade Witch's whole body instantly erupted with a huge red spiritual force field, setting off a huge gust of wind.

The huge spiritual force field suddenly shook Chen Qi!

The Blade Witch changed her posture and held the sword in both hands.

Spiritual power mixed with murderous intent suddenly gathered!

The bright red spiritual power of the blade is like a spiral of blades, turning into a forty-meter sword energy, and then carrying a large amount of spiritual power, it rushes over overwhelmingly!

Absolute spiritual crushing!

The terrifying sword energy cut through the ground, kicking up a lot of dust and stones! Hit Chen Qi hard!


At the end, the Blade Witch raised her bright red eyes and spoke for the first time.

The bright red spiritual power was like a fierce flame, completely tearing Chen Qi apart!

[You are dead, like a weak soldier on the battlefield, your life was ended by the Blade Witch...]

The wind slowly started to sound again.

"The three hundred and seventh time, one minute and thirty-five seconds..."

Chen Qi said coldly, the hand holding the knife trembling slightly.

This time, he broke through the limit, and it was also the longest battle between him and the Blade Witch.

However, at this moment, a huge feeling of powerlessness swept over him instantly!

too strong! The posture that the Blade Witch showed just now is really too strong!

There are three days in total, but within three days, even if he dies thousands of times, can he really defeat the move just now?

No, there is no hope at all——

Even if I can withstand this blow with my hound pace, and then use the Furious Blade, and do three Shadow Ninja Slashes, I still can't defeat the Blade Witch...

Rating of 900! S's rating!

Is this an evaluation that humans can achieve?

Chen Qi couldn't help but help his forehead.

Unless, unless, he has a move that can cause higher damage!


Chen Qi suddenly thought of something.

Although on the real battlefield, on-the-spot breakthroughs are rare, this is not a battlefield, but a place of trial.

During the battle with the Blade Witch, he will become stronger and stronger.

Now, except for potions...

Currently, Chen Qi only uses a small amount of medicine.

Just like the game dungeon, although his physical condition will recover and his weapons and clothes will be repaired to a certain extent, potions are consumable items.

And, most importantly——


Chen Qi suddenly remembered something, opened the backpack card, and took out a book.

In his hand, he holds a book of blade solutions!

Amid constant death, Chen Qi opened the book.

Normally, it is impossible for a second-level transcendent to learn second-level blade-breaking moves.

But this place happens to be a trial rift——

Moreover, it is a trial rift of the Blade Phase!

Maybe, there is a chance - Chen Qi had a bold idea in his mind, and began to give up the attack, and started to flip through the book in front of the Blade Witch.

"Reading a book?"

The scene in front of her made the Blade Witch spit out a mouthful of blood and strike with a brutal blow.

Reading seemed to make the Blade Witch angry... Chen Qi ignored it, endured the pain and continued to read the book.

Once, twice, ten times, fifty times——

After dying for fifty times, Chen Qi, who was mentally exhausted, slightly raised the corners of his mouth:

"Isn't this how I sacrifice my flesh and blood and cut off my bones and muscles? It cost me fifty lives. I already understand."

At this time, a bright red prompt popped up in front of his eyes.

[You have initially mastered Blade Kai - 'Break its muscles and bones! ’]

"Hey! Teacher Blade, don't you like reading?"

Chen Qi, who had a slight mental breakdown, closed the book and smiled tiredly at the Blade Witch:

"Teacher Blade, I'm practicing blade moves. You should be talented in this area. Can I practice with you? Can you teach me by the way?"


Do you use me as practice material? At this moment, the cold Blade Witch finally grasped the long knife tightly, raised her head slightly, showed an extremely contemptuous look, and said for the first time:


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