Yes... Chen Qi did not expect that the Blade Witch in front of him would actually respond to his words directly.

"Blade Breathing..."

The Blade Witch hummed softly, her abdomen kept rising and falling, then spread to her arms, face, and then to her whole body, and then the slightly red power was displayed throughout her body.

New moves? Chen Qi was stunned for a moment.

Isn't this right? Why does it feel like the Blade Witch seems to have become stronger?

Is it because I angered her? Chen Qi could not react for a while.

Could it be that I really shouldn't read in front of her?

The Blade Witch formed a knife-drawing posture, and her power took shape and condensed into thunder.

Hound steps, no, I have to take this blow head-on... Chen Qi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The Blade Release Style 'Broken Bones' that he had just comprehended was a 'defensive counterattack' move that sacrificed his own physical strength and could only be released in a frontal confrontation.

It is divided into two stages in total.

The first stage, 'Sacrifice my flesh and blood'!

In this stage, the user needs to call on the strength of the whole body, with the heart as the core of the drive, and pour out the spiritual power of the whole body.

In this stage, the self-strength defense will also increase significantly.

Once used, it will cause great side effects on one's physical fitness and spiritual power source.

After that, he can't even use his strength to defend himself, and his body may even be shattered by the aftermath of the attack of the Blade Witch.

At the same time, in this stage, all attacks suffered will be transformed into part of the blade solution, enhancing the second stage of the attack.

The second stage is "breaking its tendons and bones".

This stage is the time to attack.

In this stage, the body's spiritual power will burst out instantly. First, directly from the heart, a short spherical spiritual power field will be formed to shock the surroundings, so as to play a role of shock and suppression!

If it is an ordinary soldier, it will even be killed by this spiritual power field.

And this shock will also create a short output time.

Then, in a breath, the accumulated power of the body will be released, forming a one-second knife time! One second of absolute output!

In short, this is a defensive counterattack blade release move.

The second-level extraordinary practiced liberation, or the liberation that did not belong to his own nature... Chen Qi tried to adjust his breathing.

Every release move must meet quite a lot of prerequisites.

And there is only one condition for this move, that is, the most common condition of blade release, an extremely strong desire for war, and a certain battle process!

In this process, accompanied by a strong desire for war, the sense of satisfaction brought by the battle itself, the source of spiritual power will give birth to a very special red blade power.

If one's own spiritual power and strength are fuel, then the blade power is oil and flames.

However, since Chen Qi himself is not a blade-phase extraordinary person, and does not have the blade-phase comprehension, it is extremely difficult to create blade power during the battle.

In other words, for a beginner like Chen Qi, it is extremely difficult to practice blade release.

Of course, the premise is that he is not in the trial ground!

In the hundreds of consecutive deaths! And this battlefield exuding blood-red blade power, it is easy to meet the prerequisites for blade release!

The Blade Witch rushed over like thunder, using a simple, top-down slash!

No fancy techniques! Only pure violence!

Chen Qi exhaled a breath of white air from his mouth, and suddenly placed the long sword across his eyes, using brute force to resist the Blade Witch's slash.


The slashes of both sides formed a pure knife fight!


The Blade Witch laughed faintly, and her arms suddenly exerted force, pressing down hard. The bright red spiritual power kept pressing like the breath of a red dragon.

"Give up my flesh and blood..."

Chen Qi whispered, and at the same time, without any hesitation, he released all the strength of his body!

Hands, thighs, shoulders, neck, lungs, heart!

All the strength, all the breath! Release everything without any reservation!

Almost instantly, every breath began to be accompanied by severe pain!

This move that gathers all the strength and physical strength of the whole body, the loss of the body, in an instant, exceeded Chen Qi's imagination.


Chen Qi tried hard to recite, trying to continue to spread the power!

However, soon, the feeling of weakness and lack of oxygen permeated the whole body, and the heart broke.


The body, which had exceeded his limit, made a whine, and blood flowed from the eyeballs.

"The nonsense of the second-level scum, boring..."

The Blade Witch whispered, and mercilessly used force again, slashing down!


Accompanied by the feeling of muscle tearing, Chen Qi spit out blood——


The Blade Witch kicked the corpse in front of him away with one foot.

The blood mist spread again.

[Your understanding of the blade solution 'give up my flesh and blood, break its tendons and bones' has increased. 】

"It still doesn't work..."

Chen Qi returned to the starting point again, recalling the feeling just now.

He had already used up all his spiritual power, but because he released it too hastily, he lost his muscles and his heart reached its limit in an instant.

Just now, rather than saying that he was killed by the Blade Witch, it would be better to say that his weak body could not withstand the backlash of the moves!

Is it so difficult... Chen Qi sighed in his heart.

In addition to the sublimation of spiritual power, the physical body of the third-level extraordinary person will also be greatly strengthened.

As a second-level transcendent, he has not gone through this sublimation.

This also means that he must do his best to use techniques to shorten the side effects of the first stage in order to complete the release of liberation.

But, can it really be done in such a short period of time——

Chen Qi held the long knife again.

However, the next second, something beyond his imagination happened again.

The blade pierced his chest again!

So fast!

"The 508th time, eight seconds——"

Chen Qi said a number that he couldn't believe.

Eight seconds is the fastest time for him to die now! ! !

He broke the record again!

Impossible, the Blade Witch sat on the pile of corpses for at least five seconds, and sitting down also took time.

I was killed within ten seconds?

No, no... Chen Qi's eyes moved hard and looked at the Blade Witch beside him.

The Blade Witch raised her head slightly, with contempt in her bright red eyes, and whispered:

"A true blade should face situations beyond imagination."

"Come on! Let me teach you!"

The Blade Witch coldly pulled out the long knife from Chen Qi's chest.


Chen Qi fell to the ground again and looked at the prompt in front of him.

[You are like a wild dog on the roadside, kicked to death by the Blade Witch. 】

[Inspiration appraisal——]

[You successfully identified the characteristic of the 'Blade Witch' - memory. 】

[The Blade Witch will develop special memories of the most impressive points in her constant trials! 】

【Distant traveler! You successfully attracted the attention of the Blade Witch! 】

Can BOSS remember my moves? The more you fight, the stronger you become?

A trace of disbelief flashed in Chen Qi's eyes, and he returned to the starting point.

Form a defensive posture with the knife again!

No respite! No chance to think!

Accompanied by the whistling wind, Chen Qi's death speed became faster and faster.

Use your sword to resist! Then he was beheaded! Make a hoarse cry!

Use your sword to resist! Then he was beheaded! Make a hoarse cry!

The pain came like a tidal wave, wave after wave, with no sign of stopping.

Ten times, fifty times, a hundred times, three hundred times——

In only eleven of these three hundred times, Chen Qi was able to force out the Blade Witch's mad mode.

Only once was he able to make the Blade Witch speak dirty words, but in the end, he was defeated because of the failure of the blade witch.

Phew! Phew!

The number of deaths continues to accumulate without realizing it.

Five hundred times——

Seven hundred times——


The upper and lower pupils of Chen Qi kept shrinking, unable to describe the feeling at this moment.

"Wait, how many times has this happened?"

Chen Qi couldn't describe the feeling at this moment. A sense of powerlessness had penetrated his whole body.

That's a very special feeling——

A feeling more terrifying than pain, a feeling of no longer feeling pain——


Is my body starting to become numb to the pain——

I was obviously being chopped with a knife, tortured by the Blade Witch, and killed like a soldier, but at this moment, my spirit could actually withstand this kind of pain, and I became familiar with this kind of pain——

Am I having a nervous breakdown—

Chen Qi discovered that he seemed to have allowed the Blade Witch to slash him more than a thousand times, maybe even two thousand or three thousand times...

It hurts——


For some reason, Fen's figure suddenly flashed in Chen Qi's mind.

And what Fin said to him before leaving.

"If you can't hold on, just give up thinking and wait until the crack ends. I will be here..."

Is this the trial of the Blade Witch? Is this what Fen calls giving up thinking... Chen Qi touched his forehead and completely understood what Fen meant.

Now, he has a way to shoot himself in the head before the Blade Witch kills him. In this way, he can reduce the pain.

What Fen means is that if you really can't hold on, then give up in this way!

Relying on such a mechanical method! Maybe it can reduce the frustration of being repeatedly killed!

And when that time comes, Fen outside will comfort me, help me heal my mental loss, and comfort me...


Chen Qi relied on instinct and drew his sword again, blocking the blade witch's blow.

I'm really being underestimated——



A smile appeared on the edge of Blade Witch's lips, as if she could not anticipate the situation at this moment.

"What's wrong? Don't you want to continue reading?"

The Blade Witch let out a chuckle.

"I'm well rested."

Chen Qi estimated the time in his mind, and it was almost time to end this rift!


[Your understanding of edge release increases! 】

[Your understanding of edge release increases! 】

[Your understanding of edge release increases! 】

ten times! A hundred times! Thousands of times!

[Your understanding of edge release is only one step away! 】

Chen Qi returned to the starting point again, exhaled a bright red breath, and then immediately looked at the Blade Witch on the pile of corpses.

In a series of deaths, he has completed the construction of the victory formula!

Moreover, the desire to fight has reached the extreme!

Chen Qi exhaled a white breath:

"Teacher Blade, are you ready to rest?"

Chen Qi looked at the Blade Witch silently and said politely.

I have to admit that although the Blade Witch has killed him thousands of times, since he called the Blade Witch 'Blade Teacher', the Blade Witch's moves have become more and more fancy!

That’s right! Kill him in different ways!

What a pick! Spin! Stab! Slicing fruits randomly in the air! Piercing method! Came here all over again!

Among them, I will occasionally change my breathing method and switch my body skills!

Moreover, as long as he uses taunt skills, Blade Witch will also unlock kicking skills and long-range skills.

It can be said that Chen Qi's ability to persevere has a lot to do with Blade Witch's fancy moves.

Even if we don’t mention the rewards, these are the valuable practical experiences accumulated with the Blade Witch! It was enough to make Chen Qi end up in the crack and feel excited, unprecedented excitement.


This is the last teaching.

Chen Qi took a deep breath, silently took out the potion, and drank it in a gulp.

[You took a powerful healing potion——]

[When you take the bloody rage potion, your strength and agility will be greatly increased——]

[When you take the potion of the source of spiritual power, your spiritual power will burst out——]

The last time... Chen Qi said in his heart, feeling the feeling of power all over his body.

Potions are consumables and can provide considerable combat power.

However, he only has one bottle of the rarest bloody rage potion.

In other words, his biggest chance is only once...


Are you joking... A faint smile appeared on the corner of Blade Witch's mouth, and then like a bright red thunder, it came to Chen Qi's side.

red! Thunder falls!

clang! clang! clang!

Hound pace! ! Haunted by lingering flames! ! Furious Blade! ! The embers bloom! ! open!


Chen Qi used three instant steps in a row, and while dodging the lightning slash, he cut three bright red wounds on the left side, right side, and back of the Blade Witch.


The Blade Witch uttered a question. In her memory, the person in front of her should be a guy who could only mock.

She immediately turned around and executed a spin!


Shadow Blade Slash, Air Blade Swirl!

Chen Qi squatted down and executed a spin.

With the help of Teacher Blade, his Air Blade Spin and Shadow Blade Slash have all evolved!


Bright red blood splashed from the blade witch's chest!


The Blade Witch raised her eyes, ignored Chen Qi, and slammed her right leg down, forming a posture of holding a knife with both hands.

[The Blade Witch activated the Mad Demon and triggered the remaining blood posture! 】

strength! Gather!

The bright red spiritual power of the blade is like a spiral of blades, gathering on the blade and turning into a 40-meter-long sword energy, which is then wrapped with a large amount of spiritual power!

The surrounding dust and gravel are flying in the wind!

Armor of Shadow!

Chen Qi immediately opened the armor, drank another cup of powerful healing potion, and then placed the knife across his face.

"You pissed me off..."

The Blade Witch's whole body was like an unstoppable dragon, slashing out the blade.

"Kick wildly!"

As the Blade Witch roared angrily, an overwhelming force of terrifying sword energy rushed over!

"Sacrifice my flesh and blood——"

Chen Qi held the long knife in front of his eyes and poured out all his spiritual power.

heart! Limbs! consciousness! All rolled into one!


Along with the huge dust, Chen Qi's body continued to retreat, the shadow armor on his body shattered, and a large amount of blood splashed out! Unprecedented pain spreads throughout the body!


The Blade Witch opened her mouth and gasped for air.


That’s it!

I'm alive!

"It's my turn!"

A trace of scarlet flashed in Chen Qi's eyes, which was covered with bruises. He tried hard to maintain his standing posture, holding the long knife tightly with both hands.


A huge spiritual force field popped out from his heart, shocking him!

The thunderous power even shook countless corpses on the battlefield into the air.

"Learned it?"

The Blade Witch blinked, her eyes filled with disbelief.

However, Chen Qi didn't give it to him. With a loud shout, he slashed out his long sword.

"Break his bones!!!"

The spiritual power of the whole body turned into countless bright red sharp blades, forming a terrifying huge sword energy! Like a giant red wave on land, it slashes towards the Blade Witch!


"Blade counterattack! Sacrifice blood!"

"No way, you can't kill me! Come on! Cut me off!"

At the end, the Blade Witch formed a defensive counterattack posture!

She has to resist this blow!

Since Chen Qi resisted her attack, as a BOSS, she had no reason to dodge!

With the roaring sound!

The huge wave swept over her violently, tearing her blade, her light armor, and her bright red skin! Break the tough bones under that skin! !


The sound of the wind stirred up countless dust, and the only sound left on the battlefield was the sound of howling wind.


Chen Qi looked at the huge dust in the distance and fell down with a thud.

He was already dying, all the strength in his body had been exhausted, and his spiritual power had long been used up.

Relying on the healing potion, I can hold on for at most thirty seconds——

The sound of the wind became quieter and quieter.

With the breeze gently blowing through the hair.

Chen Qi's body was constantly flowing with blood.

In the corner of his vision, he saw the Blade Witch falling down, like a fish, lying in the dust.

Will she still stand up?

At this moment, in a question, the victory prompt finally popped up.



Chen Qi took a long breath and closed his eyes silently.

[You have perfectly mastered the blade solution - 'Give up my flesh and blood, cut off its tendons and bones'. ]

[You defeated the Blade Witch, the crack is being settled...]

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