Witch, I am really not the ancient god of the deep sea!

Chapter 238 The Messenger, the Fortune Teller, and the Light Keeper

The gentle sunshine gently passed through the windows and sprinkled comfortably on everyone.

This small room was filled with a bunch of materials in an instant... Jin Li introduced them one by one:

"Salamander tail, unicorn horn, mud beast fluid, sea dragon scales, X-type potion...these are all good things I got recently. They are all good things for making rare potions. Flower Witch, take a look. , do you have anything you want to buy? We can sell everything to you at the lowest price!

This price is four-fifths of the black market price! "

Rare material! The Flower Witch was particularly touched by this.

Sure enough, she wouldn't lower the price... Chen Qi glanced at Jin Li.

As an extraordinary person, Jin Li strictly abides by her only rule.

Everyone who abides by the sex signs will receive additional special bonuses.

As a legendary businessman, she must always maintain a strong desire to make money in order to stabilize the bonus of the Bei Xiang Extraordinary.

The bonus of the Shell-like Extraordinary Code can gain the ability to identify treasures in the cracks and reduce store prices.

Even if the object is the Flower Witch, Jin Li will not give things to her for free.

For legendary supernatural beings, professional mission and uniqueness are particularly important.

Of course, selling things at low prices is already a very rare thing for this big profiteer.

Jin Li habitually promoted:

"This mud beast liquid can be used to make a potion that dissolves clothes! It only costs one hundred thousand shells! This is a cat potion! It can give people the habits of cats! Two hundred thousand shells! This salamander tail! It can create flesh and blood awakening The potion! It only costs one million shells! Miss Fen!”

The Flower Witch frowned as she faced the sales pitch:

"You actually have a salamander tail. I've always wanted it, but unfortunately, I can't buy it."

Jin Li asked doubtfully:


The Flower Witch raised her head and said:

"I have no money."

Jin Li was stunned for a moment, and immediately rubbed her hands habitually:

"It's okay, Miss Witch, I also provide loan services. With just a little soul, you can exchange it for one million shell coins..."

He is worthy of being a big profiteer who will be beaten up by everyone, even his own leader will not let him go... Chen Qi on the side couldn't help but complained, scanning the messy materials that Jin Li took out.

The lizard tail has the X agent that reduces the rate of abnormal cells. It is a very good prop if you want to perform flesh and blood deformation surgery.

In addition, there is Tears of the Bone Dragon. If you can find the skull powder of the Skeleton General, you can entrust the Flower Witch Fen to make a potion that strengthens the bones of the whole body and greatly improves the long-lasting combat capability.

However, these things are too complicated... Chen Qi shook his head.

The Flower Witch took out her potion and exchanged it with Jin Li in exchange for some materials.

Afterwards, Jin Li excitedly took out a sea chart:

"By the way, Miss Witch! This is the slave on our ship... No! Our beloved captain, Captain Palu, has been looking for information about the Witch Trial Place. This is a new map he drew after the rift tide. .

You can take a look and rest assured, there is no charge! "


Fen excitedly took the map Jinli was excited about and unfolded it.

Jin Li's map... Chen Qi curiously moved closer to Fen's head.

Unlike ordinary sea charts, this chart pays more attention to the marking of resources and forces.

Among them, four trial locations are marked.

They are cup phase, blade phase, flower phase and scale phase.

Among them, Blade Aspect and Flower Aspect are both located in special sea areas, but the witch relics in these two places have been taken away by Fen.

In addition, there is the cup aspect and the scale aspect——

Of these two places, one is located at the base of the Poseidon Pirates, and the other is located at the headquarters of the Navy Moonstone City.

"Why...in these two places?"

The Flower Witch widened her eyes and asked in confusion.

Jin Li silently replied:

"According to our captain's information, the cup relic has become a sacred object of the Poseidon Pirates, while the scale relic was collected and sealed by the navy as early as ten years ago."

Jinli’s meaning is very simple.

The remaining relics! You can only rely on grabbing!

Fen rubbed his forehead. Neither the Poseidon Pirates nor the Navy were forces they could offend.

Wait - Chen Qi looked at this chart, his eyes couldn't help but shine:

"Fin, please lend me this map."

Chen Qi's frown gradually relaxed and he scanned the chart at an extremely fast speed.

This chart marks many rare resources and special locations.

Looking at these places, a lot of ideas came to me like a tide.

The drifting book ship, the abandoned lighthouse ship, the Poseidon Order, the black blade marching ship——

With the coming of the Laughing Moon, a large number of foreign forces have also entered the area of ​​the Witch Sea.

Currently, as a person who adheres to the aspect of lighting, Chen Qi's next career will definitely be related to the aspect of lighting.

Among them, he has three more conventional choices.

The first is [Messenger], a third-level lantern and shell-like profession. In addition to the moderate lantern and flower-like understanding and body skill skills, this profession can also obtain extremely strong running ability.

This profession has two 'express boxes', which can deliver the contents of the express box to another express box no matter how far apart they are.

At the same time, as a shell profession, it will also open a small store.

In addition, this profession has also mastered the ability of "space travel" and can study high-level auxiliary abilities such as "weather forecast" and "space jump".

The professional task is to deliver letters, and the task rewards spiritual points, plus special messenger coins.

The higher the difficulty of the delivery destination, the higher the reward.

This profession is also a legendary lamp profession, an orthodox lower-level profession of natural disaster messengers and great reporters.

In the Meteorological Bureau and the White Pigeon Newspaper of Beiguo, messengers are the most common and most competitive professions.

In addition, in the White Pigeon Newspaper, there is also a special profession of photographers, who can use cameras to capture ghost bodies and freeze others.

However, this profession is impossible to get without joining the White Pigeon Newspaper.

Second, the fortune teller, a third-level lamp book profession, obtains medium lamp book understanding, understanding increases, and inspiration increases comprehensively.

This profession comes with a simple "Tarot card" divination method. In addition, you can also learn pendulums, astrology, spiritual numbers, etc.

In terms of combat, the fortune teller can create many special spells that apply BUFF. Some talented fortune tellers can also apply powerful meteorite spells at the third level.

The professional task is divination. The weekly big divination, according to the object and result of the big divination, the profession will obtain special "divination inspiration", which can be used to strengthen skills and release lamp solutions.

The upper legendary lamp book profession of this profession is the master of astrology.

Third, the third-level lamp scale profession, the lamp keeper, can obtain medium lamp scale understanding.

This profession will gain a very special "lighting skill", as well as night vision and strong tolerance to darkness.

This skill can strengthen the light source within 50 meters, evolving it into a powerful "holy light".

Within the range of light, all hostile creatures will gain a weakness BUFF, and at the same time, the light will cause terrifying real damage to all dark creatures.

At the same time, it will also gain "day and night reversal", that is, the active time during the day is reduced, it is easier to be excited at night, and a special full attribute bonus BUFF will be obtained.

Generally speaking, the old man on each island lighthouse is often this profession.

The professional task is to guard the light. In simple terms, it is to light a lamp in a dangerous area and ensure that it is lit at dawn. Before the arrival of the enemy, the light will not go out.

The more dangerous the dangerous area is, the more rewards you will get. When the rewards are enough, you will also get extra "Light Inspiration", which can enhance the learning speed of skill cards.

The upper legendary Light Scale profession of this profession is the Lighthouse Keeper.

In addition, there are the Arsonist of the Light Shadow, the Ascetic of the Light Ice...

However, these Light Professions are difficult to develop even if they are successfully obtained without joining the Extraordinary Organization.

Messenger, Fortune Teller, Light Keeper... Chen Qi's fingers silently moved to various locations on this sea chart.

These three Light Professions have a probability of being obtained without joining the Extraordinary Organization.

The best way to get the Messenger is to kidnap and rob. As long as you can kidnap the people of the Meteorological Bureau or the White Dove Newspaper, and then get a career card, it is not difficult.

For example, Perlu of the White Dove Newspaper is the best kidnapping target.

As for the fortune teller, this profession needs to rely on the Book Ship that wanders at the junction of the Witch Sea and the Book Sea.

The Book Ship comes from the White Tower Federation and is the exploration ship of the White Tower Federation to enter the Witch Sea.

As long as you are willing to be a spy for the Bei Kingdom, agree to help the White Tower Federation, collect information about the Bei Kingdom Navy’s bases and the information about the trial ground, it is not difficult to get a fortune teller’s career card.

The acquisition of the lighthouse keeper depends on the keeper on the lighthouse.

When a crazy third-level extraordinary person dies, he will also drop certain special materials.

Although these materials It will cause a little distortion in the occupation card, but it is the best material for making a third-level occupation card!

Chen Qi placed his finger on the sea area controlled by the Poseidon Pirates.

During the battle between the Blood Blade Pirates and the Black Whales, the Poseidon Pirates secretly went to various sea areas and captured many islands.

According to the information he has, the lighthouse keepers of these Poseidon Pirates' islands have a very high probability of being crazy third-level light-phase transcendents!

In other words, as long as he can defeat a crazy lightkeeper and hand over the lightkeeper's materials to a card maker, he can get a lightkeeper's light-phase occupation card.

Well, which one should I choose... Chen Qi fell into thinking for a while.

At this moment, Fen secretly asked:

"What are you thinking about? "

Chen Qi answered very tangledly:

"I am thinking about the third-level path of my lamp phase--"

If he is a messenger, he needs a lot of body skill cards to grow. It is best to have a flying mount like the reporter of the White Dove Newspaper.

However, as the price of the ability to escape, his combat ability will be greatly weakened.

If he is a fortune teller, he must brush up the favorability of the White Tower Federation and become a super spy to get the subsequent book phase skill card.

But the exploration ship of the White Tower Federation is not an ordinary one, but an extremely dangerous organization.

The legendary hunter group under its command, the knowledge hunter, has the ability to instill knowledge and even change human common sense.

If you are not careful, your memory may be tampered with by them and become a tool for them to explore the Witch Sea.

If you are a lamp keeper, it means that he has to reverse day and night, and the activity time in the dark will be greatly increased.

At the same time, the lightkeeper itself is a special profession that attracts monsters and is prone to the curse of the night.

If he chooses the lightkeeper, then the danger of his adventure will be raised to a higher level.

In addition, the skill school construction of the lightkeeper requires many special scale skills, and the difficulty of obtaining these scale skills is also a problem.

The messenger is too weak, and the fortune teller relies on others. Sure enough, the lightkeeper is better...

Moreover, I have a lantern dedicated to the lightkeeper.

Chen Qi was entangled for a long time, and he could not help but wander from the route of the White Dove Newspaper, the Tower of Books, and the Sea God Pirates.

In the end, he slowly stopped at the base of the Sea God Pirates.

The intensity of the battle is his first consideration now.

In the environment of Xiaoyue, the danger of the night increases. The lightkeeper who can move in the night is undoubtedly a very powerful profession.

And suddenly, Chen Qi was surprised to find that a deep blue flame was marked on the sea area under the jurisdiction of the Sea God Pirates.

"Blue flame..."

Chen Qi was stunned.

Deep blue fire is a special fire that is born in the crack tide!

A kind of manic, furious, powerful and extraordinary fire!

The touch of the embers and the hand of the embers on his body are forged by this item!

Chen Qi immediately asked:

"Jin Li, what does this blue flame mark mean? The Sea God Pirates, dig the deep blue fire again?"

Deep blue fire? What is that? Jin Li looked puzzled:

"The Sea God Pirates attacked the ship of Bonfire Energy Company and robbed all the equipment of Bonfire Energy Company, and then started digging activities in that place."

"My Bei Xiang intuition tells me that the blue flame is extremely rare and is a rare good thing!"

Deep blue fire... Chen Qi and Fen are extremely excited.

This is definitely not as simple as a good thing! This is the strongest flame that can forge forbidden weapons!

The Sea God Pirates began to dig, which means that they found a vein of deep sea fire!

Good stuff... Chen Qi thought to himself, and couldn't help but set his sights on the territory of the Sea God Pirates.

Deep Blue Fire, plus a third-level Lighting Occupation Card!

Even if there is only one thing, it is enough for him to go to the Sea God Pirates.

Chen Qi looked around, confirmed that there were no ears on the wall, and raised his eyebrows and said:

"Fen, Jin Li, next, I am going to go to the sea area of ​​the Sea God Pirates."


The moment the words fell, Jin Li and Fen couldn't help showing surprised eyes.

What's going on? Why did this man suddenly decide to go to the base of the Sea God Pirates when talking about the Deep Blue Fire!

Is it for me? Finn couldn't help but raise his head excitedly, blushing and saying:

"Well, you don't have to go to the Sea God Pirates for the witch's relics, we can take it slowly..."

Jin Li coughed twice and reminded:

"Mr. Hunter, that is the base of the Sea God Pirates. With the support of the Black Whale Group, there are countless deformed sea beasts in that place! And countless twisted black shadows!

Moreover, the aggressiveness of those crazy Sea God believers is more fierce than the vicious pirates!"

Jin Li smiled coldly.

If the Black Whale Pirates are unreasonable plunder, then the Sea God Pirates are crazy.

Even the big businessman Jin Li is afraid to enter the base of the Sea God Pirates.

With Chen Qi's current strength, going deep into the territory of the Sea God Pirates alone is tantamount to seeking death.

Jin Li tried her best to dissuade the Black Hunter.


Chen Qi was silent for a moment, the tentacles on his clothes moved, then he leaned back and said with a smile:

"Don't you think that I and the Sea God Pirates are a good match?"

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