Go out? Jin Li's smile was a little awkward for a moment.

Since its establishment, the Ice Demon Pirates have been a pirate group that is highly tied to the witch.

They take the idea of ​​the Ice Witch as their creed, constantly looking for lost relics and hunting dangerous monsters on the sea.

For example, people like Chen Qi are their main hunting targets.

In the newspapers, they also praise the witch without reservation.

Whether it is the previous discussion about the relationship between the Black Hunter and the Flower Witch, or the discussion about the good and bad of the Flower Witch.

No matter which newspaper it is in, the position of the Ice Demon Pirates is firmly on the side of Finn.

And their leader Ditto Palu also expressed enough goodwill when facing Finn.

In the previous major event of the Blood Blade Pirates, their Ice Demon Pirates also went to the Distorted Sea to block the ships of the Black Whale Group.

However, Jin Li overlooked two points.

First, Finn does not read tabloids, and the recent presence of the Ice Demon Pirates cannot be published in the newspapers at all.

Second, Finn does not know her at all.

Even though the other party was the second in command of the Ice Demon Pirates, Finn didn't know him at all.

Well, I don't care.

Jin Li adjusted her gold-rimmed glasses, straightened her chest, and moistened her throat:

"Um, I am..."

Am I being impolite... The Flower Witch blinked and said in a lighter tone:

"Um, Miss Nurse, can you go out for a while? Sorry, we have some very important private matters to talk about."

Finn said seriously that what she was going to talk about next was about the Ice Witch.

If ordinary extraordinary people knew these things, it would only add to the trouble.

Chen Qi coughed twice and interrupted:

"Fen, this is the second in command of the Ice Demon Pirates, Jin Li."

As a legendary businessman! Jin Li perfectly fits her name! She is really rich! And beautiful!

As a mysterious businessman, Jin Li's store has countless rare materials and extraordinary props that are rarely seen!

Moreover, Jin Li herself has the characteristics of exploding gold coins and randomly exploding extraordinary props!

As a rare treasure chest monster that everyone fights, Jin Li is a well-known figure on the player forum!

Whether it is a human or a ghost, everyone wants to find Jin Li to explode gold coins.

If Chen Qi is a witch, she has already started to think of ways to use her identity as a witch to take the extraordinary materials from Jin Li.

"The second in command of the Ice Demon Pirates..."

Fen was stunned for a moment.

Jin Li's gold coin eyes lit up and she stretched out her hand again:

"Yes! I am Jin Li, the big pirate of the Ice Demon Pirates."


Fen couldn't help but shrink back and looked at Jin Li with an expression of disgust and fear.

Jin Li silently took her hand back.

Chen Qi explained again:

"The goal of the Ice Demon Pirates is to explore the ruins and dig up history. The bard we met before is the leader of this merchant."

Fen pinched the panicked little black flower on his head and nodded:

"I roughly understand, but is there anything? To be honest, I can't provide much help with the information about the witch trial site."

Jin Li rubbed her hands and said:

"Miss Witch, we need your help. In fact, we have found many clues to the trial site! Of course, as history says, we will never snatch the witch relics from you!

Also, we want to remind you that now, many people in the Blood Blade Pirates have begun to look for news about you."

"Will not snatch the relics... look for... us?"

Fen clenched his fists.

The Ice Demon Pirates' understanding of witches is far beyond her imagination!

Chen Qi lowered his head, and his thoughts could not help but spread.

At present, the Blood Blade Pirates are deeply mired in the quagmire of war. Whether it is veteran Gale or Lady Blood, they must be on the front line of the war.

Staying in the Blood Blade Pirates for a long time is not a clear choice.

I must also take a stronger step... Chen Qi tapped the bedside table twice and brought the topic back to the topic:

"Okay, Finn, just now I talked about your dream. How did your teacher hug you?"

Fen was still a little worried:

"This is information about the Ice Witch, about my teacher, I don't know if I can tell her..."

Chen Qi added:

"The Ice Demon Pirates, as a pirate group studying history, know a lot of things. According to my speculation, they know that the Ice Witch is your teacher, and they also know the Witch Trial Land and the role of the relics..."

The Witch main line is the premise of the Witch Sea main line, and in addition to the Flower Witch, the Ice Demon Pirates and the Black Whale Pirates are also ways to open the main line.


Jin Li blinked:

"Mr. Hunter, you seem to know a lot about our pirate group."

"Yes, he knows a lot!"

Fen interrupted, with a little pride in his tone that was hard to hide.

Because the people in your pirate group are all very important NPCs...Chen Qi coughed twice:

"I am a newspaper maniac. There are often introductions about the Ice Demon Pirates in the Witch Times and the Seal Times."

"I see..."

Fen nodded and said:

"My teacher hugged me from the deep sea, and she told me that in order to fight against the ancient god of the deep sea, in order for the Witch Sea to not become a lost land, and for my future, I must find all the witch relics in the trial land..."

Fen trembled and hugged herself subconsciously.

It seemed that there was really cold sea water in front of her eyes, and the hair of a female ghost gently brushed her face.

Looking for relics...Chen Qi's expression was solemn, and he entered a listening posture.

As expected, what the Flower Witch told was the main clue of the Witch Sea.

And this main line involves the world-destroying crisis of the Witch Sea, and also involves the path to becoming a saint.

"The Ice Witch is a god with thirteen ice phases, a saint chosen by the Goddess of Thorns, and the savior of the Witch Sea..."

Jin Li whispered to herself.

She knows my teacher's prophecy...Fen continued:

"My teacher predicted that after the war begins, Xiaoyue will rule the night, the four pirates will disappear in the whirlpool, the Steam Hand will fall in the north of the sea, and the city on the moonstone will become a pirate paradise under the cry of the banshee. With the birth of a demigod who does not belong to any kingdom or any ancient supernatural organization, the Great Whale will cross the border and suck everything in the world into its belly..."

"Their power exceeds the limit of legend and the limit of our power. We can't do anything..."

Fen glanced at Chen Qi and said in an apologetic tone:

"With our strength, we can't do anything at all."

Nothing can be done...Chen Qi tried to recall some key events in the Witch Sea.

The prophecy in Fin's mouth should be the major events in the Witch Sea, the defeat of the Steam Hand, the siege of the Black Whale Group, and the disintegration of the Blood Blade Pirates...

The Flower Witch was right. The major events in the Witch Sea, with the strength of the Flower Witch alone, could hardly do anything and could not stop anything.

Just like an ant trying to move a mountain, this is not something that can be accomplished by one person.

Fen clasped his hands together, with a hint of prayer in his voice:

"And the teacher told me that I must collect at least five witch relics before the call of the whale comes."

"Then open the path of the saint in the witch's coffin at the bottom of the deep sea..."

At this point, Fen paused:

"Then revive her, revive my teacher..."

"Only in this way can there be a glimmer of hope to fight against the deep sea ancient god and the whale in the prophecy."

Resurrect her? Resurrect the old woman who likes to explode and kill humanoid monsters and is conservatively over 500 years old? Chen Qi couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Although Chen Qi remained calm, at this moment, Jin Li beside him could no longer suppress her excitement.

Resurrect the Ice Witch! This is unprecedented big news! Big event!

A well-known figure in history! There is actually hope of resurrection!

However, out of politeness, Jin Li still suppressed the words in her heart as soon as possible and listened carefully.

The Flower Witch lowered her head, her eyes on the wound on her arm:

"The Witch Sea will perish. Although this is a prophecy, it is also an indisputable fact...

And if I want to revive my teacher, I must collect all the witch relics, which is impossible, because twenty years ago, the Whale Father of the Black Whale Group had already snatched the relics from my teacher...

Not to mention, I am just a sick patient."

Fen gritted her teeth slightly and said:

"You two, if you don't want to die on this sea, stay away from this place as much as possible..."


Fen was talking about discouragement again...Chen Qi interrupted her:

"Don't worry, I will go with you, and if there is a path to the saint, I will not give up this hope."

Compared to the main lines of other sections, the main line of the Witch Sea is just to revive the Ice Witch, which is already a relatively simple main line.

Moreover, in all the main lines, there is a path to the saint, or even the god! !

Chen Qi touched his forehead.

This path is also one of his ultimate goals.

He has now started the main quest of the Witch Sea.

If he cannot become a legend or a saint, his final consequence will be to become a sea ghost.

Not to mention, in Chen Qi's mind, it is impossible for him to abandon the Flower Witch and go to the Golden Flower Bird Kingdom to be a tamer.

On this sea, the two lonely people have long formed a bond.

Qi... Fen blinked and looked at Chen Qi dully, and a small blushing flower appeared on his head:


Chen Qi asked calmly:

"In short, Fen, do you need to revive the Ice Witch? If possible, I think you can ask the Ice Demon Pirates for help."

The goals of the Ice Demon Pirates and Fen's goals are highly overlapped.

Really? Finn cheered up, and looked at Jinli calmly with his bright green eyes:

"My teacher is the legendary Ice Witch. If you can help me, I believe my teacher will not mind providing you with a path to transcend human limits and become a saint..."

"The path to the saint?"

"Yes, the Witch's Coffin is a relic created by the Goddess of Thorns! It contains the methods and power to become a saint.

That's why the Black Whale Group is chasing me..."

Jinli clenched her fists excitedly, a little bit unable to believe her ears.

The Flower Witch actually said so many words to her in one breath!

Moreover, the path of the Saint is also an important information.

For a legend, a path of the Saint is enough to make them fall into complete madness.

Even Jin Li is no exception!

Jin Li put her hands on her thighs and said seriously:

"Miss Witch! The Ice Demon Pirates are willing to provide you with all the help! Everything!"

A good ally... Chen Qi leaned back slightly:

"This is a very dangerous and important matter, but you must not be impulsive. Can I ask, Fen, do you have any plans?"

Chen Qi vaguely remembered that after the Blood Blade Pirates incident, Fen was like a god of death. Every place he went, a terrible disaster would happen.

In the end, every time, he relied on "Flowers Blooming in Blood" to barely defeat the enemy and then escape.

Finn said seriously:

"There are thirteen witch relics in total. I need five relics. However, most of them have been lost. I only know that the ice-phase relic is in the hands of Whale Father, and the cup-phase relic is in the hands of the Sea God Pirates.

It is almost impossible for us to get these two relics, so my idea is to find clues to the ruins and then pass through those ruins..."

"Of course, before that, I must complete my promotion task, make a perfect potion, and complete my own promotion in a sea of ​​blooming flowers."

Pass through the cracks and then get the relics... Chen Qi shook his head and denied:

"Fen, this is difficult to do. Even if we have detailed intelligence, we can't get these relics, because there will always be someone who can pass through the ruins faster than us. Therefore, our best way is to rob!"

The Black Hunter is right... After listening, Jin Li also fell into thinking.

The Flower Witch said it very simply, but they who have been looking for witch relics can know the difficulty of this matter.

The witch trial site is very rare, and not every witch trial site has treasures.

The situation of the Blade Witch Trial Site is just a rare situation.

Every trial site, once it appears, will be quickly targeted.

Robbery! It is the best way to get these relics!

And the organization that knows the witch relics and can open the treasure is definitely not just the Black Whale Group.

In addition, Bonfire Energy Company and the Navy are their competitors.

Are they fighting the Steam Hand? Fighting the Black Whale Group?

The room fell into a brief silence.

Chen Qi closed his eyes, and his thoughts kept diverging.

The Ice Witch only needs to predict and wait for resurrection, but they have a lot of things to consider.

In the final analysis, if it weren't for the Flower Witch, with his current strength, he shouldn't have touched the main line at all.

Improving strength, advancing to the third level, and stepping into the threshold of masters are the real focus now.

As for the main line tasks, this is not something I should consider.

Now, these difficult tasks can only be handed over to the Ice Demon Pirates.

Chen Qi looked at his aching arm.

The third-level extraordinary person is the extraordinary level with the biggest gap in strength.

At this level, there are many schools such as monsterization, spiritization, shadow flow, martial arts flow, gold coin flow, gun fighting, etc.

In addition, there are many ways to greatly improve strength, such as prosthetic surgery, flesh surgery, tattoo surgery, book implant surgery, etc.

At this stage, I must choose a school, a third-level profession... Chen Qi touched his head and fell into trouble.

Although he now has some ideas for building schools and professional cards, he is seriously lacking in materials for these schools.

At the third level, the extraordinary person pays attention to his own comprehensiveness, and the materials required for each powerful school require a large number of specific extraordinary resources.

It is extremely difficult to get these extraordinary resources without joining the extraordinary organization.

Nowadays, the situation in the sea has changed too much, and Chen Qi cannot get these materials in a short time.

Where can I get these materials or intelligence?


Chen Qi suddenly realized that there is a super businessman in this room who is very fat.

A big businessman who knows a lot of information and has a lot of rare materials for building schools!

Jin Li did not notice Chen Qi's eyes, but excitedly opened the backpack card and took out the information and rare materials she had collected:

"Miss Witch, do you want to buy anything?"

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