Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 2 Gryffindor

Snape seemed to be speechless after hearing Filch's report. After confirming that Harry was not injured and that the blood on his body was not Harry's, he immediately arranged for someone to take poor Ethan to the hospital. Madam Pomfrey's hospital wing.

After arranging all this, Snape couldn't wait to hold the necks of the two young wizards with both hands, and brought Harry and Ron into his office as if they were carrying chickens. As soon as they entered the office, haha Leigh and Ron huddled in the corner of the office like quails. Snape sat behind his desk, his eyes raking back and forth from the two young wizards like a chainsaw.

"You were seen by at least seven Muggles, not to mention that you also seriously injured a wizard. Although I never had any good hopes for you two, I still didn't expect you to have fallen to such a degree! Even if Those dark wizards imprisoned in Azkaban have never done such crazy things at your age! I suggest you pack your bags and get ready to go home now. Maybe you will have to go to Azkaban. Woolen cloth!"

Snape was intimidating the two young wizards heartily. Although he knew that Dumbledore would never expel Harry, let alone send students from his school to Azkaban, this still did not prevent Snape from now After threatening the two young wizards, Snape showed a hint of pleasure in his eyes when he saw Harry and Ron, who were frightened to the point where their eyes were red and about to cry.

Harry and Ron were finally frightened to tears by Snape. Although they had realized that they had made a big mistake, after getting the exact news from Snape, the two young wizards still couldn't accept it, but Harry Leigh and Ron were sad about different things at this time.

At this time, Harry, who had been living in the Muggle world, didn't know where Azkaban was. In fact, when he heard the words "drop out", his mind went blank. He really couldn't accept that he was about to be expelled. , and then it’s time to return to the Dursley’s.

Ron, on the other hand, turned pale with fear that he might go to Azkaban. In fact, on the way to Snape's office, Ron was prepared for the worst punishment of being expelled from Hogwarts. He was ready, but when he heard Snape mention Azkaban, Ron was still stunned. In his impression, Azkaban had always imprisoned some extremely vicious dark wizards and Death Eaters, let alone Those terrible guarding dementors were gone.

After a while, low sobbing came from Snape's office, and the crying became louder and louder as time went by. Snape looked at the two young wizards in front of him with satisfaction. He was wiping tears sadly in the corner of his office, so that there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

But this pleasure was quickly interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

The person who pushed the door open was Gandalf with long flowing white hair and beard. No, it was Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts and the most powerful wizard in the world. He was wearing emerald green robes and a black conical hat. Professor McGonagall also combed her hair meticulously.

However, at this time, the expressions on both of their faces were extremely serious. Dumbledore checked Harry from top to bottom as soon as he entered the door. After observing that Harry was indeed not hurt in any way, it seemed that he A small sigh of relief.

Dumbledore's blue eyes were full of silent reproach. Facing Dumbledore's scrutinizing eyes, Harry and Ron instinctively shrank.

Professor McGonagall still looked at the two sobbing little wizards in front of her in disbelief. If Dumbledore's scrutinizing eyes were scary, the disappointed eyes of his own dean were even more painful, ha. Leigh and Ron were extremely sad under the gazes of the two deans and principals, and the seconds seemed like years.

After a brief silence, Dumbledore finally spoke, "Can you explain to me why you would do such a thing?"

Harry was about to speak, but Ron interrupted first, "This is all my fault. You can't fire Harry. I'm driving the car. This has nothing to do with Harry. I'm going to get my luggage." Just please don’t send me to Azkaban.”

When Azkaban was mentioned, Ron obviously collapsed again, and started crying like a wounded puppy.

"Of course I will not expel you or send you to Azkaban. In fact, I don't know why you think that I will send two underage wizards to Azkaban." Dumbledore's eyes Li revealed his surprise.

"Your punishment should be decided by your dean, Professor McGonagall." Dumbledore turned sideways and made more room for Professor McGonagall who was standing next to him.

"Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter will deduct 250 house points each. I will write to your parents today. Mr. Weasley, I'm afraid your family will have to come to school. If something like this happens again, If you behave badly, I will have no choice but to expel you." Professor McGonagall said seriously, straightening her hat which was slightly askew due to her hurry.

Snape's expression looked like he had just eaten a fly, and his eyes glanced at Ron and Harry with disgust and said, "Professor Dumbledore, these two students ignored the laws restricting the use of magic by underage wizards, and even He also seriously injured a wizard. Behavior of this nature is only natural."

"Severus" Dumbledore raised his hand to stop Snape from continuing, "For the two of them, let Professor McGonagall decide their punishment. After all, they are all students in her college. It should be her responsibility.”

"Also, I think Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter have been hungry all day. Maybe you should go to the Great Hall to have dinner first." Dumbledore winked at Harry and Ron.

As if they had been granted amnesty, the two young wizards hurriedly slipped out of Snape's office and walked toward the Great Hall with their heads down.

Watching the two young wizards' backs gradually disappear from sight, Dumbledore also looked serious, "Okay, Severus, Minerva, I think we have to go to the auditorium quickly for the sorting ceremony, and then we will go Hospital wing, take a look at that poor gentleman."

As soon as Harry and Ron pushed away the people in the auditorium, they were immediately drowned by the noise. The poor little Gryffindor lion was eating delicious food and singing, and suddenly found that the ruby ​​hourglass representing Gryffindor was suddenly emptied. It immediately caused an uproar in the auditorium. The Gryffindor students even wondered if the scoring hourglass was malfunctioning, while the Slytherin snakes were already laughing happily.

When the little wizards finally found out what "shattering" things Harry and Ron had done, buzzing discussions immediately filled the entire auditorium, so when Harry and Ron entered the auditorium, they were immediately greeted by everyone. Watch.

"You are so cool!" The Weasley twins patted Harry on the back in admiration, "Ron, I didn't expect you to have such ability. Come and tell us what happened."

The Weasley twins, who were the two giants in deducting points, no longer cared much about the Academy Cup. They excitedly waved the Evening Prophet in their hands, "Did you really hit a wizard? How was that person? Is he dead?" "

Harry keenly noticed that the attention of the little wizards around him had already been focused on him, and the Slytherins had already sang the song "Potter Murderer" they had just composed.

Finally, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Snape entered the auditorium. Under the intimidation of the three professors, the noisy auditorium finally became quiet, and the sorting ceremony finally continued.

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