Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 3 Conversation with Dumbledore

Hermione looked at the two little wizards in front of her angrily, "I can't believe you really did that! How dare you do such a thing. You are lucky that Professor McGonagall didn't expel you!"

"Oh my god Hermione, please stop criticizing us. Your tone is just like my mother's! The road to the platform is blocked for some reason. We have no other choice but to drive to Hogwarts." Ron begged as he scratched his head in pain.

"Is there no other way?" Hermione couldn't help but exclaimed, and immediately lowered her voice when she randomly discovered that the attention of the little wizards around her was diverted to her because of her scream.

"Why don't you use owls to deliver letters to the professors? I think the professors will find a way to send you to Hogwarts! Driving is definitely the stupidest way!" Hermione was so anxious that her two front teeth were missing. He came out, lowered his head and scolded Harry and Ron.

Ron and Harry looked even more frustrated after hearing Hermione's words. They finally realized what a stupid thing they had done. The two young wizards held their heads in annoyance, even looking at the roasted meat on the table. The greasy chicken legs were also uninteresting.

Hermione, who was about to say something, looked at the frustrated two people in front of her and their eyes that were still red from crying, and suddenly stopped her next criticism, and instead said in a comforting tone, "But it's okay now, Mai." Professor Ge doesn’t intend to expel you, does he? Let’s eat something quickly.”

The sorting ceremony and the opening banquet finally ended normally. The three young wizards were afraid of being questioned or laughed at by others. After Dumbledore announced the end, they lowered their heads and ran to the Gryffindor lounge as fast as possible.

Watching all the little wizards leave the auditorium, Dumbledore turned to Snape and said, "Severus, can you accompany me to the hospital wing to see that gentleman?"

"Well, it's obvious that we have to help him solve the troubles Mr. Savior left in the end." Snape glanced in the direction of Gryffindor Tower with disgust, and then followed Dumbledore towards the hospital wing.

When Dumbledore and Snape arrived at the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey was already waiting there. When she saw Dumbledore and Snape arriving, she immediately got together and whispered to Dumbledore: "This is The gentleman's injuries are not serious, but you should really come and see his specific condition."

After hearing this, Dumbledore approached Ethan's hospital bed, but the situation in front of him really surprised Dumbledore, because Ethan's body was covered with scratches and bites from fighting various monsters. There are scars, cuts and burns caused by sword slashes, and even two deep vampire teeth marks on the neck.

Dumbledore looked serious and fell into deep thought. It was hard for him to imagine how a person could still be alive after suffering so many injuries. Each of these dangerous wounds would be nearly fatal to ordinary wizards. Moreover, in the wizarding world, there are many white fresh wounds. Essence, a powerful healing agent, generally leaves no scars on wounds, but the way Ethan's wounds are treated is obviously more like Muggles', because stitches can obviously be seen around some larger wounds. Mark of.

Madam Pomfrey interrupted Dumbledore's thinking: "This gentleman's body is much better than that of ordinary wizards. In fact, when you sent him here, his bleeding had stopped on its own. His body was obviously There is something different from ordinary people.”

"I'm afraid he is not that simple." Snape seemed to be saying to himself. He had already begun to study the two long swords that Ethan carried with him. Snape's slender fingers traced the demon hunter's hand. The runes engraved on the human silver sword brought the silver sword closer to Dumbledore to show it, "The style of the runes has never been seen before, and even the mana structure in it is something I have never heard of. Even the casting process of the sword itself They are far superior to any weapons I have ever seen."

Madam Pomfrey frowned at Snape's unauthorized search of her patient's belongings in front of her. She wanted to stop him with words, but after looking at Dumbledore who looked thoughtful, he finally did not say anything.

Dumbledore's fingers traced the runes on the sword. Even he, the most powerful white wizard in the world, could not identify the exquisite runes on the sword.

Dumbledore put the long sword back into its scabbard, then put the long sword back to its place. He solemnly told Madam Pomfrey to notify him as soon as Ivan regained consciousness, and then left the hospital wing with Snape.

This night on the first day of school at Hogwarts is a sleepless night for many people, whether it is Ron and Harry who are tossing and turning in Gryffindor Tower and unable to fall asleep, or the little witch Hermione who is worried about her two useless men. , or the little red-haired witch who hides herself in a quilt and communicates with a black notebook, or the Principal Dumbledore who sits in the principal's office and meditates quietly, but the long night will always pass, and the dawn will eventually come .

When Ethan opened his eyes again, what he saw was the roof of the hospital wing of Hogwarts, and the silver-haired Dumbledore sitting next to him. Ethan looked at the unfamiliar environment around him blankly.

When Ethan looked around, Dumbledore was also observing him. When his eyes touched Ethan's cat-like amber eyes, even though he was well-informed, Dumbledore was briefly shocked.

Until their eyes met, no one spoke first, and an awkward atmosphere began to fill the air.

"I'm taking the liberty to ask, can you tell me where this place is?" Ethan was the first to break the silence.

"You are at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am Dumbledore, the principal here." Dumbledore replied after a moment of silence. Ethan's English with a slightly weird accent surprised him.

Hogwarts? The memories that had been gradually forgotten in his previous life finally returned to Ethan's mind. The Harry Potter series? Ethan scratched his head with a wry smile. Is this another joke played by God?

"Sir, are you okay?" Looking at Ethan's thoughtful look in front of him, Dumbledore couldn't help but interrupt Ethan's thinking.

"Ah, I'm fine." Ethan quickly showed what he thought was a warm smile, "Hello, I'm Ethan from Toussaint." Ethan, who had just arrived, had no intention of giving anything to the most powerful person in the world. The white wizard leaves a bad impression.

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't seem to have heard of Toussaint." Dumbledore, on the one hand, Ethan's ancient way of calling himself, and on the other hand, the place name that Ethan said he had never heard of.

"Never heard of it? What about Velen, Novigrad, Nilfgaard, and Skellige?" Even though he had figured out his current situation, Ethan still planned to look at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was a little confused. He could tell that Ethan was not making it up, but the place name that Ethan mentioned was indeed something Dumbledore had never heard of.

"I'm sorry, I have never heard of these places. Hogwarts is located in England. Do you know places like London, Edinburgh, and Belfast?" Dumbledore asked.

Ethan shook his head pretending to be helpless, but he was even more certain in his heart that he had traveled to the world of Harry Potter. "I think I know what's going on. Do you mind listening to a story?" Ethan adjusted He stood up in bed and said to Dumbledore.

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