Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 24 Harry is having a blast

Noticing the way her two friends looked at her, Hermione blushed slightly and stopped trying to get the second candy.

The three little wizards sat across from Ethan uncomfortably. No one spoke first, and the atmosphere in the office felt awkward for a moment.

In the end, Hermione was the first to break the silence: "Professor Ethan, can you tell us about the Chamber of Secrets?"

Ethan had already guessed that the purpose of the three young wizards coming to him must be related to what happened today, so he explained the legendary Slytherin Chamber of Secrets to the three of them.

"Then do you mean that the monster in the Chamber of Secrets has been released by the heir of Slytherin?" Hermione, Harry and Ron looked a little pale, and they realized that there were actually still monsters in the Hogwarts where they lived. Such a terrifying monster is hidden.

"I'm afraid that's the case" Ethan nodded and agreed with them.

"Oh my God, what should we do?" Ron couldn't help but cover his face and lamented. Harry and Hermione couldn't help but nodded when they heard Ron's words. They also wanted to know how to deal with the horror lurking in the castle. monster.

"Of course you continue to take your classes. I and the other professors will deal with this monster." Ethan showed his dignity as a professor, frowned and preached.

"But, that monster may attack students at any time!" Harry couldn't help but retorted.

"This monster is obviously not something you second-year wizards can deal with. As for how to prevent it, I suggest you try not to be alone when moving in the corridors. The professors at Hogwarts will definitely solve this trouble." Ethan warned seriously, and the three little wizards nodded helplessly and said they would listen to Ethan's words.

"Professor Ethan, we suspect that Malfoy is the heir of Slytherin! His family has been in Slytherin House for centuries, and he hates Muggle-born students very much. He once called Hermione a "Roman" En mustered up the courage to speak out her inner speculation.

Hearing Ron's words, Ethan couldn't laugh or cry in his heart. He was a reckless little lion after all. But on the surface, Ethan said seriously: "Mr. Weasley, these are quite serious accusations. What you suspect is true." What evidence?”

"We haven't found it yet, we are just guessing." Before Ron could finish, Ethan interrupted Ron, "Mr. Weasley, you can't accuse your classmates with such baseless accusations. I sincerely suggest that you My own studies are the top priority, and the responsibility of protecting students’ safety can be left to our professors.”

Seeing what Ethan said, the trio, who had already learned the information they wanted to know, planned to leave. They now also felt that it was a bit reckless to rashly sue Malfoy to the professor. The three little wizards politely said goodbye to Ethan and wanted to leave the office.

Ethan stopped them and said that it was already before lights out at night, and there were monsters running rampant outside. It would be very dangerous for the three of them to go back to the Gryffindor lounge alone, and he would send them back.

Since the emergence of the basilisk, Ethan has resumed his standard witcher attire of wearing armor and carrying two swords. This time, the lobby did not raise any objections. In view of the current situation at Hogwarts, Ethan's attire was instead It can bring some sense of security to everyone.

While escorting the three young wizards back to the lounge, the four of them did not talk. Only Harry looked hesitant to speak, as if he wanted to say something to Ethan.

Just when the four of them reached the entrance of the Gryffindor lounge, and Ron and Hermione had already said goodbye to Ethan and were about to enter the lounge through the Fat Lady's portrait, Harry stopped Ethan.

"Professor Ethan, I have been hearing some strange sounds recently that others cannot hear. I heard it once in Professor Lockhart's office, and I heard it a second time before Mrs. Norris was attacked. That voice." Harry said hesitantly.

Hermione and Ron were surprised. They didn't expect that Harry would confess this to Ethan at this time. Ethan was equally surprised. He didn't expect that Harry would actually tell him about this. You know In the original plot, even if Dumbledore asked, Harry did not tell Dumbledore.

Ethan pulled Harry to the corner of the corridor. Hermione and Ron followed closely. Ethan stared into Harry's green eyes and asked one word at a time: "Harry, tell me what you heard." What."

Harry felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Ethan. He hesitated for a moment, then began to recall the sound he heard and repeated: "Kill you and tear you apart. I'm so hungry."

After saying this, Harry suddenly found that Ron, Hermione and Professor Ethan were looking at him in surprise, which made Harry a little confused.

"Oh my god, Harry! You were talking about snakes just now!" Ron opened his mouth in surprise. Although he had known that Harry was a Parselmouth, Ron was still frightened when he heard a snake language for the first time. Jump, even ordinary greetings between Parseltongues, to outsiders it sounds like the two of them are plotting some evil conspiracy.

Harry's face immediately turned pale when he realized that he was speaking Parseltongue just now. He realized that his talent for Parseltongue had been completely exposed in front of Ethan.

The three little wizards all watched Ethan's reaction nervously. Ethan was slightly stunned when he heard the snake language. Looking at Harry's frightened look, he patted Harry on the shoulder with relief.

"I understand this situation Harry, if you hear that voice please tell me immediately, or any other professors around you, okay?" Ethan said to Harry as gently as possible.

Harry nodded hurriedly after hearing Ethan's words. Ethan then signaled to the three young wizards that they could go back. Harry followed Hermione and Ron into the Gryffindor lounge as if he had been granted amnesty.

After watching the three little wizards enter the Gryffindor lounge, Ethan thought for a while and then walked to the principal's office.

The two gargoyles at the door of the principal's office were still guarding the entrance to the office dutifully.

"Password" Seeing Ethan standing in front of the door, the gargoyle said dryly.

"Zizzi honey candy?" Ethan tried the password for his first visit to the principal's office.

"Wrong password"

"Lemon Snow"

"Wrong password"

"Pile of Cockroaches"

"Wrong password"

"Liquorice Candy Bar"

"The password is correct." The gargoyle spun around, revealing a staircase leading to the principal's office. Ethan accidentally hit the right one.

Since it was evening, all the portraits in the principal's office had gone to bed, and the phoenix Fox who was woken up was staring at Ethan with curious eyes. Fox seemed to be in a bad mood, and his coat color was not very bright and was a bit messy.

"Don't worry about Fawkes, he's going to Nirvana soon" Dumbledore appeared to greet Ethan.

Dumbledore is wearing some cartoon-style pajamas, which are printed with a yellow crescent moon wearing a cartoon smiley face. Paired with Dumbledore's long silver-white beard, it looks a bit funny.

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