Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 25 Magazine

Dumbledore looked at Ethan dissatisfied and said, "What's the matter? Professor Ethan, it's very rude to disturb an old man's sleep."

Ethan did not respond to Dumbledore, but seriously told Dumbledore that he discovered that Harry was a Parseltongue.

Dumbledore's expression quickly became serious. He sat on the office chair and crossed his fingers, which was what Dumbledore was used to doing when thinking.

Dumbledore was surprised that Harry Potter was a Parseltongue, and it reminded Dumbledore of Tom Riddle. He realized that the connection between Voldemort and Harry was far greater than he expected.

"Thank you very much for your help, Professor Ethan." After a long silence, Dumbledore came back to his senses and thanked Ethan.

"Want to listen to a story, Ethan?" Dumbledore was completely sleepless. He sat in a comfortable position on the principal's chair and invited Ethan.

"I'd like to hear the details." Ethan didn't refuse and sat across from the principal's desk. Dumbledore turned around and took out two glasses from the cabinet and snapped his fingers. The glasses were automatically filled with butterbeer. Ethan held up After a glass and a big sip, this thing tastes really good.

Next, Dumbledore told Ethan what happened at Hogwarts fifty years ago. After listening to Dumbledore's story, Ethan looked serious, "Was Tom the last user of the Chamber of Secrets? He used Killed a monster that lived for thousands of years? And he also framed Hagrid?"

Dumbledore nodded solemnly and then said: "I originally made a plan to eliminate Voldemort, but now I find that things may be far more complicated than I thought." Dumbledore rubbed his temples. At this time, Dumbledore Lido is indeed a very old man.

"Ethan, I want you to protect Harry when necessary. Harry is very important." Dumbledore suddenly pleaded.

"Even if you don't say anything, it is my duty as a professor to protect Harry. I won't disturb your rest at this late hour." Ethan stood up suddenly, interrupting Dumbledore's next words. Dumbledore was a little surprised to see Ethan react like this, but he still agreed to Ethan's request and signaled that Ethan could leave.

Ethan let out a long breath after leaving the principal's office. Ethan was even afraid that Dumbledore would invite him to join the Order of the Phoenix. He had no desire to be a part of Dumbledore's great plan. In the original plot, Dumbledore The loyal Order of the Phoenix suffered heavy casualties due to Dumbledore's plan, and Ethan had no intention of becoming one of them.

What Ethan wants to do now is just to survive in this world and continue the legacy of the Witcher as much as possible. As for why he told Dumbledore that Harry is a Parseltongue.

Ethan believes that even if Harry is unwilling to tell Dumbledore, Dumbledore's superb Legilimency can still easily obtain Harry's memory. If Dumbledore discovered during Legilimency, Ethan concealed his discovery of Harry. It's the Parseltongue thing, which will definitely arouse Dumbledore's suspicion.

Time flies very quickly, and Hogwarts will soon have its first Quidditch match. During this period, there is another major event in Hogwarts, that is, the "Hogwarts Campus Magazine" is finally on sale. This magazine not only publishes the outstanding student papers mentioned by Ethan, but also adds many interesting campus anecdotes.

Professor Flitwick admired this magazine very much. He talked through several other professors and published many professors' contributions in the magazine for free. Ethan read it carefully.

Professor Flitwick contributed an article about his adventures in his youth, Professor McGonagall contributed a guide to choosing a broomstick, Professor Sprout gave an article about his own experience and experience in taking care of herbs, and Professor Snape's article It is a paper about the application of African horned toads in potions that has been on the shelf for a long time.

Surprisingly, Dumbledore also wrote an article about his experience of appreciating all the candies on the market. He also thoughtfully rated all the candies with stars. Among them, the cockroach pile and the licorice candy bar received Dumbledore's special recommend.

At the end of the magazine, Ethan chose some jokes that he thought were funny. When Professor McGonagall reviewed the magazine, he firmly asked Ethan to delete some of the top jokes that Ethan thought were particularly funny. According to Professor McGonagall, this was For Ethan's sake, these jokes would make Cornelius Fudge, the British Minister for Magic, furious.

Then Professor McGonagall forcibly "borrowed" Ethan's joke collection. In the next few days, the little wizards in Gryffindor found out strangely that Professor McGonagall seemed to be in a good mood recently, and the little wizard with sharp ears often could Heard laughter coming from Professor McGonagall's office.

"Hogwarts School Magazine" quickly became popular throughout Hogwarts as soon as it was released. "Hogwarts School Magazine" is priced at fifteen cents per copy. Today's Hogwarts, you can often see little The wizard held a copy of "Hogwarts School Magazine" and read it carefully.

This magazine has provided different conveniences to many little wizards. Outstanding students such as Percy, Hermione, and Penello have received generous royalties from the magazine. The little wizards of Hufflepuff especially like Dumbledore. Lido’s article on candy tasting, many Hufflepuff wizards even ordered a batch of candies from Honeydukes Candy Store based on Dumbledore’s ratings.

Gryffindor students especially like Professor Flitwick's adventure stories. The hot topic among the Gryffindor little lions now is who is more powerful, Professor Ethan or Professor Flitwick.

The Quidditch players are most concerned about the broomstick selection guide written by Professor McGonagall, which details the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of various flying broomsticks on the market today. The Gryffindor Quidditch team Captain Wood also specially wrote them down in his notebook. He felt that this information could be the key to turning defeat into victory under certain circumstances.

Hermione likes the "Hogwarts School Magazine" very much. Recently, she can often be seen reclining on the single sofa in Gryffindor, reading the magazine with gusto. When Ron and Harry approached Hermione, they were surprised to find that She was looking at Snape's paper on the use of African horned toads in potions.

According to Hermione, although Snape was very annoying, his knowledge was indeed very profound, and Snape was still qualified as a professor at Hogwarts.

For Ron, the joke at the end of the page was the highlight of the book. He would often laugh while reading it, and Hermione would look at Ron with great contempt at this time.

Even Neville is obsessed with magazines. Neville is very talented in herbal medicine. Recently, Neville can often be seen sitting alone at the table and carefully reading Professor Sprout's experience and experience in taking care of herbal medicine.

If there is anyone who doesn't like the "Hogwarts School Magazine", it's Lockhart. At first, Lockhart didn't think much of Ethan's magazine, but when he found out that the magazine had been so enthusiastically received, After the welcome, he began to regret missing a big opportunity to show his face.

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