Under the instructions of Chen He and Zhang Yun, Cheng Xiaodie began to chat with Bai Shuyu.

Zhuang Zhou Mengdie: Is there anything wrong?

There is a golden house in the book: That's right, I heard that my sister's mentor is an expert in orthopedics, and I want to ask my sister to help introduce me to meet him.

Zhang Yun on the side suddenly penetrated Bai Shuyu's thoughts.

frowned and said, "Bai Shuyu wants to see your mentor, can't it have anything to do with Chen He's illness?" Chen He didn't

know too much, so he could only let Cheng Xiaodie continue to ask.

Zhuang Zhou Mengdie: Yes, but my tutor is very busy, and he does not accept private appointments unless he goes to the hospital to register.

It's a fact.

Even when Chen He went to the capital before, he met directly in the hospital.

The older generation of physicians has their own set of rules of conduct, which cannot be easily broken.

There is a golden house in the book: It's okay, then I'll go to the hospital to see his old man, and I have a question I want to ask my senior sister.

Is it possible to save the life of a bone cancer patient after the amputation?

Bai Shuyu on the other end of WeChat pinched his mobile phone and did not move for a long time.

Unexpectedly, the other party did not reply to the message for a long time.

Seeing that her expression didn't seem right, the colleague on the side hurriedly asked, "Shuyu, what's wrong with you?" Cheng Xiaodie's

WeChat was recommended to her by this colleague.

Because Bai Shuyu said that a relative in his family had bone cancer, he was afraid that he would die soon, and he went to the best doctor in the capital and did not get better.

That's when her colleague asked her to ask Cheng Xiaodie.

After all, there are some diseases, mysterious and mysterious, maybe you can get better by looking at Chinese medicine.

It's not that their medical students don't believe in Western medicine, but that there must be a lot of brushes for Chinese medicine in China to circulate for so long and endure.

Hear inquiries from colleagues. Bai Shuyu smiled reluctantly.

"No, she passed and chatted too. "

Just no reply.

She figured out in her heart that maybe Cheng Xiaodie wouldn't dare to pack the ticket.

At work these days, Bai Shuyu is a little restless.

One is because of the case of his mother Liu Yu, and the other is because of Chen He's condition.

If she wasn't a doctor and hadn't seen those cases that were pulled back from the ghost gate, maybe Bai Shuyu would accept the facts calmly like the eldest sister.

But Bai Shuyu is a doctor, and she always has a glimmer of hope.

Because the medical miracles in the book are real.

She hopes that a miracle can happen to Chen He.

Even if he doesn't want to forgive his mother.

Bai Shuyu didn't want him to die either.

These are two different things.

And the reason why Bai Shuyu is so persistent is, on the one hand, because of the guilt of Chen He.

On the other hand, it is also the natural dedication of doctors to patients.

She will never forget.

When she was bullied by her classmates when she was a child, and when she didn't dare to tell her family when she went home and trembled, it was Chen He who pulled her out of the abyss.

Now that the misunderstanding has long been resolved, Bai Shuyu has no reason to hate Chen He anymore.

Naturally, she went out of her way to help him.

She is already fighting for a public place in the hospital today.

If domestic medical skills can't save Chen He, then Bai Shuyu will go abroad.

In short, she will do everything she can to access the medical resources she can access and go to Chen He.

After about twenty minutes, Fluttershy finally replied.

Zhuang Zhou Mengdie: Although there are a few cases at present, they also vary from person to person.

The reason why it took so long to reply was because Chen He and Zhang Yun had guessed the intention of Bai Shuyu for a long time.

Zhang Yun felt that Bai Shuyu should be a weasel greeting the chicken for the New Year, but he didn't have a good heart.

Chen He said he was indifferent.

Maybe Bai Shuyu just asked on a whim.

She had also taken herself to a hospital in the capital to see a doctor, and the results she got should be enough to make her die.

What's more, Chen He didn't care what this former sister wanted to do.

"What if she really wants to save you?" Cheng

Xiaodie's sixth sense tells her, it's not that simple.

Chen He shook his head and smiled indifferently.

"The Bai family does things with a certain purpose.

"They won't do it at a loss. "

Just like before, the five sisters came to the door to ask for forgiveness.

It's not like I'm thinking about getting Liu Yu's letter of understanding.

The story of the wolf is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Chen He will no longer believe them stupidly.

He reached out and put his hand around Zhang Yun's shoulder, telling him not to think about it.

"There is wine today, and there is drunkness today.

"Tomorrow's sorrow comes, tomorrow's sorrow.

Zhang Yun originally thought so, but for some reason, Song Xiangsi's face suddenly flashed in his mind, and he blurted out: "Did you break up with Song Xiangsi?"

In the last few days, I haven't heard him mention it.

Chen He's smile stiffened, and he silently withdrew his hand.

He sat back on the couch and took a sip of the glass of water.

Cheng Xiaodie saw his unnaturalness, and secretly pinched the fine meat on Zhang Yun's waist, signaling him not to open any pot.

Zhang Yun gasped, but still didn't shut up.

He frowned, a little upset for Song Xiangsi.

"Brother, I didn't say you.

"The little girl has been waiting for you for so many years, and you still can't bear to break up with her?"

Regarding the matter between the two of them, Zhang Yun is the one who knows the most.

It's a pity that they are two people who like each other, but they miss it for various reasons.

The water in the cup was already cold, as cold as Chen He's heart.

Chen He smiled bitterly and took the cup in a circle in his hand.

"It's because I delayed her for too long in the past, and I am not qualified to delay her any longer.

"It's better to break it all at once.

"She'll be able to embrace a new future.

Cheng Xiaodie's brow furrowed.

She disagreed.

"I heard Zhang Yun say about you, and I can understand your thoughts.

"You feel sick, and if you let her know that she is going to be in pain, it is better not to let her bear the pain.

"Sooner or later, however, she will find out about it.

Cheng Xiaodie stood up, looked at Chen He condescendingly, and said.

"You self-righteously weave a beautiful dream for her, but you don't know that she may not want to live in it. "

Chen He, truly loving someone is tolerance and understanding, not self-righteousness, this is for her good.

Cheng Xiaodie's words suddenly pulled Chen He out of his sadness.

Like thunder, Daigo empowerment.

His body trembled uncontrollably, and he couldn't even hold the cup in his hand, and with a bang, it slammed on the coffee table, then fell to the ground and shattered.

It turned out that what he did was nothing more than selfishness.

Yes, his cancer, Song Xiangsi will know about it sooner or later.

What right does he have to deprive Song Xiangsi of her right to know?

If you love someone, you should fully respect her.

Whatever choice she makes, she shouldn't be pushed away with her own hands.

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