The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

Mother Jiang also said:

"That's right, your grandmother is right."

Jiang Nanzhou said helplessly:

"Let everything take its course. Besides, Xiaoli gave up her overseas career and decided to return to China to start a business because of me. She will be very busy this year. Don't worry about it. Go back to sleep quickly. I'll go back to my room first."

Jiang Nanzhou ran away after saying that.

Seeing that the key figures they discussed today had gone back to sleep, Mother Jiang and Grandma Jiang dispersed and went back to their rooms to sleep.

Jiang Nanzhou went back to his room and chatted with An Lichu on WeChat. Jiang Nanzhou asked her if she wanted to go out to sea together tomorrow. An Lichu didn't go when she heard that there were only a few men. She wanted to make a plan at home.

After all, she couldn't do nothing and wait for her dear bestie to come and do it together.

Jiang Nanzhou kept listening to An Lichu's steady breathing when she was asleep on the phone before hanging up the video.

The next day, Jiang Nanhai came to Jiang Nanzhou's house when it was almost time to leave.

It was a rare relaxing day. Jiang Nanhai didn't have to get up early to go to the store. He slept in.

When Jiang Nanhai was recuperating at home, he thought about waiting for him to get well and wait for Jiang Nanzhou and the others to go out to sea to play on the boat with them, but he started working after he got well and never had time.

Jiang Nanzhou's equipment was all on Nanwan No. 1. He had to go to his fishing boat to get fishing gear first.

"Brother Nanhai, let's go to the dock now. I just received a WeChat message from Boss Wang. They will arrive in a while. I'll go get the fishing gear."

"Okay, let's go."

Jiangnanhai was waiting for Jiangnanzhou on the dock. Jiangnanzhou went on the boat to get the fishing gear bag.

He was standing on the dock and enjoying the sea breeze. At this moment, Jiangnanhai saw something in the sea moving quickly towards this side.

But he couldn't see it clearly because it was too far away. But when it was close to the dock, the speed of the thing slowed down.

The sea water today was particularly clear. Even if the thing didn't float to the surface of the sea, Jiangnanhai could see it clearly. It turned out to be a big sea turtle.

Although Jiangnanhai didn't watch Jiangnanzhou's live broadcast very often, he also knew that a protected animal, a rare green sea turtle, often appeared in Jiangnanzhou's live broadcast room.

The reason why Dandan suddenly slowed down was because it found that it had recognized the wrong biped. This was not its biped owner.

It has been around for several days, but it has not met the owner of the two-legged beast. It can only move around nearby so that it can observe the boat of the two-legged beast owner at any time.

Jiangnanhai looked at the big turtle and disappeared, feeling a little regretful. He should have recorded it earlier. After all, he had never seen a turtle that swam so fast.

When Jiangnanzhou came over with the fishing gear bag, he saw Jiangnanhai staring at the sea.

"Brother Nanhai, what are you looking at? Your eyes are straight."

Jiangnanhai came back to his senses and said to Jiangnanzhou:

"I just saw the big turtle that often touches you in your live broadcast room. Unfortunately, I forgot to record it. It swims really fast."

Jiangnanzhou heard Jiangnanhai say that he saw Dandan, and immediately Jiangnanzhou shouted to the sea:

"Dandan, Dandan, are you still here?"

As soon as Jiangnanzhou finished speaking, he saw Dandan swimming out quickly from the back of Nanwan No. 1, like a small whirlwind, that fast speed.

Jiangnanhai had seen netizens say that this big green sea turtle was very human, but it was different to see it with your own eyes.

Jiangnanzhou was worried that it would not be able to stop.

They went down the steps to the beach, and Dandan also came ashore from this side.

He quickly ran to Jiangnanzhou's side, rubbing his big head against Jiangnanzhou and acting coquettishly with him.

Jiangnanzhou saw that Dandan's body had grown a lot, and it was estimated to be two meters tall now.

Jiangnanhai was shocked to see the big green sea turtle interacting with Jiangnanzhou.

"Nanzhou, can I touch it?"

Jiangnanzhou thought of the fact that Dandan did not resist when Jiang Tianfu and others touched him before, so he said:

"Touch it and try it. If it hides, it means it doesn't want you to touch it."

Jiangnanhai stretched out his hand eagerly and touched Dandan's head.

Dandan did not hide, and Jiangnanhai couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the touch was not very good, and it was a bit rubbing after touching it for a long time.

Jiangnanhai suddenly felt the urge to urinate, but Boss Wang and his crew were nowhere to be seen, so he said to Jiangnanzhou:

"Wait here, I'm going to the toilet."

Jiangnanzhou thought, it's a good idea to go, it's a good opportunity to give Dandan a drink of marine biological nutrient solution.

And Dandan is acting like a spoiled child here.

Probably for the marine biological nutrient solution.

After Jiangnanhai disappeared, Jiangnanzhou replaced two bottles of marine biological nutrient solution for Dandan from the system.

After all, they hadn't seen each other for so long, and Dandan hadn't drunk it for so long. It was okay to give it more this time, and there was no harm anyway.

It was the first time that Dandan felt that its bipedal master was not stupid and actually understood what it meant.

After swallowing two bottles of marine biological nutrient solution, it instantly became quiet and lay down next to Jiangnanzhou.

After Jiangnanhai came out of the public toilet, he came to the beach and saw this scene, feeling that the years were peaceful.

Jiangnanzhou also felt that he was quite powerful. He guessed right that Dandan was so enthusiastic and coquettish to him just for the marine biological nutrient solution.

He had a feeling that no one knew his son better than his father, and he knew his son well.

When Boss Wang and his friends arrived, they saw Jiangnanzhou and Jiangnanhai waiting at the dock.

Dandan went to the sea to play.

But he kept an eye on Jiangnanzhou's every move in real time.

When Jiang Nanzhou and his friends boarded Boss Wang's yacht, Boss Wang said quickly:

"Brother, I'm really sorry. I have a few friends who decided to come with me at the last minute. I'm late waiting for them."

Jiang Nanzhou said to him with a smile:

"It's no big deal. I don't have anything to do today anyway."

"Brother, I hope you don't mind."

Boss Wang took Jiang Nanzhou and Jiang Nanhai into the cabin and introduced them to each other. Jiang Nanhai and them chatted for a while.

He is indeed a social expert.

They are all businessmen. Their hobby is fishing. They are also very generous in speaking and doing things.

But there is one person who is not very likable. It's okay that he has a sour face, but he also speaks sourly.

"I've heard of Mr. Jiang's name for a long time. Your Nanwan No. 1 is considered a big one in our city. Why don't you go out to sea to fish now and go sea fishing instead?"

This person is Tong Xiaowei. Manager Yang just whispered to Jiang Nanzhou about this person's identity. This person's family is also in the seafood business. In the past, many fishing boats on Nanwan Island cooperated with their family.

Since Jiang Nanzhou's Nanwan Trading Company started to receive goods, their business has become more and more difficult.

They can only raise the purchase price for the fishermen, but doesn't this make his family's business less profitable?

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