After the lottery, Jiangnan Zhou ended today's live broadcast. After dinner, he walked around the boat and checked the equipment and supplies. Because Jiangnan Zhou specifically notified them to prepare more, some vegetables were no longer fresh, and the vegetables they had eaten in the past few days were not easy to preserve. Before the trip, Jiang Ershu specially filled up the Nanwan with oil and prepared ten barrels of diesel in case of emergency. Standing on the deck, blowing the sea breeze and looking into the sea, there were many rare fish. No wonder so many fishing boats came to the high seas. Just then, a familiar turtle shadow broke into Jiangnan Zhou's sight. Jiang Nanzhou didn't quite understand. Was this silly but relatively spiritual sea turtle relying on him?

It seemed that he should go to bed early today. He should reach the island tomorrow.

He didn't know what the prince was thinking, hiding so many gold and silver treasures on such a faraway island.

Jiang Nanzhou didn't expect that the island had not been submerged for hundreds of years.

The sea turtle didn't quite understand when he saw Jiang Nanzhou ignoring it.

Why did the owner of this biped ignore the turtle?

Was it because the turtle didn't do well enough?

Or was the owner not satisfied with the gift he gave?

Well, the owner must be dissatisfied, so he ignored the turtle! ! !

The sea turtle swam in another direction. He planned to find another gift for his owner.

Jiang Nanzhou had just finished washing up in the morning when Jiang Tianfu's voice came from the radio, asking him to come to the deck quickly.

When he arrived, the crew members gathered by the boat, discussing something.

"Do you think this big turtle is here to repay a favor?"

"Of course, I saw it push the container to the side of the ship and then stop."

"I've heard from the older generation that turtles are spiritual, but I've never heard that they are human."

"Who says they aren't? Turtles know how to repay a favor, which is better than some people today."

"I don't know what's in this container."

Jiang Nanzhou was also very interested in the container. He had heard that containers could be picked up at sea, and some containers even had cars in them.

He didn't expect that this big turtle would give him another surprise today.

When everyone saw Jiang Nanzhou, they made room for him.

When the big turtle saw Jiang Nanzhou, it deliberately pushed the container forward, with an obvious intention to give it to Jiang Nanzhou.

They were all a little surprised to see the big turtle act so humanely.

"Nanzhou, look, the big turtle is here to repay you."

"It should be, but this container is so big that it's hard to get it up. I'll go down to the sea and tie the two sides with ropes to see if the crane can pull it up."

Jiang Tianfu patted Jiang Nanzhou on the shoulder and said:

"Okay, be careful, I'll find you a rope."

Jiang Nanzhou thought, he's already repaid the favor, and he doesn't know why this big turtle is giving him a gift.

When he went back to the room to change into a diving suit, Jiang Nanzhou also took out the drone live broadcast equipment.

It was planned to give netizens a big blind box unboxing live broadcast.

After the live broadcast started, he greeted the netizens in the live broadcast room as usual, and then hung up.

"Good morning, Fisherman."

"I didn't expect Fisherman to start broadcasting so early today."

"I was still in bed, watching Douyin, and suddenly I got a reminder that Fisherman was on the air. What a surprise."

"Aren't you all going to work? The office workers are already on the bus."

"I'm sitting on the toilet and pushing hard. Hehehe, is there anyone who can help me push hard together?"

"Yes, yes, I'll say one, two, three, and we'll push hard together."

"Look, what's in the sea."

"Wow, the big turtle is here again."

"No, no, didn't you see the container?"


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