After twenty days, the train arrived in Hangzhou. Walking out of the station, looking at the prosperous Hangzhou, which was still brightly lit in the middle of the night. Su Hong exhaled deeply. "The last stop!" In these twenty days, Qin Tianlie took him to three training camps in different cities according to his request. Finally, the missing martial arts of the three attributes of gold, wood and water were gathered together. There were three martial arts in total, namely. A-level gold-attribute martial arts [Golden Ripples]. The effect is that no matter punching or using weapons, the sharp golden spirit can splash out like ripples, making the opponent unable to defend, and it is extremely powerful.

A-level wood attribute martial arts [vine strangulation].

Unlike the wood prison, this is an offensive martial arts.

The vines entangle the enemy while strangling it.

A-level water attribute martial arts [water dragon].

The effect is to use water spirit to condense a giant dragon to attack the enemy, which is extremely powerful.

However, with Su Hong's current realm, he can forget about the giant dragon. With all his strength, he can only condense a water dragon as thick as his arm.

Therefore, Qin Tianlie teased him and said that he was a cement loach.

In fact, these three martial arts, even in the A-level, are extremely difficult and powerful martial arts.

Even if it is a genius, when he is at the first or second level, he can practice one, and it can be used as a killer.

However, in Su Hong's hands, he basically learned it on the same day and reached the perfect state on the same day.

After twenty days of hard work, Su Hong has gathered all the seven attributes of martial arts.

Not only that, his strength has also been greatly improved.

After three training camps, he defeated geniuses to gain martial arts points, plus he practiced the guiding technique himself.

The blood has increased from 305 points to 450 points!

He is only 50 points away from becoming a second-level warrior.

It is no exaggeration to say that with his current strength and martial arts, he is completely an all-rounder.

No matter what kind of environment, he can handle it with ease.

No matter what kind of warrior the enemy is, he will be suppressed by him.

And now, the only thing missing is a healing martial art.

This is also the purpose of him and Qin Tianlie coming to Hangzhou.

Wang Qingshan in the Hangzhou training camp is a master of wood attributes, who knows the top A-level healing martial arts.

You know, among all martial arts, healing martial arts are the rarest and most precious.

Often, any book of healing martial arts can buy several other types of martial arts of the same level.

And the top healing martial arts are even more expensive, and there is no market for them.

At this time, Qin Tianlie took out his mobile phone.

He took a photo of the exit of Hangzhou Station and sent it directly to the group of grandmasters.

Soon, a wave of messages came out continuously.

However, compared with the previous scrolling speed, it is much slower now.

Occasionally, there will still be grandmasters clamoring to ask Qin Tianlie to come to their training camp.

However, the grandmasters in the training camps challenged by Su Hong are now silent.

Seeing this scene, Qin Tianlie grinned and laughed.

In the past 20 days, he took Su Hong to the training camps in three cities.

Before going, those grandmasters were just like the provocative grandmasters in the group, crazy as hell.

And after he took Su Hong there.

They were really silent!

They didn't even say a word.

Moreover, this group of people are extremely bad and particularly mean.

When other masters asked about the result, they all deliberately said that Su Hong won just by luck and so on, and made all kinds of excuses.

And they kept encouraging other masters to continue to provoke Qin Tianlie.

The reason they did this was because they lost money!

A full tens of millions!

All lost to Qin Tianlie!

Psychological imbalance!

And if other masters also lost to Qin Tianlie, then everyone lost, wouldn’t it be the same as not losing?

Therefore, these uninformed masters in the group didn’t know that they were fooled, and they kept provoking.

At this time, Wang Qingshan bubbled up.

Wang Qingshan: "Hahaha! No, Xiao Qin, you really came?"

"Xiao Qin, you are so caring to the old man, you won't stop until you deliver the goods to the door!"

Qin Tianlie: "Stop talking nonsense, send the training camp location, and then let your training camp talents prepare, and wait for me and my students to come and torture!"

Wang Qingshan: "Alas... Why didn't you come earlier, this time is not a coincidence..."

Seeing this news, Qin Tianlie was stunned.

"This old man is...

What the hell! "

Qin Tianlie called directly.

Soon, the call was connected.

Qin Tianlie didn't even bother to say hello.

He said directly: "Are you scared?"


A loud old laugh came from the phone.

"I'm scared? Hahaha!"

Even across the phone, Wang Qingshan's disdain could be heard.

"Then what do you mean by unfortunate timing?"

Wang Qingshan explained.

After listening, Qin Tianlie frowned.

It turned out that the Hangzhou training camp was going to start a field special training today, and everyone was already in the field camp.

"Damn it, why didn't you say you wanted to do special training earlier?"

Qin Tianlie couldn't help but curse.

"I thought you were joking, but I didn't know you really dared to come? "

Wang Qingshan was speechless.

"Okay, take your people back. You'll be abused if you come here. I don't want that A-level martial arts anymore..."

Hearing this, Qin Tianlie laughed out of anger on the spot.

"Where are you now? I'll bring my students here immediately."

Wang Qingshan was really surprised this time.

"No, Xiao Qin, I'm going to let you go today, why are you still asking for abuse?"

"Could it be that the geniuses from the training camps in other cities gave you confidence?"

"Hangzhou is a gathering place for geniuses, don't you know? "

Hearing this, Qin Tianlie did not refute.

Hangzhou, as the capital of Jiangnan Province, has the highest configuration in Jiangnan Province in terms of the ability of teaching teachers and the resources for martial arts practice.

Therefore, Hangzhou not only gathers local geniuses, but even most of the geniuses from other cities also spend a lot of money to come to Hangzhou to attend martial arts schools for resources.

And under such fierce competition, those who can still enter the Hangzhou training camp are all the best among geniuses, and their strength is certain.

But for Qin Tianlie, so what?

No matter how talented or evil you are, can you be stronger than Su Hong?

Really? I don't believe it!

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm coming to your house today, send me the address!"

"My special training is about to start, are you sure you want to come?"


"Okay, but it can't affect my special training. Otherwise, let the students you bring have special training with the geniuses here? "

Qin Tianlie was stunned.

"In this way, it will not affect the special training, and the performance of the training can be used to determine the winner. If you really don't want to, you can have a fight after the special training."

"Oh, right."

Wang Qingshan added: "Let me remind you that my outdoor special training this time requires students to survive in the Wan Yao Mountains for seven days without any supplies, and they must kill a large number of ferocious beasts during this period, otherwise they will be considered a failure!"

"It is extremely difficult. Are you sure you want to come?"

"Or, are you sure your students can handle it?"

After speaking, Wang Qingshan waited for a reply.

"Wan Yao Mountains? Survive for seven days without any supplies, and kill a large number of ferocious beasts? !"

Qin Tianlie was shocked by the content of the special training.

He couldn't help but say: "Old man Wang, you won't stop until you kill your students! ”

“Stop talking nonsense, just say whether you are coming or not…”

After a pause, Wang Qingshan teased, “Don’t agree rashly, ask the students for their opinions, or you will come and hear the special training content later, and you will be scared to pee your pants.”

Hearing this, Qin Tianlie turned around and told Su Hong about the special training content.

“What do you think, Su Hong? You don’t have to care about my opinion. If you don’t want to go, then don’t go. At most, I will buy you a book of healing martial arts, but the effect will definitely not be as good as…”

“I’ll go!”

Before he finished speaking, Su Hong nodded with ecstasy on his face.

To survive in the Ten Thousand Monsters Mountains for seven days, you must kill a large number of fierce beasts?

It may be very difficult for others, but for him…

This is not a large number of fierce beasts, this is clearly a large amount of martial arts value!

He agreed loudly, and even Wang Qingshan on the phone heard it.

Wang Qingshan’s hearty laughter came.

“Hahaha! Xiao Qin, you are a very courageous student. Not only are you not afraid, but you are also so excited. Good boy! "

"I just don't know if your strength matches your courage!"

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