The only way to deal with this is to go to bed.

"Fuck! I can't accept it!"

"Stop talking... go to sleep first..."

"Sleep like a bastard! I'll train all night!"

"Damn, we're all human, why does he treat us like dungeon monsters!"

"Ahhhh! I want to get stronger!"


After listening to the explanations of the two assistants.

A group of students were deeply stimulated.

They screamed one after another, and they didn't even sleep, and they were about to rush to the gravity room.

Faced with this situation, Jiang Lin was relieved and distressed.

The good news is that it was indeed stimulated.

The bad news is that it was too stimulated!

"Master Jiang, can you lead us to practice?"

At this time, a student shouted bravely.

"Yes, Master Jiang, we are being abused like this, isn't it embarrassing for you..."

Other students echoed.

Even Lin Chunfeng and Man Gu looked at Jiang Lin eagerly.

Jiang Lin's eyelids were twitching.

Well, there will be no sleep tonight.

The students took the initiative to practice more, what else can he, the head teacher, say?

He waved his hand on the spot!

"Let's go! Gather in the gravity room! Those who don't arrive within a minute will die in the gravity room later!"

Hearing this, a group of students immediately rushed to the gravity room.

"What are you looking at, Lao Qin, follow me!"

Seeing Qin Tianlie's smiling face, Jiang Lin was furious.

"Ah?" Qin Tianlie was stunned and pointed at himself: "I'm going too?"

"Nonsense, you brought Su Hong here, and you are not responsible for stimulating my students like this!?"

Qin Tianlie couldn't laugh anymore.

Jiang Lin didn't waste time talking to him, and directly pulled him towards the gravity room.

As he walked, he muttered: "I can't sleep, and you can't sleep either. Anyway, I'm here, you're just sitting there doing nothing..."

Qin Tianlie was speechless. He was indeed in the wrong, and he had no choice but to do some work to make up for it.

"Let me make a promise first, I'll teach until the morning, and I'll take Su Hong to the next training camp in the morning."

"Humph, if you don't leave in the morning, I'll chase you away. If Su Hong stays here, won't my students be so discouraged that they'll lose their spirits?"

After a pause, Jiang Lin said with some relief.

"Fortunately, I didn't ask Su Hong to come over to train with me this afternoon. With his strength, if we really train together, my students will probably lose their minds."

As they were talking, the two arrived at the gravity room.

Then they saw that a group of students who were screaming and screaming just now, as if they had been injected with chicken blood, were now standing in the gravity room hall with a dull look on their faces, as if they had seen something incredible.

Their mouths were wide open so that light bulbs could be inserted!

And Lin Chunfeng and Man Gu, who were at the front, seemed to be frightened, and their shoulders trembled.

"What's going on?"

Jiang Lin stared with a blank look on his face.

If he was fine just now, why is it so quiet now, as if he had seen a ghost?


Qin Tianlie remained silent, and he inexplicably had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Soon, the two stepped forward.

The group of students seemed to have not noticed them at all, and they were still staring blankly at one place.


Jiang Lin was confused by their appearance and couldn't help but look over along their line of sight.

Suddenly, he saw the ranking screen.

First place: ? ? ?

Second place: Lin Chunfeng

Third place: Man Gu

Fourth place:......


Jiang Lin couldn't help but swear.

"Why is there three question marks for the first place..."

Halfway through, he suddenly thought of something, his face changed and he said in a low voice.

"Student Xiao Ai, call out the training data of the first place!"

"Ding! It has been displayed just now, do you want to display it again?" A cold mechanical sound rang out.

"Don't talk nonsense, show it to me!" Jiang Lin growled.

The next moment, the data that Su Hong had left in the gravity room and the body movement room were broadcasted.

"...Carrying 10 tons of weight, five times the gravity, and persisting for two hours..."

"...Carrying 10 tons of weight, six times the strength of the body movement room, and passing perfectly..."

As this cold mechanical sound rang out.

Jiang Lin's face gradually became the same as that of the students, and he was completely stunned!

What did he hear?

Carrying 50 tons of weight and persisting for two hours? !


Weighing ten tons, it can pass through the sixth-level strength body movement room? !

Jiang Lin felt his throat was very dry.

This data, not to mention that a group of students were shocked.

He was a grandmaster, but he was a little scared!

The most important thing is that he knew that the only one who could come up with this data could be Su Hong.

In fact, not only him, but also the students understood that the only one who could come up with this data could be Su Hong who defeated Lin Chunfeng in the afternoon.

After all, night raiders would not come to this gravity room to train for nothing.

"Isn't he only in the middle of the first stage..."

Even though he had seen Su Hong's evil talent, Jiang Lin was still a little absent-minded at this moment.

After a while, he slowly came back to his senses, looking at the students who were deeply shocked, Jiang Lin's mouth twitched constantly.

He coughed, tried to say something comforting, and tried to cheer up the students again.

However, the students just looked at him blankly, and there was no other reaction.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin was almost numb.


At this time, Qin Tianlie coughed.

The students stared at him blankly and were about to turn around.

But Qin Tianlie's words made all of them burst into a brilliant light.

Qin Tianlie put his hands behind his back, showing the demeanor of a master, and said lightly.

"I taught Su Hong, don't you want to experience the same training intensity as him?"

With just this one sentence, all the students' eyes turned green.

Yes, how could we forget.

The master Qin who brought Su Hong here is here!

Soon, when Qin Tianlie started talking about how to train, a group of students listened very seriously.

"Okay, let's start with the gravity room!"

After speaking, Qin Tianlie waved his hand.

A group of students immediately rushed into the gravity room.

"How is it?"

Qin Tianlie smiled proudly at Jiang Lin.

"Did you really arrange training for Su Hong like this?"

Jiang Lin couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Qin Tianlie was speechless.

He arranged a market trade!

Su Hong had only been in the training camp for two days when he challenged the entire training camp. What's the point of arranging training for such a monster?

No matter how he was arranged, it would be better to let him grow wildly.

"I was just trying to scare you students. Why did you take it seriously?"

Hearing this, Jiang Lin's eyelids twitched.

"Don't talk first. Just tell me if it works!"

Qin Tianlie pointed forward.

Jiang Lin looked in the direction of his finger and saw that a group of students were as excited as if they were taking drugs. He was speechless.


Early the next morning.

In the dormitory, Su Hong slowly opened his eyes.

After practicing all night, his Qi and blood increased by 5 points again.

Qi and blood reached 305 points!

At this time, Qin Tianlie's voice came from outside the door.


Outside the training camp.

"Master Jiang, see you next time!"

Su Hong said goodbye to Jiang Lin.

Hearing this, Jiang Lin smiled and nodded.

He thought in his heart, in the short term, you kid, don't come to my training camp again...

Soon, Su Hong and Qin Tianlie got in the car and left.

In the car, Su Hong told Qin Tianlie his idea.

Prepare to go back to the training camp to train as soon as you have gathered the seven attribute martial arts and healing and recovery martial arts.

"No problem."

Qin Tianlie nodded in agreement and praised with a smile.

"It's also thanks to your age that you can understand that the more martial arts, the better."

Qin Tianlie began to teach earnestly.

"After all, no matter how many martial arts you have, you have to practice them, and if you want to practice a martial art to perfection..."

Speaking of this, Qin Tianlie suddenly fell silent.

His words can be used on any other martial artist, even a genius, without any problem.

It can be used to teach Su Hong, so it seems that there is no need for so much.

Qin Tianlie immediately gave up the topic.

He turned to seriously think about Su Hong's request.

After a moment of silence, he spoke.

"With your current strength, the first-level warrior is invincible, and the second-level warrior is basically not your opponent in a one-on-one fight. After all, Bu Jinglong, who is at the high level of the second level, lost to you."

After a pause, Qin Tianlie changed the subject.

"However, I also listened to Bu Jinglong's review last night."

"He could have hit you with his full-strength punch, but it was blocked by your thick earth armor, right?"

"Yes." Su Hong nodded.

"In other words, if you just rely on your body to take that punch, you will be injured, so you have to use the thick earth armor."

"Yes." Su Hong nodded first, and then added.

"But I have now broken through to the high stage of the first stage. With my current physical strength, I should not need to use the thick earth armor."

"So, if you have a healing martial art, you don't need to use the thick earth armor.

Armor, after all, it consumes a lot of energy... Wait a minute!"

Qin Tianlie said halfway, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"What did you say just now?"

His tone became very excited.

"I said I have broken through the first stage." Su Hong repeated it obediently.


Hearing this, Qin Tianlie's mind was instantly blank.

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