The two sides of the border have been in chaos.

Just as Wang Yang was heading to Jiangnan Province, almost at the same time, Diwu also had a plane take off.

Famous schools.

After watching Su Hong's video, the admissions officers of the famous schools were very excited.

They all asked the directors to go quickly.

However, the directors of the famous schools shook their heads helplessly without any action.

"With Su Hong's talent and strength, he will either go to Diwu or Mowu. How can he look down on us so-called famous schools? It would be a waste of time if we went there."

A group of admissions officers instinctively wanted to refute, but when they thought of the highlights of Su Hong they had just watched, they swallowed their words back.

In the past, although their famous schools were not as good as the Demon Martial Arts and the Imperial Martial Arts, they were only inferior to these two top martial arts universities.

In previous years, countless students begged to come to their martial arts university.

But now, they found that even if they went to ask Su Hong, people probably would not bother to come to this famous school.

This huge gap made a group of admissions staff silent for a long time.


Xingcheng High-speed Railway Station.

At this time, the crowd was surging, and a group of people were talking outside.

"What's going on? Why is this place blocked?"

"Didn't you see the banner? We have a martial arts champion in Jiangnan Province!"

"No wonder the city lord and the heads of the major families are here. These big figures are all here. This is too grand!"

"Not only that, all the presidents of the colleges and universities are here."


Under people's sight.

City lord Wang Ni stood in the front, with a group of family heads and college presidents standing behind him.

Everyone's face flushed slightly.

No one could have imagined that Su Hong would win the title of Wu Champion and break the record of the highest score in history.

This was definitely a highlight for Xingcheng, which was ranked in the middle and lower reaches of Jiangnan Province.

The only people who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Wang Ni were two ordinary middle-aged couples.

They were Su Guoming and Chen Lan.

It was the first time that they were watched by so many people and heard people discussing who they were. Su Guoming and Chen Lan seemed a little restrained and nervous.

Fortunately, Wang Ni kept communicating with them to ease their tension.

Until Su Hong, Wang Tiantuo and the other two came out of the high-speed rail station.

The whole audience cheered loudly to welcome the genius who returned from Xingcheng.


An hour later.

Su Hong, whose face was frozen with laughter, returned home with his uncle and aunt.

At the same time, he also brought a bank card.

This was the official award of Xingcheng to Su Hong for Wu Champion.

Five million in cash.

At this time, the three of them were sitting on the sofa, and their butts were not even warm yet.

People kept coming to visit with gifts.

"This is more tiring than the martial arts exam."

Su Hong rubbed his stiff face, smiled, and opened the door with his uncle and aunt.

This day.

It is no exaggeration to say that the threshold of Su Hong's house was trampled.

All the big names in Xingcheng came to visit with gifts.

They called Su Guoming and Chen Lan "older brother and older sister".

Some of them they had never seen before.

Su Guoming and Chen Lan had previous experience, but they had not yet fully adapted and were still a little nervous.

This nervousness lasted until they found that these big names who came to visit were actually more nervous than them!

They clearly found that the big names in their eyes seemed very restrained when talking to Su Hong, and their attitude could even be described as humble and respectful.

The smile on his face never stopped from the time he entered the door to the time he left.

That night, the city lord Wang Ni and a group of family heads came together to invite Su Hong's family to dinner.

During the dinner, everyone was happy. Su Guoming, Chen Lan, Su Xiaohai and Su Xiaomeng became the focus of attention.

Those who could come with Wang Ni were naturally important figures in Xingcheng.

Everyone remembered the appearance of these four people.

As for Su Hong?

Are you kidding? Who in Xingcheng doesn't know this face?

That night, when Su Hong's family arrived home.

"Mom and Dad, brother, my teacher said I was in the genius class!"

"Me too, me too, and let me be the monitor of the genius class!"

Su Xiaohai and Su Xiaomeng shouted excitedly while holding their mobile phones.

Su Guoming and Chen Lan looked stunned, and then they realized that someone was showing goodwill to their family.

"Then you two should work hard and don't let the teacher down."

Su Hong touched their heads.


I'm not bragging, I'm so strong now!"

Su Xiaohai raised his head with a proud look.

He really wasn't bragging. Since Su Hong brought back the elixir and they were not short of resources, Su Xiaohai and Su Xiaomeng's blood and qi have improved very rapidly during this period.

Their ranking in the school is rising.

Even if there is no behind-the-scenes manipulation, they can easily enter the next time the school selects the genius class.

"Tsk, you still can't beat me." Su Xiaomeng smiled.

"Who... who can't beat you!"

Su Xiaohai said stubbornly: "I was letting you go, you can't see it!"


Su Xiaomeng clenched her fist and showed a dangerous smile.

"Then don't let me now, let's fight!"

Su Xiaohai turned his head and said guiltily: "I just ate too much, I need to digest it..."

Su Hong and his uncle and aunt laughed.

"I'm serious, I'm really full! "

Su Xiaohai blushed and was very stubborn, saying things like "A good man doesn't fight with a woman" and "She's my elder sister and I've always given in to her on purpose".

For a moment, the room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

After the joy, Su Hong began to instruct his younger brothers and sisters in martial arts.

With his current level, it's no exaggeration to say that even Teacher Xingcheng and even the principal can't teach as well as he does.

"Today I'll teach you a B-level martial art, the Void Breaking Finger! ”

Since Ye Qi had been killed by him, there was no need to hide this martial art any more.

Su Hong simply took it out and taught it to his younger brother and sister. As for the A-level martial arts, the two little guys were too low in blood and couldn't learn it yet.

Soon, under his guidance, the two of them broke through the virtual finger and entered the door.

They started playing with beverage cans on the lawn outside the door, having a lot of fun.

Su Hong and his uncle and aunt stood by the window, watching them play with a smile.

After a while, Su Guoming suddenly patted Su Hong on the shoulder.

"Xiao Hong, you are promising now, and you are still a warrior. Uncle has nothing to say, but I hope you can protect yourself as much as possible."

Aunt Chen Lan also said worriedly: "We heard from the city lord that your talent is very good among warriors, and sooner or later you will go to the battlefield of the heavens..."

After a pause, Chen Lan suddenly hugged Su Hong, and her voice was obviously crying.

"Aunt doesn't know how dangerous it is there, but you must protect yourself."

"Don't worry, uncle and aunt. "Su Hong smiled easily.

"I'm very powerful, I'm not bragging... I didn't use much effort to take down this martial arts champion... I can easily beat my peers. In the future, when I go to the battlefield of the heavens and kill all the races, you will be the uncles and aunts of Su Hong of the human race. At that time, all the big shots will come to visit like today..."

Su Hong said it very easily, without mentioning any danger.

"You are the only one who can do it!" Chen Lan was infected by the relaxed mood, burst into tears and laughed and hit Su Hong.

Su Guoming stood aside, watching all this happily.


The next morning.

Su Hong just opened his eyes after a night of practice.

He received a call from Li Chengshan, informing him that the director of the admissions office of Mowu Diwu had arrived at No. 1 Middle School.

"Come right away!"

Su Hong hung up the phone and quickly went to No. 1 Middle School.

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