The first time, the first time, the second time.

Xingcheng No. 1 Middle School.

Principal's Office.

Li Chengshan was under a lot of pressure at this time!

On the sofa in front of him.

There were two middle-aged men and women sitting there, and the atmosphere was very tense at this time.

"Damn, the admissions director of Mowu Diwu actually came in person."

Li Chengshan wiped his sweat.

Although his realm was not comparable to these two sixth-level warriors, he was still in the education circle.

There were often frictions between Mowu and Diwu.

Whether it was between teachers or students, the smell of gunpowder was very strong.

A few years ago, because of an incident, the principal of Mowu and Diwu had a big fight. After the former broke the latter's leg, the conflict between the two martial arts universities reached its peak.

"If you really want to fight, don't do it here. I can't bear it..."

Li Chengshan was thinking in his heart.

Su Hong and Wang Tiantuo, who got the news, arrived together.

"I am Wang Yang, the director of the admissions office of Mowu."

"I am Chen Lin, the director of the admissions office of Mowu."

Wang Yang and Chen Lin spoke almost at the same time.

Su Hong, Wang Tiantuo and the other two greeted each other.

After a few polite words, the two sides went straight to the point.

In theory, both sides should now say what treatment and resources they can provide to students.

But Wang Yang and Chen Lin were very strong and didn't give the other a chance to speak.

Looking at the tense atmosphere, it seemed that fighting could happen at any time, Su Hong, Wang Tiantuo and the other two looked confused.

"The contradiction between Diwu and Mowu is really the same as what is said on the Internet. The contradiction is huge."

Su Hong said in his heart.

He was not idle last night and searched for information about Mowu on the Internet.

The result was an unexpected discovery.

On the Internet, the Demonic Martial Arts and the Imperial Martial Arts are arguing fiercely.

Out of curiosity, Su Hong searched for the conflicts between the two martial arts universities.

He was surprised to find that in the past year alone, hundreds of fights broke out between students of the Demonic Martial Arts and the Imperial Martial Arts when they met outside.

Among them, there were at least a dozen cases where people were beaten to the point of being unable to get out of bed.

"Why is there such a big conflict?"

Driven by this curiosity, Su Hong began to understand it in depth.

The result is old-fashioned and realistic. The two martial arts universities are competing for resources and the title of the first martial arts university in China.

This is not a fight for false reputation. The first martial arts university is better than the second martial arts university.

The students who can be favored by the two martial arts universities are definitely top-notch geniuses.

Why choose the second when you can choose the first?

Not only that, the resources obtained by the national martial arts universities each year vary greatly depending on the rankings.

And this ranking is determined by the annual national martial arts university league.

Each martial arts university will select the strongest students from the first and second year students to form a team to compete with other martial arts universities.

There are also reasons for choosing the first and second year students.

Because this can most directly show the ability of this martial arts university to cultivate martial artists in recent years.

It is also because of this that as the two top martial arts universities in China, Diwu and Mowu are on the verge of fighting for students every year.

Although Wang Yang and Chen Lin are very strong at this time, they are still very restrained if they don't fight!

In other cities, the winner may have been decided by now.

At this time, Wang Yang and Chen Lin were unwilling to give in, and gradually tended to fight.

Su Hong, Wang Tiantuo and the other two looked at each other and stood quietly aside.

As students, it was naturally difficult for them to speak up about this kind of thing.

At the critical moment, it was still Li Chengshan who stepped forward to smooth things over.

"You two, the students are still watching, why don't you two just play rock-paper-scissors?"

Li Chengshan made a very naive suggestion.



But Wang Yang and Chen Lin really agreed.

They had no choice, even for the sake of their respective schools' reputation, they had to be stubborn.

At this time, Li Chengshan's smoothing over was just in line with their ideas.

In this way, the two sixth-level warriors started playing rock-paper-scissors in the dull eyes of Su Hong and other students.

Soon, the winner was decided.

Chen Lin won.

"Heh." Chen Lin smiled contemptuously. It was a win for her to be able to suppress Mo Wu anywhere.

Wang Yang had a dark face and didn't say anything. Chen Lin ignored him and quickly looked at Su Hong and others. His tone suddenly became very gentle, especially to Su Hong. Don't be too nice.

"Su Hong, as long as you come to Diwu, Wuda for four years, all A

A large amount of cultivation resources below level A are provided every month.

For those above level A, there is also a certain amount every month.

Note that the amount and certain amount I mentioned here are by no means a small amount, which is enough to support your personal cultivation.

In other words, as long as you enter the Emperor Wu, you no longer need to worry about cultivation resources.

In addition, you can exchange all resources of the Emperor Wu at a 50% discount.

Every year, you have the opportunity to learn three A-level martial arts for free. There are special teachers to solve any confusion in cultivation, and you will be provided with an additional 30 million cash every year. "

As soon as these words came out, Li Chengshan, Wang Tiantuo and the other two were stunned.

What kind of god-like treatment is this? If they didn't know Su Hong's identity, they would have suspected that he was the illegitimate son of the president of Diwu.

This is equivalent to entering Diwu, and almost all the cultivation resources are covered.

Moreover, if there are other needs, they can be exchanged at a 50% discount.

You know, any exchange conditions given by Wuda to students are almost the cost price.

After all, these are the hope of the human race in the future, how can they not be treated well?

But now, on the basis of this cost price, there is a 50% discount!

Moreover, 30 million in cash is given every year, plus free learning of three A-level martial arts.

The market price of any A-level martial arts is at least tens of millions!

And every year!

If this item alone is converted into cash, it is already over 100 million.

In other words, once Su Hong enters Diwu, he will have hundreds of millions of resources every year for his exclusive use.

"Is this the top Wuda? It's ridiculously rich! "

Wang Tiantuo and the other two looked at each other and were amazed.

However, they were envious, but they also understood that it was mainly because Su Hong's talent was indeed worthy of such treatment.

Su Hong did not express his opinion at the first time, and Chen Lin also invited Wang Tiantuo and the other two.

However, compared with Su Hong, the treatment was far better.

"I'm done." Looking at Wang Yang, Chen Lin showed a determined winner's smile.

The conditions she gave Su Hong were top-notch even in Emperor Wu.

Now, it's the turn of Mo Wu's treatment.

Wang Yang said directly.

"Mo Wu only talks about fairness."

"Mo Wu provides the same resources to every freshman."

"The resources of 10 million will be allocated by the students themselves."

"After this, any resources will be fought for by the students themselves." ”

Unlike the wealthy Diwu, Mowu’s enrollment resources can be described as rudimentary.

Even far inferior to some famous schools.

“Tsk tsk, Mowu is still the same, stingy. "

Chen Lin sneered, knowing that he had won.

The treatment of the two parties was so different that anyone would know how to choose.

Even Wang Tiantuo and the other two who were ready to go to Mowu with Su Hong were slightly silent at this time.

"Hehe, we don't have so many restrictions in Mowu, and the rules and regulations brought by various investments..." Facing Chen Lin's stepping on Mowu, Wang Yang responded with sarcasm on the spot.

Chen Lin sneered and said nothing.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Su Hong, to see how the latter would choose.

Su Hong pondered.

The resources and treatment provided by Diwu were indeed extremely generous, but for him, the temptation was not that strong.

What resources could be faster than his martial arts value improvement?


But the problem is that resources are resources, and it's better to have them than not, right?

At this time, Wang Yang suddenly spoke.

"Su Hong, let's talk alone. "

Unexpectedly, Chen Lin had no intention of stopping him.

In Chen Lin's opinion, for Su Hong, this was a compulsory question. The real resource gap made it meaningless no matter what Wang Yang said.

However, less than ten seconds after Wang Yang and Su Hong walked out of the door.

"I choose magic and martial arts."

When Su Hong pushed the door open again, he said without hesitation.

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