The students were told that they would be relocated.

"First, the ranking dormitories."

"Su Hong will continue to live in the first dormitories."

"As for the second to tenth dormitories, since no one has won the golden key, they are now vacant."


Next, Li Chengdao announced the status of other freshmen.

Among the approximately 5,000 freshmen, only about 2,000 freshmen can live in single dormitories.

"All other students who were eliminated in advance will live in fine-decorated dormitories."

In Mowu, the so-called fine-decorated dormitories are actually the worst dormitories, bar none.

Hearing this, the whole audience could no longer restrain their noise.

The remaining 3,000 freshmen beat their chests and stamped their feet in regret.

"I give up. If I had known, I would have gone to find the copper key..."

"Su Hong is such a bastard. I feel like there are at least hundreds of people who were eliminated by him!"

"Fuck, a public virtual cabin costs 5 points per hour. How can this be done!"


A bunch of students who were going to live in the fine-decorated dormitories wailed.

"By the way, Tang Guyun and Ao Hai, you are also the same. You were eliminated in advance. You will move out of the ranking dormitories today and live in the fine-decorated dormitories."

"You were originally assigned to the ranking dormitories, but in the end you had to live in the fine-decorated dormitories. This is the first time that Mowu has encountered this in so many years. You are the first."

Hearing Li Chengdao's words.

Tang Guyun and others had dark faces and did not speak.

At this time.

Seeing the students wailing continuously, Li Chengdao smiled.

"If you want to live in a good dormitory, you can still change it later. Mowu has a challenge mechanism."

"As long as you are strong enough, you can challenge students living in single dormitories. If you win, you can drive him away!"

"If you feel that you are strong enough, challenge Su Hong and make him get out of the first dormitory!"

After a pause, Li Chengdao said with a smile.

"Of course, each challenge also has a price. The challenger needs to take out a certain number of points. If you lose, you have to give it to the challenged party."

"Moreover, depending on the dormitory, the challenger needs to take out different points."

"To challenge a single dormitory, you only need 10 points."

"For a row dormitory, it is 50 points."

"For a ranked dormitory, it is 100 points."

"Secondly, for students who don't want to rely on challenges to grab dormitories, Mowu also has special arrangements."

"Single dormitories can be rented from the school. 100 points for 3 months and 350 points for a year!"

Hearing this, a group of weak students immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the price is also very expensive, it is cheaper than the public virtual cabin!

Chen Miao, Ao Hai and other top talents all glanced at Su Hong at this time.

"Why, you want to challenge me?"

Su Hong raised his eyebrows: "Remember to bring 100 points, I welcome you at any time."

Seeing Su Hong's posture of wanting someone to challenge him, Tang Guyun, Gu Lele and others were immediately furious.

But unfortunately, they couldn't beat him, and they had no way to deal with Su Hong.

"You will cry in the freshman competition." Tang Guyun gritted his teeth.

"Su Hong, don't be arrogant, then we will join forces to deal with you!"

"Just wait!"

A group of top talents who were eliminated by Su Hong spoke up at this time, with a bad tone in their tone.

Su Hong smiled and didn't say anything, but a strong sense of urgency rose in his heart.

Although he made a lot of points in this dormitory battle.

However, the hatred is also great!

Just like Tang Guyun and Gu Li, although they are not his opponents in single combat, the gap in strength is not that big.

Once the six people really join forces, with his current strength, he can only run away.

What's more, there are two or three thousand students who are assigned to the worst dormitories, and they are also staring at him.

"It's okay to have a big harvest, 2100 points, and it's mediocre if you don't get envied..." Su Hong can only comfort himself like this.

"Okay, now start distributing the points reward this time."

Li Chengdao clapped his hands.

The next moment, all the students' bracelets dinged at the same time.

"We are still okay. We eliminated a top genius. Everyone has 100 points."

"Hehe, we are lucky. We blocked the weakest one. Others don't have such good luck as us!"


Looking at the bracelet, a group of students who can live in single dormitories laughed immediately.

Hearing these words, the remaining three thousand

Many students who participated in the encirclement of Su Hong had red eyes!

On their wristbands, a big zero was displayed!

Zero points!

They worked for so many hours in vain. They could at least get paid for being slaves, but they didn't even get a single point!

Gu Huanhuan, Gu Lele and the others looked even darker.

As the strongest among the freshmen of this year, they only had a pitiful few dozen points.

This was obtained by fighting their way out of the encirclement when they were encircled by the freshmen teams.

The whole audience was in an uproar.

Angry eyes gradually turned to Su Hong.

Tang Guyun and others also looked at Su Hong.

"Su Hong, how many points did you get? It must be 1,000!"

"More than that. Damn, he already has 600 points just because he eliminated the six of us!"

"Damn it. The total of our points is probably not even half of his!"


At this time, Su Hong glanced at the four-digit points on the bracelet, and wisely said nothing, pretending not to hear the voices of Tang Guyun and others.

He didn't say it. If he said it, wouldn't it just make him hate you!

"It's all said. Let's go."

Su Hong felt uncomfortable with so many eyes staring at him, and couldn't help but look up at Principal Li.

Who would have thought that when Li Chengdao saw Su Hong looking at him, he immediately showed him a dangerous smile.

"Huh?" Su Hong felt something was wrong. What did Principal Li want to do? !

The next moment, something happened that made Su Hong's scalp numb.

Li Chengdao coughed and grinned.

"Su Hong got 2100 points this time!"

"He is the well-deserved first place in this dormitory competition!"

The whole audience paused.

Duo Shao! ?

Every student showed deep astonishment on his face.

A few seconds later, the whole audience was boiling.

"Fuck, 2100 points!?"

"Oh my god!"

"Damn, Su Hong earned enough money to pay for a single dormitory for four years of college, and even had a lot left!"

"Comparison is frustrating!"


The students who had previously obtained the qualification for a single dormitory were full of envy.

But the rest of the students were so angry that their noses were crooked.

How many people in our freshman team must have been eliminated with these 2100 points!!!

"Fuck, 2100!?"

Even Gu Lele and others were stunned, and Gu Huanhuan, who had a cold face, was shocked at this time.

"Good fellow, I just thought that four digits was already amazing, but you doubled it!"

Tang Guyun couldn't believe it and couldn't help but start to calculate.

"The five of us plus Gu Li, here are 600 points..."

"There are 1500 points left, all of which are earned by eliminating freshmen?"

Tang Guyun's voice was sharp: "One point for every person eliminated, you eliminated 1500 people by yourself?"

When this was said, everyone's eyes widened.

Damn, there are only about 5000 freshmen in this class!

Su Hong eliminated almost one-third of them? !

"Not that many." Seeing that the eyes of those students were getting more and more wrong, and they looked like they were about to pounce on him at any time, Su Hong hurriedly explained.

"Later, I can get 2 points for eliminating one person. If you really count it, I actually eliminated only a few hundred people..."

Su Hong felt a little weak as he spoke, and his voice became smaller and smaller. In the end, he could only laugh dryly.

You don't know until you calculate it, and you'll be shocked!

Looking at it this way, it seems normal that these classmates are ready to eat me alive......

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