Su Hongwan's explanation was not only useless, but even more irritating.

"Are you talking human language?!"

"In fact, only a few hundred people were eliminated. Listen, listen!!!"

"If we use the previous 250-man team, it's equivalent to him killing the whole team alone. 3 teams or more!! "

"Damn, how many people are there in total? We'll beat him to death in the freshman competition!"

"Yes!! If we can't beat him in a one-on-one fight, we'll beat him in a group!! "

"Not for Other things, just to vent my anger!! "

"I don't believe it, the venue for the freshman competition is not as complicated as this dormitory building, I will be the first to beat him when the time comes!"

"Okay, okay! Brothers and sisters, Eliminate Su Hong in the freshman competition first, and then we'll compete!"

"You like guerrilla warfare, right? Then let's have a righteous fight! !"


The students were all excited Oh no, the gap is too big.

Especially the students with zero points, their eyes were gleaming with anger when they heard this.

The single dormitory is gone, the points are zero, and now I have to listen to this guy bragging here! !

Damn, who can bear this injustice!

"Principal, you can't play like this!"

Seeing the culprit Li Chengdao smiling, Su Hong He shouted angrily, "You are deliberately making me hate you, I want compensation!!"


Li Chengdao rolled his eyes: "That's enough, kid. For such large-scale events, the best The top few were supposed to be announced, what compensation do you want! "

"You forgot that you used your mental power to fly outside the dormitory building? "

"Not only did you not violate the rules, you were also promoted to eliminate 1 person to win 2 points, you kid, instead of being happy, you actually want to take advantage of the opportunity to blackmail me? "

Su Hong looked unhappy, touched his nose and stopped talking.

He also understood in his heart that his mental power flew to the space outside the dormitory building, and if he really cared about it, In fact, it is definitely a violation.

After all, the rule is that you are eliminated once you leave the dormitory building, but there is no such thing as being eliminated only when you land on the ground.

It is probably because the principal and the instructors saw that he had performed too well before and wanted to see where his limit was, so they didn't Judged as a violation.

Not only that, considering the way the principal deliberately drew hatred from him before and after, Su Hong strongly suspected that the principal had another purpose, which was to use him to severely stimulate other freshmen.

The result is obvious, Su Hong performed very well, and even exceeded the task of stimulating his classmates...

"Forget it, forget it, I already attracted enough hatred before, now it's just a matter of expanding it by 100 million points..."

"Anyway, lice I am not afraid of being bitten if there are too many...”

Su Hong no longer hesitated. To some extent, this was a good thing for him.

There is motivation only when there is pressure.

“In the freshman competition, I will definitely be targeted. , I have to improve my strength quickly before that, otherwise it will be no joke. "

Su Hong thought to himself.

At this time, Li Chengdao saw a group of students staring at Su Hong, howling and shouting about beating Su Hong up in the novice competition.

Li Chengdao's eyes turned and he decided to give Su Hong another hard Fire.

"Be quiet!"

The principal spoke, and the whole place suddenly quieted down.

"You know, warriors don't win by talking!"

Li Chengdao said seriously: "You guys are saying that you want to eliminate Su Hong first in the freshman competition, but the way you are now, Can you do it? Principal, I strongly doubt it! "

"And Tang Guyun, Gu Huanhuan, Gu Li, and the rest of you, although you are assigned to the same ranked dormitories as Su Hong, your strength is obviously much lower than Su Hong's. What a huge gap!"

"I'm no match for Su Hong in a one-on-one duel. It's not an exaggeration to say that I have no chance to fight back. I'm even crushed!"

"That's it. Where do you get the confidence to think that you can win by joining forces? Su Hong? Principal, I don't think there's much hope! "

Li Chengdao looked like he was doing this for your own good, and said with concern: "I think you should say less and not really annoy Su Hong!"

"Otherwise Ah~ If Su Hong is not eliminated in the freshman competition, but is allowed to repeat what happened today, it would be embarrassing for everyone! "

Don't say it, Principal... I beg you not to Said it!

Su Hong's scalp tingled when he heard this. Principal Li was just hoping that he would die!

This hatred... Su Hong saw those classmates and listened to them.

, has begun to pant like a cow, and his face is visibly red with anger.

"Principal, you underestimate us too much!!" A student clenched his fists and couldn't help but roar.

"You and the instructors will watch! Su Hong will be the winner!"

"You underestimate us too much, and you overestimate Su Hong too much!"

"I admit that Su Hong is indeed strong, but he is not strong enough to sweep all of us!"


Shouts of indignation continued to ring out, and even the students who got single dormitories gradually joined in, shouting in dissatisfaction.

Tang Guyun and others also looked very ugly. What does the principal mean by this!

Saying that we can't beat Su Hong even if we join forces?

What a joke!

Everyone clenched their fists and said nothing, but they were determined in their hearts. They must practice well and slap the principal in the face when the time comes!

This scene made Su Hong's face dark, and he couldn't help but glare at Li Chengdao who was gloating.

"Hmm?" Li Chengdao raised his eyebrows and cast a dangerous look at Su Hong. Su Hong immediately turned his head away and pretended nothing happened.

"This little rascal." Li Chengdao laughed and said to everyone.

"Okay, let's end it here today. Let's go back and practice well!"

"If you have points, you can go to the magic and martial arts mall on the bracelet to have a look. If you need it, quickly redeem it to improve your strength."

"Tomorrow will be the official start of school. The courses can be checked on the bracelet. In addition to the required classes, other courses can be arranged by yourself."


The first dormitory.

"Finally I'm back."

Su Hong lay down on the sofa as soon as he entered the door, and didn't want to do anything.

Five hours of dormitory battle, the whole process of high concentration, one careless will be blocked.

He is exhausted.

"My mental strength has reached the limit, and my body is exhausted."

Since awakening the Overlord Body, this is the first time Su Hong has been so tired.

After taking off his clothes, his whole body was covered with bruises, which were caused by countless long-range martial arts.

"Fortunately, the harvest is huge, 2100 points, at least equivalent to 21 million Blue Star Coins."

This is not the most exciting thing for Su Hong. Nearly a thousand people were eliminated today. Although most of them are second-level warriors with pitifully low martial arts points, the number is there anyway.

In addition, after defeating Tang Guyun and a group of top talents, the martial arts points will definitely reach an unprecedented height!

Thinking of this, Su Hong quickly opened the attribute panel.

A simple panel emerged.

Name: Su Hong

Talent: Unparalleled

Qi and blood: 1045 (+)

Spiritual Master: 1003 (+)

Physique: Overlord Body·Spiritual Level·43% (+)

Guiding Technique:......

Martial Arts: Water Cannon·Beginner (35%), Water Wall·Beginner (52%), Tiger Fist·Mastery (23%), Python Fist·Beginner (63%)......

Spearmanship: Second Stage Four Stars (67%)

Body Skill: Second Stage Two Stars (17%)

Martial Arts Value: 5340

"Great Harvest!"

Qi and blood naturally increased by 7 points.

The progress of Overlord Body also increased from 42.2% to 43% after this period of fighting.

The proficiency of spearmanship increased by 35%. If the 7% increase from the previous battle with Tang Guyun and Ao Hai is taken into account, the spearmanship increased by 42% directly in this dormitory battle, and the progress increased by nearly half.

Because of the lower rank, the body law was directly upgraded from 23% of the second stage and one star to 17% of the second stage and two stars!

It was directly upgraded by more than one star!

"There are four more A-level martial arts. I will upgrade them to the perfect realm later."

In fact, the martial arts that Su Hong saw today are far more than these four.

However, those martial arts are either of low grade or similar to Gu Huanhuan's sword dance. He uses a gun and can't use them even if he learns them.

Another point is that when Su Hong was besieged, the overwhelming martial arts were indeed very envious, but at that time, it was too late to save his life, so how could he have the mind to learn?

"There is no rush for martial arts. Take your time in the future. There are plenty of opportunities."

Su Hong thought so, and when he saw the martial arts value column, the corners of his mouth began to rise uncontrollably.

5340 martial arts points!

A historical high!

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