"What good thing will it be?" Luo Xi licked the corners of his mouth excitedly, his eyes filled with anticipation.

The Sigrama dynasty practiced monogamy. Although lovers and illegitimate children were common in the aristocratic royal family, these basically had no status, and at most they would only receive some material gifts.

To be recognized and inherited and called His Highness, one must be the child of an orthodox legal marriage. There are not many people with this status.

The Sigrama royal family spares no effort in cultivating every member of the royal family, especially those with wizard talents. Each of them will receive a huge amount of resources. This huge amount of resources is far beyond what ordinary wizards can imagine today. Even casually there are more than large wizard organizations like the Elemental Castle.

"Let's find the specific location first. Where is it?"

Luo Xi stared at the compass, which was already infinitely close to the coordinates on the note.

"Roxi, over there!"

At this moment, a voice sounded in Luo Xi's ears. It was Lina who was flying out of the recorder. He pointed in one direction and shouted to Luo Xi.

There was no need to doubt the ghost's exploration ability. Luo Xi immediately turned around and flew in the direction pointed by Lina. After flying not far there, a huge floating island appeared in Luo Xi's direction. in front of my eyes.

This island floating in the air is very huge, and the diameter should not be less than a hundred kilometers by visual inspection. There are mountains, rivers, forests, and wilderness on it, and it is full of greenery. It is like a world floating in the air.

"What a big piece. Was it the former center of the Broken Islands?"

This Broken Islands itself was an extremely huge floating island in history. It was only fragmented and disintegrated during the war between the wizard organizations above it at that time. 99% of the area had completely disintegrated and broken into large stones, forming At this moment, there is a sea of ​​broken meteorites covering the entire airspace outside, but there is still 1% of the area that was not too seriously broken during the war, and part of the floating island is barely preserved.

"Let's go up and have a look." Luo Xi took Lina and flew to the island.

"Ah, the scenery here is pretty good. Are those palaces? Rosie, do you know what this place used to be?" Lina asked, pointing down with interest.

There are some dilapidated buildings scattered all over the islands. Judging from the shape of these buildings, they seem to have been palaces in the past.

"Probably." Luo Xi nodded, and then introduced: "The previous name here was called Moon Whispering Garden. It was originally an idle floating island. Because it was large enough and in a good location, being close to the moon could fully absorb the moonlight. To do some related experiments, the Sigrama royal family specially developed and constructed this place to cultivate some plants that require moonlight environment, and named it the Moon Whispering Garden, which means that the sound of the moon can be heard here. ”

"The Sigrama royal family built several castles here to prepare for their daily vacations. However, in addition to these castles, there was still a lot of remaining open space, so the royal family allocated some more land to several people at that time. We sent a famous wizard organization and arranged for them to build their own wizard tower here. The original intention was just to give them a vacation or something."

"It's just that no one expected that a war would break out later and the entire Sigrama dynasty would be destroyed."

"All the wizard organizations on the land were destroyed in the war. On the contrary, they were completely preserved in the sky because they were far away from the war. Suddenly, the wizards on the land also flew here to avoid disaster. All the research projects that used to be done on land have been moved here.”

"Originally, we planned to return to land after the war was over, but no one expected that the entire Sigrama dynasty would be completely destroyed during the war."

"In the past, these wizard organizations were under the control of the Sigrama Dynasty, and all actions were subject to the unified arrangements and tags of the Sigrama Dynasty. After the demise of Sigrama, they were leaderless and naturally fell into a situation of doing things on their own. ”

"We have been getting along for so many years. These wizard organizations have conflicts with each other. But in the past, everyone was a wizard of Sigrama, and there were people in power to coordinate among them. No matter how big the conflicts were, they were resolved internally, so nothing happened. ”

"However, now that there is no dynasty to mediate, these conflicts will naturally intensify, eventually forming a war, and then -"

"Bang!" Luo Xi gestured: "It's like this now."

After listening to Luo Xi's story, Lina sighed: "These wizards are really in this situation. They don't think about how to restore the world, but they still do it themselves. Is it over now?"

"Who knows?" Luo Xi pursed her lips.

After flying in the sky for a while according to the compass, Luo Xi finally landed in a lush forest. According to the comparison on the compass, the coordinates should be nearby here.

Just where?

"Intruder found, intruder found!" At this moment, a cramped siren sounded, and there was a slight vibration on the ground. Then several behemoths were seen breaking through the surrounding forest and walking over from a distance.

These are several alchemy puppets, more than ten meters high, with human-like outlines.

Its body is made of dark metal, with mysterious runes on the surface, flickering with dim light. On the huge head, the eyes are crystals that flicker with red light, and the expressionless face looks majestic and indifferent. The limbs are strong and powerful, the fingertips are as long as blades, and the mechanical wings are close to the back, ready to fly at any time. The blue gem inlaid on the chest is its energy core, shining with deep light. The whole puppet is like a towering sculpture, ancient and full of mysterious power.


The alchemical puppet immediately locked onto Luo Xi in the distance, and two red beams shot out of the empty eye sockets and shone on Luo Xi, as if locking him.

"Eliminate the invader! Eliminate the invader!"

Accompanied by a series of shrill warning sounds, the metal cover on the chest of the alchemical puppet suddenly opened to both sides, and a dark gun barrel was revealed from it.


The wind blew violently, and the magic runes on the outside of the barrel kept flashing. A large number of elemental energy particles quickly gathered into the barrel, as if there was some kind of great attraction in the barrel.

After absorbing a large number of elemental energy particles, the barrel suddenly shrank back, and the next second--


With a loud bang, a huge elemental missile compressed with a huge amount of elements erupted from the barrel and hit Luo Xi in front.

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