Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 1110: many creatures

Dole looked at Elleia, this girl has been responding very quickly recently, she's using her brains

"Look at you, if you want to focus on that, you should focus on that. I focus on lightning attributes, so the incidental attributes of ice are a little bit worse."

Elleia immediately understood that Dorai focused on storms at sea, and came here to show him the storms in the extreme north.

There is a huge difference between the storm at sea and the storm in the extreme north. One focuses on the momentum, the thunder and lightning, and the other focuses on the freezing, physical damage of ice and snow.

All focus on the reserve of magic elements.

No matter which one you comprehend, you must master it first.

She nodded, then relaxed a little and said, "Okay, you'll have to work hard during this time, and Locke and the others will leave it to you."

Dole nodded.

He has always taken care of the three children, and now it is the same as taking care of him alone, just to take them all out to see.

The Tower of Babel started slowly and went inside.

Beneath a huge iceberg.

A skinny old man dressed in snow-white clothes looked around.

He suddenly looked to the side, and the appearance of a wizard's tower was reflected in his eyes.

The energy index of the wizard tower is extremely high, and without any scruples, it rushed to the extreme north.

The old man found it interesting, but inside was the location of the extreme northern storm elves, and even he could only collect some special products of the extreme northern land from a thousand kilometers outside.

Who is this person, who dares to break in?

Ask other people for a while to see if there are any ruthless people who need to appear here, but they can't collide with each other.

There are too many hidden powers in this ghost place, and the old man has to be careful.

The extreme north is not a barren land. Beneath the dead and cold icebergs, there are actually many creatures. Those above the fifth level can survive without matter and rely solely on energy. Therefore, after hundreds of thousands of years, there are many tyrannical creatures here.

In addition to these tyrannical creatures, some black wizards who have been driven out and have nowhere to go, some wizards who practice wind, ice and snow type meditation, and some powerful creatures that exist locally will always live here.

The most abundant species of bears in the Arctic are all kinds of powerful bears and direwolf that can fish in the water. Don't worry about the problem of the biological chain. These things have sharper noses than anyone else.

And on this piece of land, not only ice, but also all kinds of micro-organisms that have survived since the ice element, a large group of arctic creatures together form a complex arctic world.

The old man crossed the top of the mountain, and the magic robe on his body swayed gently, offsetting the surrounding wind. As soon as he looked up, he saw a few ice elements with penguin-like bodies behind the ice stones on the mountain in front of him.

The corners of his mouth cracked open, and today's harvest is not small. After these ice elements, there are almost hundreds of thousands of magic crystals.

After a careful observation, he found that the team of ice elements had the highest level of only six, and flew directly from the hiding place. At some point in his hand, he took out a staff and gently pointed it forward.

Level 7 to level 6, don't take it too easy, a mental storm goes down, invisible mental fluctuations skip the stone, all the ice elements disappear silently in an instant, fall to the ground, and then gradually freeze to form several ice sculptures.

The old man was a little tired. Although there was almost no consumption, his mental energy was consumed a lot. Come to the front of these ice elements, and put them directly into the storage ring.

In the extreme north, everything is rare, but only these various levels of ice elements, water elements, and snow elements are extremely abundant, and they are all very powerful.

Of course, with a big difference, he is not afraid of these ice elements, and within three days, there will be some ice elements here, but the strength will drop a lot.

The ice element is also powerful, but the tallest old man has also seen the eighth level, just glanced at it from a distance, and then ran away.

The shape of the ice element is not fixed, but the breath is the same. After they die, they will condense into various grades of ice-like wonders, which are extremely valuable.

However, this place is freezing cold, and only the black wizards who are wanted will come here. Who will be the normal wizard? So, when I saw the wizard tower just now, I thought, who is here.

The wizard tower is the standard of orthodox and powerful wizards. As a poor and forced loose person, he has long been envious, but those who can come here are not good people. For such a long time, only a few of them have succeeded. , has disappeared so far.

With the wizard's tower, who would come out to collect all kinds of materials and exchange them for money on the black market?

He thought of the direction in which the wizard tower was leaving, where there happened to be several powerful dark wizards, so he moved and spread some news out.

When he came last time, Dorai only looked at the periphery, did not go deep, and then went further to the northeast. He thought it was extremely cold, dead, and full of desolation.

This time, the wizard tower went straight to the extreme arctic icefield, pushing it horizontally all the way, and actually found the existence of a lot of creatures inside, and there were a lot of them.

Man, it's so lively here.

No matter how far he walked, he felt dozens of eyes falling on the wizard tower. Of course, he only felt it. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

These people did not jump out to attack. Obviously, the power of the eighth-level wizard tower scared them. Of course, Dorai should also pay attention to the ninth-level creatures.

It looks really lively here.

According to data records, there are only one to ninth level in the extreme north, which is the most central arctic storm elves. There are many other races such as ice dragons and ice birds, and there are also some eight and nine levels. The records are not very detailed, and there are powerful ones.

So after seeing such a lively place here, Dole put the wizard tower into a hidden state after reaching more than 1,000 kilometers.

The Arctic ice sheet also has a lot of terrain.

Coming out of the Far North Kingdom is a large piece of glaciers and icebergs, just like real mountains. Going inside, it is a large piece of icefield, flat and flat, as far as the eye can see. On this icefield, the wind and snow are even bigger. More fierce, but still can see a lot of leeward places, still tenacious survivors, many creatures.

Past the ice sheet, there is another large iceberg, and it towers into the clouds, the sky is covered with dark clouds, and the wind is howling, it is dark, like a doomsday world.

Dole's goal is to cross this ice sheet and get closer. As for where to go, it depends on the situation.

After sending the person to the location, he can go out to mine.

The wizard's tower was very fast, and in less than two hours, it reached the top of the iceberg.

As soon as he entered the range of the iceberg, the weak fluctuation of Dorai's mental power swept across the area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers in front of him, and he frowned.

There are actually many forces on the seemingly dead and barren iceberg. It seems that it is not easy to find a foothold? Although the distance between these forces is not close, but here, as long as a wizard tower falls, it is easy to be discovered.

After thinking about it, he raised the wizard's tower and moved closer.

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