Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 1111: Dole is not here

"Someone is coming." A man raised his head from the hiding place and looked to the sky, but saw nothing.

"Someone used a very powerful mental force to spy on it." Another person stuck his head out of the seclusion place and looked outside, but saw nothing.

Dole didn't know how many people had been disturbed by the sweep of his mental power.

While flying, he felt the gazes of others looking at him, there were as many as fifty, and they were all a little startled.

This ghost place, within a range of hundreds of kilometers, there are so many masters, it is really interesting. His mental power is already very subtle, these people can still sense it? However, the area here is indeed large. Dole's spirit is swept away, and he can go out for a few hundred kilometers. In fact, there are not many people in a single area.

He directly started the wizard tower and went inside.

The more you go in, the closer you get to the center of the storm, you can see a large group of storms circling in the extreme north, but today is okay, the storm seems to have reached a stage and has not completely dissipated.

The wind was not strong today, but it was still windy. The wind was mixed with snow and blew out from the inside, whistling covering the whole world.

Dole rode the wizard tower and walked in the wind, seemingly unaffected by the wind.

This iceberg is big enough, he can't believe that he can't find a suitable place to stay.

After entering more than 200 kilometers, he then proceeded horizontally along the ice mountain range, and before he knew it, he walked out for hundreds of kilometers.

Soon, the iceberg ahead was higher and the mountain was steeper, and the peaks were like icicles, straight into the clouds.

But don't underestimate these icicles, no matter how strong the wind is, it doesn't seem to affect him.

Looking at these icicles, Dole's heart froze.

On the top of these iceberg icicles, every few hundred meters up and down, there is an ice dragon entrenched, swallowing elements, and the power of frost shrouded all around, the number is extremely large, it seems that this is the location of the ice dragon group.

The ice dragon is white, and it merges with the iceberg on the mountain. It is almost invisible, but Dorai sees it through the detection array and can see it clearly.

Seeing these ice dragons, Dole deliberately magnified the image of the ice dragon several times and showed it to the two children, who were shocked several times.

"Dad, so big."

"That's an ice dragon, a half-elemental organism, born with a third-level strength." Ashe explained to them next to him.

"The strength of adult ice dragons is basically at level six, and there are a lot of them at level seven. We bypassed this area, no wonder there was no one for 70 to 80 kilometers just now."

Dorai thought about it and decided to bypass here, anyway, the wizard tower is invisible.

They continue to raise the position, continue to go up, and quickly round the area.

I don't know how long they walked, they bypassed this icicle area.

The area where the iceberg resembles an icicle is really big, but it is not all covered by ice dragons. Further inside, there is something similar to a qiu, which is stronger and has other advantages. There are several kinds of ice and snow elves, and there are a lot of them.

In this area alone, he found more than a dozen creatures, and he was shocked.

He thought it was very deserted here.

In the past, it was an ordinary iceberg.

There are many fewer creatures here. I found a place more than 100 kilometers away from no one, and the wizard tower slowly fell.

Falling in the mountains, not on the top of the mountain, the top of the mountain is a bit too eye-catching.

After landing the wizard tower, Dorai tested the clone, and the sky frost bug clone can be dispatched normally. The other two creature clones are very refusing to enter and leave this environment, especially the mysterious corpse bug, although it is also cold attribute, but It also refused to be dispatched in such weather.

Dole was helpless and could only use the Sky Frost Bug clone. After more than ten days, after the silicon-based clone was healed, let the silicon-based clone go out to find traces of meteorites.

The vast land of the Arctic Plains is the place where meteorites most often fall. As long as you pay attention, you can definitely collect them all.

Today, finding the right world has become an important task for Dole, and as for other things, put it aside for now.

As the eighth level, he is about to be promoted to the level, and he needs to find out how to advance from the ninth level to the law level.

And this way, this world will not find it even after death.

Everyone knows that the rule level is the law level, but what is the law level, no one knows except the evil **** and the high-level officials of the two religions.

How to promote from the rule level to the law level, this is a very serious fault.

The law level is the **** level, but the law level is not the same as the real god. Therefore, he has to find a way to get a formation to detect the outer space. Although he is not in a hurry to go out, it is not a matter of one or two years to detect the space. It is estimated that For many years, he needs to prepare.

And if there are enough meteorite mines, he can plan the next wizard tower.

The wizard tower of the caravan type, he now has two mature plans, both are long-distance and cross-regional wizard towers, and the level is not low, focusing on speed and concealment, and the ability to attack fortifications is also good, as long as it is refined, it can be Delivered to Gretel and Eugene for use.

As long as you use good enough materials, the wizard tower can also smash people.

Dole thought so.

Based on the mountain peak, after a lot of realm formations were arranged around, the Dorai clones condensed by the Sky Frost Insect quickly disappeared into the boundless wind.

"Dore's not in the Alps?"

The voodoo organization that learned the lesson from the last time, after confirming the news, UU Reading www.uukanshu. The leader of com was slightly stunned.

The Dole family is not in the Albis Mountains, and the Albis Mountains today is an empty shell.

Maybe he left the clone, but what's the point of killing the clone?

What they need is to kill Dorai's deity. Since Dorai is not there, they can try to use the energy of the huge witch **** family to erode the Albis Mountain?

The location here is good. The transportation routes of several continents in the north of the northern kingdom also occupy the Albis Mountains, occupying this place, and the annual income is also more than tens of millions of magic crystals.

Thinking of this, they began to act immediately, using their own resources to erode several major families.

Judging from the information they have, the current Albis Mountain is under the jurisdiction of several major families. As for why they did not reach out to the Glory Wizarding Alliance, it is because they dare not.

Although the Witch God family is powerful, they will not confront the Glory Empire for one person, and can only use the means of cannibalization.

If Dorai comes back one day, they can besiege and kill in the city unscrupulously.

All this needs to be done in the dark.

At the same time, the news of the departure of the master of Mount Albis spread throughout the northwest and the entire north.

North Plains Mountains.

The dragon bat opened his eyes wide, bared his teeth, and looked in the direction of Mount Albis.

"Dorai isn't here, can he do something, but his clone is not easy to deal with."

The dragon bat thought about it and decided to start with harassment, ready to see how much power Dorai left on the clone.

Since those seven levels left, in the entire Beiyuan Mountains, except for the old black dragon, the seventh level power is left to him. He can do whatever he wants, anyway, that guy Dole is not there.

But you can't do it too much, it's best to find an opportunity.

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