Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 247: Secret Skills

Housewell's face was gloomy and could drip with water. He stared at Duolae, his mental power directly overwhelmed him. His whole figure was infinitely taller in Duolai's world, instantly turning into a dozen meters. Giants.

   The giant looked at him condescendingly, as if he could trample it to death by lifting one foot.

   Duola saw this, the sweat on his forehead ran down instantly, what's the situation? What kind of exercises does Housewell practice, and how can it have such an impact on mental power?

   Almost between life and death, Dolai gritted his teeth and resisted the pressure of the other party, just not letting go.

   At this time, the giant Howswell transformed into stared at Dolly at his feet blankly, then stretched out his huge palm and grabbed it at him.

Seeing the palm of his hand fell, Dolai wanted to fight desperately, but found that he couldn't move anymore. He shuddered all over. He knew that this was a mental attack, but beyond a major position, how could he be the opponent's. opponent?

   watched the giant hand fall, covering the top of his head.

   Is he trying to kill himself? There was an extremely strong anger in Dolay's heart.

You are a fourth-level tower master, why kill Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu will become a seventh or even eighth-level man in the future. If you want to become a great man like Baal, how could you die in your hands? This is simply the most ridiculous in the world. Things.

He was angry, he was out of anger, the fire element really body, layers of light and fire began to rise, carrying the fanatical dragon flame, quickly rushing out from the whole body, the seven orifices, forming a powerful flame clothing, the flames rose and rose. It even turned into a weird blood red. As soon as the blood red came out, it almost immediately withstood the pressure of the spirit.

   Dragon Flame?

   Housewell saw this, and was shocked instantly. He had drunk dragon blood? Having eaten dragon meat, Long Yan is one of the most domineering flames in the world, even if the opponent is only a small third level.

   can't let the other party show it.

   Thinking of this, he patted with one hand and slammed the top of Dolai's head.

   At this moment, the flame burned rapidly, and suddenly turned into a skyrocketing fire. The blood-red dragon flame and the fire element of Duolai itself rose up quickly, burning that hand suddenly into a ball of light.

   Housewell hurriedly raised his hand. Even so, his hand was burned with a layer of skin, and the terrifying corrosive flame was still burning in his hand.

   He suddenly regretted that he wanted to die. This secret technique for attacking the spirit of others is powerful and powerful, but the sequelae are also very obvious, that is, it cannot be injured. Once injured, it will be fully backlashed in the body, and it is the secret skill that directly backlashes.

   He glanced at Duolai at his feet, his face quickly turned pale.

   He instantly returned to his original appearance, the same as he had just entered. He took a deep look at Duola, then put his hands in his sleeves, turned and left.

   At this time, Duo Lai, with flames rising from his body, stared at the other side fiercely, as if to swallow him alive.

   had a vengeance.

   Duola withdrew his hand outside, he closed his eyes, slowly tempered his anger, and looked at the back of Housewell with a murderous intent in his heart.

   This person is dead.

The opponent should not dare to kill himself, and the use of that witchcraft should just want to subdue himself, but he underestimated his trump card. The power of the fire dragon bloodline that has been hidden in his body saved his life and saved the opponent. A fate.

   If he goes on, Barr will intervene.

   It will not be Dolai who will die, but the other party.

   This is the most angry place for Duo Lai, how dare he?

   At this moment, Housewell's figure slowly retreated from the corner, his figure staggered a bit.

   In front of him, an old man walked forward step by step, his expression seemed very dissatisfied.

   Seeing this old man, Duolai suddenly disappeared from the flame in his heart.


"Housewell, you are threatening the younger generation again. When will your problem be corrected? Last time, the Cecil family warned you. If it wasn't for your father, you would have died. I don't know how much. Time again."

   Dennis's tone didn't make waves, as if he was telling something.

   Housewell looked ugly, he gritted his teeth and said, "I just want someone to help me practice that thing, what's wrong?"

Dennis looked at Howswell’s expression, slightly speechless, "When refining drugs, you refining drugs. Why do you need to make a shot? Who am you? If you do this next time, you will go back to the club. I You are not here."

   Housewell's face is very ugly.

   He didn't say a word, and walked around Dennis.

   The library, in an instant, only Dolai and Dennis were left.

Dolay heard a lot of things. This Housewell seemed to have a more advanced backstage, and it was not without a reason to come here. He forced himself, the medicine that he refined seemed to be difficult, and he was not the first. Do this kind of thing at once?


   Angrily left, he now has a question mark in his head.

Dennis looked at Dolay, with a guilty expression on his face, and said, "Housewell is a little confused, sometimes not clear in his mind, thinking that anyone can refine a potion potion, a raw material of this kind of thing has long disappeared in history. In the long river."

   Hearing the name of the drug, Duola was stunned.

   Potential potion, this?

Potential potion was not a rare item in the ancient times~www.wuxiaspot.com~. It can increase the human potential and increase the upper limit of the human. Originally, it can only be cultivated to level 3. After eating it, it can be cultivated to the highest level. Level is a veritable magic medicine, and the level is not high, only level five.

   But with the passage of time, after one of the things called dragon mushrooms disappeared on the mainland, no one could refine this medicine.

   Therefore, the way to increase the potential was changed to other methods, the most famous of which is blood replacement, drinking dragon blood and the like, as well as various black magic methods.

   If this person is stuck at level 4 and is not promoted to level 5, he will indeed resort to such extreme methods.

   Thinking of this, he felt a little scared.

Dennis saw Dolay’s expression, and felt a little owed, saying, “Housewell masters the magic of spiritual power. You are a big difference from him, and you can end up hurting him. It’s not easy. Well, in order to compensate you for a request, I will meet your request."

It is not worthwhile to offend a genius like Dole. He is said to be only seventeen years old this year, and he has been promoted to the third level. The future is limitless. It is appropriate to be promoted to the fourth level. The fifth level is not yet known. .

   Duola thought for a while, put down the complicated thoughts just now, and said, "I want to see the related records of the storm element, it is better to have a spiritual imprint."

   Dennis breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's not difficult. Come with me."

   Each of them carried heavy thoughts and went up to the eleventh floor in one breath.

   Dennis asked Dolay to stand in the reading area, then personally took a box and placed it on the table in front of him.

On the    box, there are pictures of some of the most famous powerful elemental creatures in the Western Ring Continent, which should be real objects.


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