Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 248: Stir up

   It’s so utterly silly that you can only get a chance to watch it after you have been intimidated by so many methods.

   Duola felt relieved, and his anger at the things that had been persecuted just now became smaller.

   He glanced at the eleventh floor.

   There are not many bookcases here, there are only a few bookcases in the empty hall, and there are only a few books on the bookcases, nothing more. Each of these books is large, with a black cover and a seal on it. Without permission, no one can read it.

   The book here is probably the ultimate essence of Watts City.

   He almost blurted out, "President Dennis, what price do I have to pay for coming here?"

   Dennis thought for a while and watched Dolai.

   He has always found Dolai's meditation thoughts interesting, and it is even more curious to see that he can actually repel Housewell.

After thinking for a while, said, "About this, the real senior leaders of the Glory Wizards Alliance came in. Your position is only the master of the Potions Palace of Allengar College. It has little to do with our Glory Wizards Alliance, unless you formally join us. That's all right."

   Duo Lai was taken aback, the Alliance's resistance to the Academy was so strong?

   He thought for a while, "The academy also cultivates juniors for the league, why can't it be accommodating?"

Dennis smiled and said, "The most who come out of the academy are just promoted to extraordinary appearances. There are many such wizards in our Glory Wizard League. The academy only provides a platform. His most valuable is Alangar. I am a fifth-level wizard, do you know how long has there been no fifth-level wizard in Words City?"

   "It's almost fifty years." Dennis sighed, "It's not just Housewell who is going crazy, I guess other people who stay at level 4 are going crazy too."

   Duolai suddenly felt horrified. It's not terrible to be strong. What's terrible is strong and crazy. You don't know what he will do. This is what makes people headache.

Wizards have a longer life than ordinary people. According to the average age of 70 years in the world, the first-level supernatural wizards can live very long, they can live for nearly 120 years, and the second-level wizards can live almost 100. Seventy years, the third-level wizard has two hundred years, and the fourth-level wizard has almost two hundred and thirty years.

If a fourth-level wizard has not been promoted to a fifth-level wizard in 180 years, then this life will basically be here. The life span has been fixed, and there is no possibility of advancement. Housewell does not know that he will survive. For many years, obviously, he has been in a hurry.

   Duola thought of this, and nodded faintly. Instead of bringing up the matter, he focused on reading the book in his hand.

   He intruded spiritual power, starting from the front, text descriptions, records, related locations, etc., and finally a spiritual imprint.

The storm element is very powerful. The whole body is composed of storms. The smallest storm element is hundreds of meters high. His biggest feature is that it can cause changes in the celestial phenomenon, triggering thunder and lightning, heavy rains, squalls and other natural phenomena, which are passed by the storm element. The place is simply a doomsday calamity.

   Fortunately, this thing usually only likes to be on the sea where the weather changes are more complicated, and rarely comes on land.

   When Duola saw the spiritual imprint, his heart moved slightly and he turned his spiritual eyes away.

   The angle of view in front of him changed, and an endless ocean soon appeared, surrounded by squally winds, big waves, and downpours. This is the case with the wizard who made the mark.

The sky was densely covered with dark clouds, and the day turned into night. The thunder and lightning roared freely in the clouds. The crackling roar resounded through the entire ocean. As the thunder and lightning fell, they bombarded the sea, and the ears were hit by a huge sound. Buzzing loudly.

   Under the dark clouds, a huge whirlpool-like figure that is several kilometers long stands proudly. He has almost no complete form, but a swirling storm.

  What a storm is, it is a relatively large-scale terrestrial cyclone.

   But have you ever seen a horrible whirlwind covering a radius of tens of thousands of meters? The storm element is this horrible whirlwind, slowly roaming between the sky and the earth, this is the storm, which is the body of the storm element.

   A circle of violent winds, heavy rains, thunder and lightning, and a radius of tens of thousands of meters are shrouded by terrifying power. This is the main body of the storm element.

   An almost invincible existence, the most terrifying elemental spirit in nature.

Looking at the big ship that records the foot, although it is hundreds of meters long and made of iron sheet, there are steam turbine wheels on it. It is a very powerful ship, but in front of the storm, it is as weak as an ant. They are all likely to be torn to pieces by the violent wind, and **** by thunder and lightning.

   Seeing this, Duo Lai was a little shocked, the nature is truly majestic and majestic.

   He carefully described the storm up and down, and after feeling all the characteristics of the spiritual imprint, he slowly withdrew.

After he withdrew, Dennis looked at him with a smile, "Wizard Dolay, why do you want to see the mark of the son of the storm? At present, apart from a few legendary wizards, no one can directly challenge the storm element, even the most. Weak storm element."

   Duola lowered his head, thought for a while, and said, "The meditation that I practice is related to the storm element. I need to understand the composition of the storm element."

   Dennis was stunned and blurted out, "Aren't you a cultivating fire element?"

   Dolai blinked ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ naughty, "Who told you that I practice fire?"

   Dennis was silent, and he had a new understanding of Duo Lai, this guy, the character is really suspicious and bad.

   He nodded and said, "We have five great meditations in the city of Words, and they can cultivate to level five. I wonder if you are interested?"

   Duola laughed, "No need."

   Denniston knows right now, this guy's inheritance must have surpassed the fifth level. The highest level of meditation thoughts possessed by Words City is indeed level five, but that does not mean that you can only practice to level five. In the headquarters of the Northwest Province, there are also levels of 6 and 7 exercises. The monopoly of meditation thoughts is the Glory Wizard Alliance. The ultimate weapon.

Dolai doesn’t need their meditation thoughts. This can only show one thing. This little guy from the Northern Kingdom has some unknown secrets. In addition, he has frequently escaped some mercenaries and underground forces recently. It is very likely. , He has a very strong hole card, which makes him ignore all forces.

Dennis thought of this and smiled faintly, "That's fine, the highest level of the Glory Wizard Alliance headquarters only has eight levels of meditation, and it won't be there. Even so, it is good for many people to cultivate to level 5. The main force is mostly at level 4 and level 5. The number above level 6 is very small, and the meditation ideas above level 8 are actually useless." He looked at Duolai, "In fact, I hope someone can cultivate to a very advanced level. , At least it can provoke the backbone of the human race."

   Duolai silently.

Compared to other races, human races are indeed weaker. For example, colored dragons are born at level three, and adults are at level five. Those with high talents can even reach level six or seven. Human races have gone through untold hardships. I tried my best to cultivate, but the ceiling was the ceiling, no matter how hard I tried, it was useless.


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