Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 276: Live for free

   A full version of the three-story magic tower, based on the strength of the magic tower owner, will generally be repaired for about two to three years. If the capital chain is insufficient, it may even take three to five years, and some people even longer.

Duolai’s funds were completely sufficient. It took almost one million gold coins back and forth, excluding any loss. In addition, it took more than half a year for Dean Allenger and Deputy Dean Lamb to mobilize personnel to overcome all difficulties. , And only then built most of the main body.

   After the new year, Dole is officially eighteen.

At the age of eighteen, one can formally inherit the title in the empire. At the age of eighteen, it represents the qualifications for formal independence. Although the empire can declare independence at the age of fourteen or five, it will not be considered as a complete one until the age of eighteen. Treated by adults.

   The fifteenth of the first lunar month.

The instructors of the academy began to return. On the 16th of the first lunar month, the students began to return. By the 17th of the first lunar month, part of the courses had been opened first, most of which were for soldiers. At this time, many people would gather here in the Potions Hall. One part is the sale of raw materials, and the other part is the purchase of medicines.

   When Dolai and Carl walked out from behind Tallinn, a lot of talents had already gathered at the entrance of the Potions Hall. These people could see them normally, but they rarely interacted with them.

   He just arrived at the door of the store, a figure jumped out of the crowd and walked towards Dolai.

   He was a little surprised, this was Bennard who hadn't seen him in half a year.

   Since he was taken away, this guy has never seen him again. Unexpectedly, he jumped out again.

Beside Bennard, another little girl also walked out. She was about fifteen or sixteen years old. Her eyes were full of aura. She was only as tall as Bennard's shoulders, and her whole body was shrouded in a large magic robe, but look It is very thin. She followed Bennard, flinching.

   Seeing Bennard, Duo Lai just glanced at it without paying attention.

   Bennard was a little embarrassed. Seeing that Dolay ignored him, he could only bite the bullet and said, "Holy Lord Dolay, I want to join your magic tower. I'm willing to pay out 10,000 gold coins every month."

  As soon as he said this, the surrounding voices suddenly became quiet, and even those on the side of the soldiers had their mouths widened and their ears were pricked up.

   Ten thousand gold coins a month, this is simply a sky-high price.

   Carl was taken aback for a moment, and Dolaton stopped, a little stunned.

   Bennard is a Level 4 pharmacist, he definitely has this strength, but why should he join his magic tower, is it for this little girl?

   This is 10,000 gold coins a month, and Duo Lai couldn't help being a little tempted.

   He thought for a while, and said a little thoughtfully, "Come with me, I need to know your purpose."

   Bennard calmed down a little when he heard this, but Duolai did not directly refuse it, which meant that there was a show.

   He nodded hurriedly and said, "Okay." He stretched out his hand, grasped the little girl's hand tightly, and followed Duolai.

   After the four of them left, there was an uproar in the back, and soon someone recognized Bennard’s identity. For a while, there was an uproar at the entrance of the Potions Hall.

   Bennard was one of Dolay’s students last year. Although he was not outstanding, his reputation was not in pharmacy. He himself was a third-level wizard, close to the fourth-level strength, and very powerful.

   At the age of thirty or forty, Bennard is already a rare genius.

  As a civilian, Bennard's talent is very good.

   He offered a price of 10,000 gold coins a month in one breath, which shows the competitiveness of the qualification for the magic tower of Dorai.

   Not long after, this word reached the ears of other wizards.

   Allenger College was in an uproar. Hearing this price, many pharmacists wanted to choke Bennard to death. How did they bid?


   At this time, Duo Lai and Bennard were already standing in Du Lai's living room.

   Except for the living room, the other rooms have been transformed into laboratories, and they are all marked as restricted areas and cannot be entered.

   Duo Lai had long changed this place to the drip-proof water, because he was doing some biological experiments to cultivate the mysterious corpse insects.

   If this kind of ancient strange worm can be cultivated to a high level, even **** creatures like Baal will have to detour when they see it, and Duo Lai will definitely focus on training.

   Bennard was standing in Dolay's laboratory, and he couldn't help warning him, staying away from here, he was a little frightened.

   As a wizard close to Level 4, he shouldn't have been afraid, but his instinct tells him that there are too many deadly things here.

   Duola pointed to the stool at this time, and said, "Sit down with two of you." He found two cups at random, manipulated them with magical hands, and poured delicious juice.

   Bennard relaxed his mind, sat on the stool, gave the little girl a cup, and took a cup for himself.

   Duola looked at the little girl, wondering where did this guy kidnap this little sister.

   Bennard has slowed down at this time. He looked at Dole and said, "I still have the conditions just now. I want to join your magic tower as your subsidiary. How about 10,000 gold coins per month?"

  Duo Lai was not anxious to answer at this time, and asked puzzledly, "Why does it cost so much to stay in my magic tower?"

Bennard settled his mind, he had already finished the draft in his heart, and said, "There are two reasons. First, you are the most talented pharmacist I have ever met. You will definitely be a great pharmacist in the future. No need to ask. Follow you, there is definitely a future. Second, you can escape from a fifth-level wizard ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The means must be extraordinary. I believe you can protect yourself well and protect us at the same time, that's it. simple."

   Hearing these two reasons, the corners of Dolay's mouth twitched, as if it were something like that.

   Ten thousand gold coins a month, to be honest, he was really excited.

   He glanced at the little sister, glanced at her up and down, and said, "This is?"

   Ben Nadella smiled at the little sister who didn't want to come out, "This is my sister, Rosa."

   Rosa was standing in front at this moment, embarrassed, she suddenly mustered up the courage, looked at Duo Lai, and said, "Duo Lai brother." After speaking, she quickly lowered her head.

   The moment Rosa raised her head, Duola felt that Rosa was actually pretty, why was she so shy, she seemed to be a little inferior.

Bennard sighed when he saw Rosa's appearance, "Our mother and father are servants of a large noble family. We were beaten and scolded and grew up since we were young. Later, my father paid a lot of money to send me there. I went to school in the college, and then I gradually got better. It was not until I was promoted to the third level that my family became completely independent. My sister is a habit I developed when I was a child, and I can’t change it.” He slowed down and said. , "My sister's talent is also good, but the time is a bit late, and now she has just entered the extraordinary."

   Duola looked at the two brothers and sisters, a little surprised. It would be nice if one person in the family was talented, and these two guys are talented, and the parents of these two people are weird.

   He thought for a while and said, "Yes, I promised, but recently, I need you to do something for me. If it is done, I can let you live for ten years for free."

   Bennard immediately lifted his spirits, his eyes glowed with immense light, "If there is anything I can do, I can do it.


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