Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Chapter 277: The wizard is going to be high

   The two whispered.

   Rosa stood behind the two, listening to their conversation, her fear in her heart was less.

   This boy is not very old, even younger than his brother, but he is already a very powerful wizard, which is really enviable, but sooner or later she can do the same, she secretly cheered herself up.

   At this time, she heard what melting furnace, what alchemy furnace, the palace master, etc., she had already flown to other places in her heart.

   That's right, Dolay handed over to Bennard what he was supposed to show up. After all, he became famous at a young age. There are not a few people who are hostile to him in Allenger College. If you leave it to others to do it, you can lower the hatred rate.


"Level 4 pharmacists are nearly one-third stronger than level 3 pharmacists in mental control. I don’t care what genre you use, mental control must reach the standard. Otherwise, the success rate It will be horribly low."

   Duola let out a sigh of relief, ending his first lecture at the age of 18.

   Compared with the last time, the number of people this time is not large. Except for some of my own students, the number of other students is much less. The lessons of last fall are still vivid, and many people are watching.

   After speaking the last sentence, he turned and left.

   Behind him, Bennard hurriedly put away his notes and followed from behind.

   Morris, Sano and others were still struggling to write at this time, and they didn't see this at all.

Dolai glanced behind him, when Bennard stepped up and said eagerly, "Dolai, I met with the people in the Alchemy Palace yesterday. They only have three stocks that can meet your requirements. One is ten. Fifty thousand, one seventy thousand, one two hundred and fifty thousand, one hundred and fifty thousand are just ordinary furnaces, there are three thousand refining patterns in it, and the one 170 thousand is slightly higher grade, and the main material is molten fire. Heavy copper is very resistant to high temperatures. The two hundred and fifty thousandths are made of thousand-year-old mysterious iron, which incorporates a part of heavy metals."

  Duo Lai lowered his head for a moment while walking, and said, "Are you sure that the 170,000 yuan is molten copper?"

   Bennard nodded heavily and said, "I've been to see it, yes, and the weight is not low, otherwise, it would not be possible to sell for 170,000."

   Duola thought for a while and said, "You raise the price to 190,000 yuan, let them wash off the magic pattern, and then buy it." As he said, he flipped his wrist and took out four gold cards.

   A gold card is fifty thousand, and there is one ten thousand remaining.

   "The other 10,000 is to help me buy some level 4 extraordinary blood, the more the better."

   Bennard was very positive, nodded, and then immediately turned and left.

  Thinking about Dolai’s course, he values ​​the residence of the other party’s magic tower more, and he will have the opportunity to ask for advice in the future.

   After a short while, Dolai returned to the Potions Hall, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Rosa in the living room foolishly teasing with a level ruler she had placed on the table.

   Rosa heard the sound, jumped up, and then lowered her head awkwardly.

   Duola felt funny, this little girl was really funny.

   He came over, touched her head, and said, "You are about the same age as me, so you don't need to be so restrained. Your brother only asks you to beat me instead of selling you to me. What are you afraid of?"

   Rosa heard this, her voice was as small as a mosquito, and she lowered her head and said, "No, I'm just used to it."

   Duola was a little unhappy, he came to the balcony window, looked back at Rosa who was still standing in the living room, and slowly said, "Come here."

   Rosa said, and then slowly walked over to the window, standing more than three meters away.

   Duola beckoned and asked her to stand beside her.

   Rosa came over with some restraint.

   Dolay asked Rosa to raise her head, pointed out the window, and said, "What do you see?"

   From outside the balcony, you can see the front of the Potions Temple, where you can see the students who are standing and talking, and you can see some of the various characters authorized by the academy to come in.

   Rosa swept her eyes, and said, "I saw fifty-six students and thirty-two others."

   Dolay raised his brows, "Counting people's heads is pretty fast, except for people's heads, what else do you see?"

   Rosa raised her head, took a look, then lowered her head, and said, "I saw them talking."

   The corners of Dolai's mouth twitched. She stretched out her hand, grabbed the clothes on Rosa's shoulder, and pulled him over.

   Rosa wanted to resist instinctively, but she was not strong enough to resist Duola, and was controlled by him. At this time, Duola grabbed his head and controlled her head, which made Rosa very uncomfortable.

  What is Dulle going to do, is she going to assault herself? How can I resist? She blushed suddenly.

   Duo Lai was keen, and naturally realized that he might be too much, so he touched her head and said, "Look up and look over there. Tell me, what are those people doing?"

   Rosa raised her head and looked in the direction of Dolai's eyes.

   What she saw were people in society. They seemed to have formed several groups, speaking to the students.

   She quickly thought of the reason, so she said, "They are cheating on those students and want them to help buy medicine?"

   Duo Lai nodded and said, "Then you think, compared with those students, who is better and who is better."

   Rosa thought of what her brother said, and then lowered her head, her voice was as small as a fly~www.wuxiaspot.com~I. "

   Duola didn't slap his anger, and said loudly, "Be louder."

   Rosa was yelled at by Dolay, but she didn't know what to do, tears swirling in her eyes.

Duola was speechless, he let go of the other person, patted her on the shoulder, sighed, and said, "Look, you are better than any of them, you are better than any of them, look at those adventurers. , I begged those students to death in a low voice, right? You are better. You are looking at the expressions of those students and their attitudes. That one is not arrogant, and that one is not raising your head and puffing up your chest. You are look at you."

   "It's a dead eggplant." Dolai let go of her, touched her head again, and said, "You are a wizard, and you are born to exist high above. You are like this now, how can you look like a wizard."

   Rosa was a little uncomfortable when she was said by Dolay, she raised her hand, wiped her tears quickly, and immediately said loudly, "I will change." After speaking, she lowered her head again, not daring to look up at Dolay.

   Dolai is a little addicted to touching her hair. I have to say that Rosa's hair is pretty good.

   Letting go of her, Dolay said slowly, "Go and read the "On the Complexity of Society" on the bookshelf."

   Rosa lowered her head, oh, escaped from Torai's clutches, and quickly walked away.

   Duolai put a lot of pressure on her, she didn't dare to talk back, obviously he was younger than her brother, but she didn't dare to talk back.

   Damn it.

   I actually cried.

   is really embarrassing.

   Duola looked at Rosa, watched her walk away, and felt an inexplicable sense of formation in her heart.

   This little Nizi is only one year younger than him, but he is a relatively normal teenager. If he is well trained, he might grow into a future helper.


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