Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 431: track

   Duola just sighed, then looked at the dark night sky, the bright stars, like life, exuding strange power.

   It was like a person, bright and persistent.

   Just then, Dolay lowered his head, and he felt something seeping into his body.

The black corpse worm is very sensitive. Even if it is something that cannot be sensed by mental power, the black corpse worm can be sensed by its unique ability. It conceals extremely strong qi and blood, weak toxins, and even delicate small magic patterns. The reason is that the Xuan corpse insect is very sensitive to energy.

   His mental power was not sensed, but the mysterious corpse insect sensed it. He carefully felt the power of the invasion, and then traced the source.

   Soon, he discovered that the source was not from other places, but from the organizer.

   His heart stunned, what does this guy mean?

   But he quickly understood that this kind of thing is just a spice, it is not toxic, and after it penetrates into the body, it quickly lurks.

   He thought about it, is this to track himself?

  What is he going to do?

   He didn't speak to Alan, or even silently, this sixth level, he has ideas about himself.

   He lowered his head and his heart sank. It seemed that Lord Barr had to be brought by his side. He still couldn't be an enemy of level six.

   Duolai silently sensed the qi and blood of the other party, and noted the frequency of his qi and blood, and he was extremely alert to this person in his heart.

   Time slowly passed.

The whole night, except for the large number of people in the black market at the beginning, there were not many people at other times, but they came one after another. The whole night was like this. Those people were wary of each other, lurking, and coming in hurriedly. Hurried away.

   Duolai only stood by the sea for a while, then came to the black market to see if there were any new products that could be bought. Most of what he saw were rare varieties of medicinal materials.

   This black market is very large. Most of the people who come here are above level four and five, and rarely see level three. Duolai is actually a little disappointed.

   There are not many wizards above level four or five, even to describe them as rare, so they are sparse and look very miserable.

   Soon, the eastern sky lit up with a whitish belly, and soon, it was dawn.

   Duo Lai came to the beach and saw that Ellen was still talking with the man, and seeing Du Lai coming over, he ended the conversation and said, "It's over, we're leaving now."

The man took a deep look at Duo Lai, with an inexplicable look in his eyes. He turned his head, looked at Alan, and said, "See you next time, I should be able to get that thing, and then you should get through the catastrophe. Have greater certainty."

   Allen nodded, and said, "Actually, it is not too important. As long as the Glory Wizard Alliance is willing to lend me the Wizard Tower, it will be relatively easy to cross the calamity. I will become a level seven in the future and I will not forget you."

   The man just smiled and didn't speak.

   Ellen looked at Dolay and said, "Let's go."


   The wilderness in the early morning was still a bit cool. The two crossed the river, flew into the sky, and flew straight to Wassenberg.

  At this time, Dolly said, "Master Allengar, who is that person?"

   Allen’s consciousness came into contact with Dolay, and said, “I’m a professional treasure hunter. He likes to explore and discover all kinds of relics. The relics he discovered this time were the first to discover and then find someone to explore.”

   Duola said, "Then his tracking skills must be very good?"

   When Allen heard this, he just thought a little, and then was slightly surprised. What does Dolay mean? Asking about the tracking skills alone, is it because the other party used a method?

   He said solemnly, "The person's tracking skills are naturally very powerful, but he is generally not malicious. At least for so many years, I have not heard malicious rumors from him."

   Duo Lai passed on a thought he knew, and then fell silent.

   This scent should be a means of tracking. He didn't want to be tracked, so he silently started to expel the scent.

   Not long after, when the sky was fully lit, the two came to the edge of the city, preparing to walk into the city.

At the edge of the city, many troops have been assembled at this time. They are trained in the wilderness. Some are private soldiers, which seem quite messy. They have all kinds of weapons and people of various forms, and some are regular troops. The uniform clothes and the uniform weapons look neat and uniform, very beautiful.

   Duolai said in his heart, it seems that the Northwest side is determined to fight the Southwest Highlands this time. This is the case on the Human Race. It is estimated that those high-level wise monsters should also be preparing at this time.

  From Wassenberg to the southwest highlands, there is actually a distance. According to the average marching speed of this world, it is at least about ten days. However, it takes at least a whole day for a general third- and fourth-level wizard to fly past.

  To start a war, the manpower and material resources used are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

   The two of them just took a look and walked into the city. Alan said hello to Dolay and disappeared beside him, leaving only Dolay wandering in the street.

  As the vice president, Allen has many privileges in the city.

  Walking around in the street casually, Dolai walked casually, and saw a clear blue house, so he thought about it and walked in.

This store is located in a martial arts hall, the location is fairly good, there are many people around here to learn martial arts, Duo Lai's drinks have a big effect on them~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so the entrance of Zhanlan Beverage Shop There are many people who come and go, and they are all martial artists.

   As soon as Duolai walked in, a diligent waiter greeted him, "Sir, is the lobby or the private room?"

   Duola glanced at the lobby on the first floor. There were a lot of people around at this time, but there was a peculiar silence. Even if someone spoke, the voice was very small.

   He thought for a while, "Let's go to the lobby, give me twice the starry sky."

   The waiter still wanted to say poor ghosts, but when he heard the last two words, his heart was shocked. This is the most expensive drink. One cup costs 50 silver coins.

   "Well, please sit here, I will serve you." The waiter was very professional and very diligent.

   There were a lot of people and the seats were full. After finally finding something to do, Duola sat down slowly.

   He glanced around, and most of the people in the hall were adventurers, and there were also some martial artists who studied, and there was a huge gap in strength.

   There is a quiet magic circle in the lobby, which can absorb sound waves. This is the reason for the quietness, but it does not affect the face-to-face communication, just to prevent people from making a big noise.

   Soon, the double starry sky came up.

   Duo Lai picked up a cup, put it in his mouth and tasted it.

   The waiter hasn't left yet, so he smiled and asked, "Are there usually so many people?"

   The waiter nodded, "Yes, sir, today is the week, and there are not enough people, but there are many people in the lobby. On weekends, the private rooms above are full."

   "Will anyone come to make trouble?"

The waiter was stunned when he heard this question, then looked around and said, "Occasionally, there is a small gang that has been asking us for trouble, but our boss is very powerful, and those people just left for money. "


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