Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 432: Downey

   Several people do business in partnership. Although they are not big shots, everyone is not low in status. As long as those people know how to make money, there should be no problem with asking money. But if you want to use this place as a cooking ticket for a long time, it is estimated that it is impossible.

   He nodded, and said, "Is that boss here today?"

   The waiter looked at Duo Lai and told him politely and regretfully that the bosses rarely come here, and usually go to the store on Tai Luo Street.

Taro Street is the main road in Wassenburg. From the gate, it leads directly to the Mayor’s Hall of Wassenburg. The street is very wide and it is also the busiest commercial street. There are actually three azure blue drink shops on Taro Street. But as long as they were on Tailuo Street, Duola knew where they were.

   He nodded and sat in the shop for a while.

The layout of the beverage store is doing well. These three geniuses still used their hearts. They invested a lot in the early stage, and they also found experts to design. Now it seems that these three guys are also afraid of being poor. After they start business, they are right. It's very heart-warming here.

   After all, everyone earns tens of thousands of income every month, so you can’t bother.

   The money for Duolai is small money. For these geniuses, although it is a pastime, it is also the only money that can be controlled at will. Regardless of their wealthy nobles, they actually manage very strictly.

   At this moment, Dolay raised his head and looked at the door.

   He was a middle-aged man, wearing an ordinary wizard robe with six different kinds of flowers painted on it, which looked very gorgeous.

   The man also looked over at the same time, looked at Duolai, the two looked at each other.

   is indeed the right person, yes.

   The man strode forward.

   Duola's mouth twitched, and then he carefully checked himself.

   At this moment, he saw that there seemed to be an inconspicuous grass on the corners of his clothes, and he had never noticed it. tmd.

   The man strode forward, and as he walked, he was familiar with himself, and ordered two cups of violets.

   He came to the opposite side of Duo Lai and sighed softly, "It's not easy to work **** you."

   Duolai helpless, "Didn't you find this?"

   The man smiled and said, "I'm looking for you, naturally I will send you money, I have something to ask for!"

   Duola raised his head and looked at each other, "Do not do business with less than one million."

   The man's tone suddenly stagnated, and he took a serious look at Duo Lai, and found that his eyes were firm, not at all telling lies.

   "Your asking price is a bit high. I haven't asked anything about it. Isn't it gentle enough?"

   Duolai curled his lips, "You are at the sixth level, it must not be easy to ask for help. If I just agreed casually, wouldn't it be too cheap? This is not in line with my current status."

   The man was amused suddenly, "Little friend is really good at joking, I mean really, please do me a favor, I will definitely satisfy you in terms of the price."

   He was afraid that Dolay would ignore him, so he flipped his wrist and found something wrapped in kraft paper in his hand.

   He placed it gently on the table, and then pushed towards Dole.

   Duola looked at something and frowned.

   He doesn't want to open it. If you open it, it means trouble. If you don't open it, the other party says it's useful to him. It must be true. It's really tangled!

   He thought for a while, still couldn't bear his curiosity, so he stretched out his hand and opened the kraft paper.

   When the kraft paper opened, Duola's pupils suddenly shrank.

   I really can’t refuse this thing.

   He closed the kraft paper, covered the things underneath, then coughed, and said, his tone softened, "Dare to ask this man about his origin, if you have anything to ask me, I will not do things like murder and arson."

The man smiled and said, "My name is Downey, and I am from the Glory Wizarding Alliance. Later, I didn’t agree with some people’s ideas. So I left the Glory Wizarding Alliance and went out and wandered on my own. Unfortunately, people like us left. Without the system and leaving the right environment, it is difficult to survive outside. Therefore, until now, I have not become a level 7 and cannot find the relevant opportunity. Therefore, I am going to settle down recently and find you to refine a wizard tower. "

   Duola was stunned.

   Refining the wizard tower shouldn't be handed over to the alchemist? Why are you looking for him?

   He frowned, and said, "If your lord wants alchemy, I believe that there are alchemists in the alchemy guild who are level six or above, so why do you find me a pharmacist?"

   Downey smiled and said, "Because I am also a pharmacist, so I know how important your wizard tower is to pharmacists."

   Duola was silent for a moment.

   The other party is also a pharmacist. It is no wonder that the formation in Horry’s magic house is very attractive to him. He should have actually seen it, but I don’t know when to go!

He thought for a while and said, "If I can, I will only lay out the magic circle and not participate in the construction. If you want to build a magic tower for potions or alchemy alone, I have several sets of related magic circles for reference. "

Horry’s Magic House is not very good. It’s all about the Magic Tower. The Magic House’s magic circle basically doesn’t have any powerful wizards or special outstanding wizards, but it’s just because it is aimed at It is the Wizard Tower. The magic circle inside has a very high bonus to potions and alchemy. It is more professional and has relevant operability. If it is purely a wizard tower for alchemy or potions~www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The formation in Horry’s Magic House is the most suitable.

Downey thought for a while, and said, "Yes, you can send me the structure and introduction of the formation first. Then I will refer to it. According to the structure of the magic array, please make a tower body to ensure that it can work together. This book The book, even as a bonus."

   Duola shook his head. He pointed to something on the table and said, "No, I feel that it is worth a tower of magic circle."

   Downey smiled, feeling that Duo Lai is very interesting and meaningful. It should be very pleasant to work with such a person.

   The two quickly discussed the details of the transaction, the scale of the magic circle, the magic tower, etc., and the scope, and after a while, they left each.

When    left, Downey also packed a few bottles of drinks. He felt that these things had an effect on his body and they were quite delicious.

   Ha ha, Duola didn't tell him that this thing came from his hands.

  Walking out of the Azure Beverage Shop, Dolai felt that the world was very strange. He was just rubbing Alan's light, but he didn't expect to get such benefits for himself. It was amazing.

   Downey gave him, naturally, the book he wanted to buy. He just scanned it mentally and felt that the value of this book was too high.

The level of this book is not high, up to the seventh level of potions. It is a genre many years ago. Many of the drugs in it are basically not applicable now. It is either that the medicinal materials are not easy to find, or the efficacy is far inferior to the current ones. Most of the potions are in the kind of eliminated, but there are difficulties and ideas about the sixth and seventh potions. For Duo Lai, it is simply giving charcoal in the snow. The value of this book alone is far away. More than one million gold coins.

   That Downey was also testing him. If he asked for money, he probably didn't own the book.


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