Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 434: The goddess of ice and snow

   There was no progress in a month, which seriously affected the state of Duolai, which had been improving at a high speed. Every day, he changed from being full to nothing, and even a little bit distressed.

   Duo Lai knew that his state might be wrong and he was too eager for quick success, but the reality forced him to rush for quick success. Without strength, it was the meat on other people's chopping boards, and he was kneading at will. Now that his strength can't be improved, he is a little worried.

   Forget it, go to the library, check the information, and see where the nearest storm element is.

   After enduring it for a few days, Duola finally couldn't help it. He immediately stopped his thoughts, got up directly, and walked out.

   The clone stayed in the laboratory to refine the medicine, while the deity went out and went to Wizard Tower One.


   City Lord's Mansion.

   Ashe stood in the backyard.

   There is a separate courtyard here, which belongs to the magic tower of the family. Even though it is summer, the surrounding area of ​​the magic tower is white and cold.

  The huge yard is surrounded by a world of ice crystals. Ashe stands in the world of ice crystals, closes his eyes, the huge spiritual power covers all around, and he feels it carefully.

   In the center of the ice crystal world, an octagonal magic tower exudes powerful power, affecting the surrounding world, the world is even colder, colder, and snowy.

   Ash raised her hand, countless snow and ice in her hand, and the wind condensed. In less than a second, a wind column that looked like energy appeared in her hand. She lifted it up, and the wind column shot forward immediately.

   The pillar of wind made no sound, and then shot a big hole in the ground, making it impossible to see the depths.

   "The single-point power of this wind gun is really terrifying, but it consumes a lot of mental power."

   Aixi feels a little shocked. She has been able to perform the wind spear technique for so long, and it is the first time she has performed it completely, and it is pure wind, without any other elements.

  Like Duolai, you can also add ice blades to it at will. Then release it, how terrifying it is, this is almost a level 5 witchcraft.

   At this moment, Ashe felt a spiritual force coming from the wizard tower.

   "Aunt Lauren."

   The mental power fell in front of Ashe, and the surrounding wind and snow quickly gathered in the middle. After a while, the wind and snow became a humanoid silhouette, and soon became a woman in white.

   The white-clothed woman looked at Ai Xi, her voice was vicissitudes of life, slightly deep.

   "Is this the witchcraft you talked about in exchange with others?"

   Ashe nodded, "Yes."

   The white-clothed woman looked at the big hole in the ground, her mental power was carefully sensed, and her heart was slightly stunned.

Immediately, she shook her head again, and said, “This kind of witchcraft is like a pile of witchcraft first-level witchcraft. The same has no effect, on the contrary, there is no large-scale witchcraft that is easy to use, and it requires too much control."

   Ashe has a slight smile on her face, she knows the nature of her own thoughts, and Aunt Lauren is jealous.

The **** of ice and snow has a very advanced idea. All witchcraft are large-scale destructive witchcraft, but there are only one or two witchcraft for a single body, and the power is also very average. Shu, she must have an idea.

"It's okay. I recently learned a technique and improved my control. Otherwise, this witchcraft won’t be used. Actually, this is not the full version of witchcraft, it’s just a simple version, and the full version needs to be added. The upper ice blade is formed together. The wind blade cuts energy and the ice blade cuts the material. The power that bursts out in an instant is enough to break any magic shield below level 4, and the power is comparable to the ice god."

   The woman was moved, thinking about the feasibility of witchcraft and what type of magic model could be used to achieve this power.

   "Is this kind of power or is it a semi-finished product? What kind of meditation was incidental to this?"

   Ai Xi shook his head, "I don't know, this is a secret of others, but it should still come from the meditation of the ice and snow system."

The woman frowned and said, "The Pluto thoughts of the Ice and Snow element, in terms of power, only the Goddess of Ice and Snow in our Glory Empire is the most powerful, followed by Storm Fury, or the God of Ice, which can be comparable. There is such a powerful meditation idea of ​​witchcraft at level four. I can't think of the fourth one. Could it be that there is another powerful person from outside?"

  As a top master, women naturally know some secrets.

Ashe shook her head, then nodded, and said, "Dorai’s origin is indeed quite mysterious, and perhaps it is impossible to get the idea of ​​meditation from other planes, but at present, it is only good for us, and there is no harm. Besides, This person is not bad. If he grows up in the future, it will definitely benefit my glorious empire."

  The woman looked at Ashe.

   After a while, she suddenly lost her icy breath, showing a gentle smile, "How does this kid compare to Gretel and Eugene?"

Ashe did not understand the woman's meaning, she thought about it carefully, and said with a solemn expression, "Very good, no matter how talented it is, working hard enough, and most importantly, his talent for refining medicine is very powerful. In time, he might be able to board potions. The realm of the master."

The woman nodded and thought, "I've heard about this situation. He is now at level 6. If he has not been choked by the pharmacist and the Glory Wizard Alliance, or if he has learned a lot of potions for level 6 potions, I just want to To become a seventh-level master ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ it is not an easy task. It must be in the context of alchemy. As for alchemy, the kid probably has no low accomplishments."

   She lowered her head and thought about it, thinking that the magic circle of his magic tower was all alone.

  'S handwriting is a bit shocking at this point.

   Ashe nodded, "That's why we approached him. He and us are the same kind of people, and it's worthy of our association."

The woman nodded, a little bit of hatred for iron and steel, "The ten people in the youth plan of the previous year, including you, Gretel, and Eugene, are considered advanced, and the other seven people are all **** if they don't mention it. In fact, there is no lack of genius, it is the genius who lacks self-motivated. Otherwise, we have not many people in Northwest Wasenberg for so many years to enter the sixth level. Where are so many geniuses? If geniuses don’t work hard, they will eventually interact with those geniuses. Like the previous geniuses, they have become useless."

   Ai Xi's heart stunned, she knew that my aunt was reminding her.

   So she nodded and said, "I have been working hard, but recently I got into a bottleneck. I think, going out for a while, I want to go to the far north."

As the owner of the mind of the goddess of ice and snow, going to the extreme north is the best choice, where the low temperature all the year round, the daily temperature is minus fifty or sixty degrees, and there are strong winds and heavy snow, it is the most suitable for comprehending the comprehension of ice and snow. .

From level 4 to level 5, it is the process of completely integrating one's own witchcraft, aura, will, etc., and condensing it into a range domain. Although it is not a real domain, this is the key to the domain. Everyone who cultivates in the ice and snow domain, All need to go to the far north, which is inevitable.

   Lauren stunned, "Will it be too early? You have just been promoted to Level 4, less than a year ago."


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