Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 435: Open the situation

"It's only half a year at most. The money I saved by myself, plus what the family gave me, is all used for improvement. Now the magic power has been accumulated almost, and now, there is no suitable environment." Ashe understands herself very well. Clearly, she knows what she needs now.

   Lauren lowered his head and thought for a while, "Well, when you think about it, you can apply to your father."

   After finishing speaking, the woman's body suddenly spread out and turned into ice and snow all over the sky, sprinkling everywhere.

Aixi smiled slightly when she saw this. She knew that she was hitting her aunt. Auntie was called a genius. She became a Level 4 when she was in her twenties. If she caught up with her, she would definitely have some envy.

   Thinking of this, a long-lost smile appeared on her face, like a spring breeze.

   At this moment, she felt something, turned around, and left the small courtyard.


  Westlin stood at the door of the small yard, felt a little, and did not see her daughter, frowned, just about to walk away, but felt the familiar blood coming in from outside.

   He turned his head and said with a smile, "Aish, you are too deserted here. I want to say how good it would be to hire a few servants."

   Aixi smiled slightly, "Father is back, so let's forget about the servant."

Westlin knew her daughter’s temper and did not force it, but slowly said, “I’m here this time to tell you that this time the City Lord’s Mansion decided to bid for external parties. Go and tell your friends. Now, don't delay the time when the time comes. This is a tender."

   He took out a piece of gilded paper from the cuff and handed it to Ashe.

   Aixi was eager in her heart, she carefully took the tender with both hands, smiled and said, "Thank you, father."

  Westlin grunted, and said with a strange smile, "My daughter is getting older, and her elbows are starting to turn out. I am a father, so I can't twist it. Hehe."

   Ash suddenly said, "Father, we are just friends, you don't need to think too much."

  Westlin continued to hum, his gaze lifted, looking towards the backyard, his gaze seemed to penetrate the void and land on the stalwart wizard tower.

"Whether it is Gretel, Eugene, or Dolay, I hope you can confirm the relationship early, and don't end up like your aunt. You are all seventy and eighty, and you don't even have a heir. , The blood inheritance is lost, it's really a shame to the Rhine family."

   said the last sentence, his tone became more serious, even a little angry.

   Ash didn't dare to speak anymore. The aunt and father didn't deal with each other. This matter has been around for a long time.

   Although it is a sister-in-law, it is the relationship of the mother, but it is also the blood of the king. The reason why the father is angry is because of the blood inheritance. This is a very serious matter for a family.

   "I don't care about your business, but you must find a partner as soon as possible. This is the bottom line for the father."

  Westlin never thought of using his daughter as a trading tool. He knew that his daughter's temper would not be willing, so he had such a minimum requirement.

   Ai Xi sighed and said, "Look at the chance, besides, I want to tell you that I want to go to the far north."

   Westlin was shocked when he heard this, "So fast?"

   Ashe nodded, "It may take a long time to go to the far north. It may take three to five years to come back. Promoting to level 5 is very troublesome."

   Where Westlin was standing, he couldn't make out his expression, but the more he was like this, the more Ashe was afraid of his father's disagreement.

   After a while, Westlin said, "Yes, but you can't go alone."

   Ashe nodded, and said, "I already have a suitable candidate, and when time is ripe, I will leave."

   Westerlin relieved his heart and said, "Father knows that you have great ambitions, but don't forget your daughter's love."

   Ashe nodded.


   After getting the new book, Dolay carefully read the masterpiece.

The name of this book is called Potions. There is no other name. There are all kinds of medicines from level 1 to level 7, but unfortunately, many medicines have completely lost their effectiveness. Part of it is the change of heaven and earth, and the herbs are gone. Some of them are not as effective as some medicines after refining. They can only be used as a reference to digest the pharmacology.

   For Duo Lai, there is no use before level 5, only level 6 and above are useful. What he needs is alchemy, and he needs to redefine medicine.

   Sixth-level pharmacist principle.

After    level 6, the medicinal power is no longer a simple mixture, but a structural formula that maximizes the medicinal power to maximize the medicinal power of the same level.

Seeing this time, Duolai's heart became clear. Whether it was a psychic potion or a magic potion, it was basically the same principle. Duolai had studied the alchemy method many times, and he had wanted to use it many times. Among other medicines, they all ended in failure.

   He looked down carefully.

"The best structural method to enhance medicinal power is based on the breath of life researched by the elves. It is mixed in a variety of ways, compared to the total, and finally formed. The most common structural forms are circular, spiral, and three-dimensional. According to the different drug strength, different structures are constructed."

   Then I referenced many alchemy figures and equations below. Some of the strange things named as molecular formulas looked very weird.

   But it was these weird things that made Dolai an eye-opener, and then he had a lot of ideas about some of the other potions he had already purchased.

   He read it tirelessly.

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he suddenly received a message. Originally, he didn't intend to pay attention to it. But after scanning the content of the message, Dolay was refreshed and looked at the book tangledly. Separate part of the mental power.

   The deity continued to read and went there as a clone, but since this way the efficiency of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been greatly reduced, but it does not affect his acquisition of all kinds of knowledge.

   The clone walked out of the room, quickly came downstairs, and walked towards Tai Luo Street.

   Not long after, at the entrance of the Azure Beverage Shop, Ash's slender figure stood tall.

   People who entered and exited sometimes secretly looked at the wizard, with a stunning look in their eyes, but no one dared to greet him.

  The wizard, the magic robe of the Rhine family, these two things shut everyone out.

   Seeing Duolai coming, Ashe nodded at him, and strode forward to greet him.

   The two quickly stood face to face, and Ashe said, "Have you brought what I want you to bring?"

   Duola showed a confident expression on his face, "Naturally I brought it. I am very concerned about this matter."

   Ashe nodded, a trace of relief appeared on her cold face, and said, "Here you are, come with me, I'm afraid you don't know the way."

   Duolai took what Ashe had handed him, held it in his hand, and just glanced at it, and he was shocked.

   He nodded fiercely.

   Ashe saw Dolai look like this, she was a little relieved, she finally had a little effect, she said slowly, "You helped me, I also helped you, we are happy to cooperate, you don't need to be like this."

   Duola looked at Ashe carefully, looked at his cold and delicate face, and slowly said, "Then you don't know how important this opportunity is to me, I will rely on this to open up the situation now."


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