Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 436: tender

Ashe smiled suddenly, she turned her head and looked at the bustling city, "Don’t think of yourself as fragile. Your entire wizard tower, in terms of status, is more powerful than any noble family above the middle level. What's more, even if there is no big business, just rely on ordinary professionals, you will not be hungry." Ashe is really envious of Dolai, potions are really very powerful, and alchemy has not been reduced. It is a pity. , But he didn't have the energy to play with these things, just cultivation took up all the time.

   Duola looked at Ashe, and at this moment, he felt the radiance of sunlight coming out of Ashe.

   He smiled faintly, "Hey, doing business is naturally going to be big business. I still have thirty or forty people under my hand to support, how can it be compared to me alone." Although he has a wizard tower, it is also everyone's.

   Ash nodded, and said, "Come with me and bid."

   Duo Lai held the tender, feeling that this thing weighed tens of thousands of catties, and his heart was heavy.


   City Hall, Duo Lai and Ashe came to the door, the guard automatically let go of the road, the two walked along the hall, slowly to the third floor.

  Wasenberg’s municipal building is not very luxurious, but rather back to basics, with simple structural decoration.

   I walked through a few aisles, and there were people coming and going, most of them were professionals, and occasionally I could see a few ordinary people.

   When those people saw Ash, some nodded slightly, some ignored her, or didn't even see her at all.

   Aixi didn't mind this either. They quickly came to the back room. At this time, there were already many people in the room, lining up, passing information forward one by one.

   After the two entered, they stood behind, without causing any disturbance.

   But Ash didn't want to line up at all. After entering, she greeted him casually, and someone came forward and enthusiastically led them to the back compartment of the house.

  When he came to the compartment, Duola found that the people behind them were not simple, the identities of the two sixth-level warriors, three fifth-level wizards, and several others were not simple.

   Seeing the arrival of Ashe, one of the sixth-level fighters stood up and looked a little happy, "Eldest niece Ashe, you are here."

   Ai Xi saluted this man and said, "Uncle Andorra."

Andorra nodded happily, "I heard about you." He turned around and looked at Dolai, his face suddenly solemn, "You are the tower master Dolai of the Dolai Wizard Tower, right? You Bring the tender first."

   Duola nodded and walked forward slowly.

   In addition to the tender, he also had another list that he pulled out from his hand and held it in his hand.

   Everyone else looked at Duo Lai at this time, but Du Lai didn't feel much pressure.

The two fifth-level wizards looked at Duolai at this time, slightly surprised, good guy, this guy’s clone really reached the fifth level as rumored, the imperial wizards also have such characters, but in terms of strength, The mysterious corpse worm clone is several grades behind this one. After all, it is an influential clone, just for the convenience of work. This is a mysterious corpse worm!

   Andorra took the tender, and the list, took a look at it first, his eyes lit up, and then gave the things to the two wizards to see.

   Andorra looked at Dole, his eyes lighted a little, "Your list is very good, I like it very much." He stopped talking, stood aside solemnly, and looked at the two wizards.

   The wizard took the list, glanced casually, and his expression relaxed.

The name and quantity of the pharmacy of the Dorai Wizard Tower really deserves its reputation. There are so many partial medicines. For the Legion, this is definitely a good thing, and the number of pharmacists is also large enough, so much output, just this one, It can satisfy at least one-twentieth of their needs.

  Imperial Mages, the Imperial Legion is different from the Glory Wizard Alliance and the Apothecary Alliance. They are the main legions of the Empire. Although the control is in place, the two are completely two levels in terms of the administrative system.

   Although it is still controlled by the nobles, it is ultimately based on demand.

   After reading the list, the wizard slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Listening to the rumors, the quality of the potions of the Dorai Wizard Tower has always been very good. I want to see and see, can I?"

   Duola nodded, and said modestly, "That's right, please check it out."

   He flipped his wrist and found a small box in his hand. He opened the small box and there were a dozen rows of potions in it, each containing more than five or six bottles.

   Seeing this, the eyes of the two wizards were all rounded, and the warriors' eyes widened. What did they see, my grass, the red dragon blood potion, this. . .

Andorra spit out, staring straight at the blood medicine, and immediately said, "Little brother Dolay, how much is a bottle of this red dragon blood medicine? I will buy it now." His excited name changed. NS.

   Just after he finished speaking, a sixth-level fighter next to him slapped Andorra aside with a slap, and reprimanded, "Pay attention to the occasion."

   When Andalton was in a conversation, he dared not look at the soldier, and winked at Duolai vigorously.

   Duola suddenly smiled.

   "The red bloodline potion is not too high-level bloodline potion. After all, this is only from the blood of an ordinary red dragon, and it is only up to level seven. If there is an ancient dragon bloodline, it is more suitable."

   He explained it carefully.

   Andorra laughed suddenly when he heard this, "Little thief, then do you know how many people are stuck at level six for a lifetime."

   Duola is not clear about this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He shook his head and said, "I don't know."

   Andorra snorted, "For fifty sixth-level fighters, one may not be promoted to seventh-level, and there is a seventh-level bloodline ability. This is so important."

   Duola is shocked, the ratio is so low?

   He lowered his head and thought about it carefully. Are the hundreds of bottles of Red Dragon Blood Vessels he has on hand worth the money?

   The two wizards carefully checked the potion. They nodded and shook their heads from time to time. They both spoke through voice, so Duola didn't know what they were talking about.

   But looking at their expressions, they seem to be relaxed.

   Duola was worried. At this moment, his arm was pulled, but when he looked back, he saw that it was Ash.

Ashe gave him a relieved look, and said a little funny, "Just look at the look of Uncle Andorra's shining eyes just now, don't you worry, this matter has been stabilized, even if the imperial mage group has trouble with your batch of potions. Doubt, but there is no problem with the Imperial Legion."

   Ai Xi said in a voice.

   Duola nodded.

   Only then did he understand that today, the Imperial Mage Group and the Imperial Legion are both referencing at the same time, and there is no question of one bidding.

   Just now, all those outside are bidding. It seems that the competition is fierce, but in fact, there are not many advanced pharmacists. The level of alchemists is relatively low, and the abilities of folk wizards are still a little worse.

   The two Level 5 pharmacists repeatedly checked all the medicines carefully, and their expressions became more and more serious and serious.

   This situation made Duolai feel a little nervous.

   After a short while, the two of them put down the potions they were examining one after another. Among them, the talking wizard looked at Duolai with solemn expressions and solemn eyes.


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