Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 437: invite

   "You made these potions yourself?" The wizard slowly said.

Dole shook his head. He pointed to two of the six-level medicines and said, "I made these two kinds, and the other ones were picked up by my students. If you have any questions about the quality, I can now Explain to you."

   The two wizards turned their heads, glanced at each other, looking at each other, "Take it whatever you want? Are you sure?"

   Duola looked as usual, and slowly smiled, "I have strict control over potions and do not allow defective products to appear. Therefore, generally speaking, the potions produced by our Wizard Tower will not have lower-medium quality potions."

What else the wizard wanted to say, the wizard next to him coughed, suppressing his desire for expression, and said in a deep voice, "I am very satisfied with the quality of the medicine, and the types of your wizard towers are relatively rich. Can you let us? , First accept this sample. As for the bidding, we also have a comparison here."

   Duo Lai's heart chuckles, I don't know why?

   There are many kinds of medicines in this batch, and the total price is also very high. Take the dragon blood medicines for example, each bottle is around two or three hundred thousand gold coins, just give them this way?

   He hesitated.

Andorra next to see this situation, where they can do so, so they can’t wait to say, “I said, old black, you want to hack people this batch of medicine is not such a black law, you at least let people take care of them. Take away the valuable ones. I think people can take away these red dragon blood medicines. A bottle is worth hundreds of thousands." He has been greedy for these medicines for a long time.

The pharmacist called the old black suddenly turned black. "Major General Andorra, you can’t talk nonsense. If these medicines are taken away, we must buy them. We don’t want dragon blood medicines. This is useless for us. Just these." He pointed his finger at the healing medicine and some wizards that could use it.

   Duola looked at Andorra, but he did not expect that this one was still a major general.

  In the Glory Empire, strength is not the basis of everything. Ability is. There are not a few level six fighters, but there are not many who lead soldiers to fight. This guy looks like a reckless man, but he did not expect to be a man who leads soldiers to fight.

   So he took a second look.

Andorra grunted, his eyes lighted up, he looked at Dole, and said decisively, "Since the Imperial Wizards said that your batch of potions is very good, we must have your order here. Look at us. For niece’s sake, the value is slightly higher than that of other families. How about 90% of the market price?"

Since it is a large-scale purchase, the purchase price will naturally be lowered. These Dolais have been mentally prepared for a long time. Hearing this, he immediately nodded and said, "No problem, the quality of the medicine will not be lower than the one I brought today. If there is a problem, we are solely responsible for it, and the inferior one pays ten."

Andorra laughed, "That's not necessary. In the past years, there were actually a lot of inferior medicines. Your quality is already quite good. In wars, medicines that can save lives are good medicines. Regardless of whether they are inferior or inferior. In fact, we are still taking advantage of the good medicines. Our brothers are going to buy these dragon blood medicines. You can make a price."

   The three sixth-level fighters didn't know when they had already negotiated, and they were ready to be slaughtered.

   Duolai smiled. There are three people in Andorra, so you might as well sell them a face, "If you three want to buy it, a bottle of 150,000 gold coins will do."

These dragon blood were all made by Lord Barr, and there is no cost at all. Calculating the other medicinal materials, one bottle costs less than 20,000 gold coins, 200,000 is the normal price, and it is 50,000 cheaper at once. Duola is already looking at it. In the face of Ashe.

   As soon as he said his words, everyone else felt incredible.

   Even Ashe spoke to him, "Will it be cheaper?"

   Dole shrugged, "The cost will only be cheaper than you think."

   Ash is unclear, but Duola didn't want to explain.

   However, under Duolai's repeated insistence, the three of them did not refuse. It was too cheap, so they hurriedly started contacting and pooling money, knowing that this is the blood of the dragon.

   The two fifth-level wizards saw this and sighed. These three brash men could have kept the price down.

   Nobody’s money came from the wind.

The old black coughed at this time, and said, "Dolai's medicine is of good quality, but the final decision is not on our side. We are still standing today, and the final decision is on the head of the regiment." He pointed out the problem vaguely. key.

   Duola nodded and said with a slight bow, "Then trouble the two adults."

   Old Hei looked at Duolai, this young man, not arrogant or impetuous, humble and polite, not bad. Looking at the two people standing together, hey, it's quite suitable, but the height is a little lower, and some of them are not worthy of Ashe.

   But thinking of the age of this guy, coupled with a terrifying talent, it is worthy, but I don't know what the young man thinks.

   Eugene is also a good guy, and Gretel is also good, but compared with Dolay, except for his life experience and height, everything else is far behind.

   The more they looked at Duolai, the more pleasing they were.

   Separating the potions, Duola and Ashe left the bidding room soon.


   Having made a lot of money, Dolay and Ashe left the city hall happily.

   As the introducer, Ashby Dolai is always happy, this is probably done, plus the father's side, there shouldn't be a problem.

  Walking out of the municipal hall, Duo Lai breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his head and said, "Aish, I'm guilty of you this time."

   Aixi shook his head~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You helped me, I naturally want to help you, and, after this incident, I may have something to ask of you! "She looked at Dole seriously.

   Duolai doesn't know why, what is it that deserves the other party's seriousness?

   He thought about it, and said, "Okay."

   Ashe thought for a while, and said in a low voice to Duola, "It is very likely that he will go far away."

Duola was a little puzzled. He glanced at Ashe and thought about it for a while. He quickly thought that Ashe is now at level 4. If he wants to be promoted to level 5, he must understand the profound meaning of his own thoughts, and he must go out and talk to himself. The dilemma is the same now.

He thought for a while, beckoned to Ashe, and said, "We said as we walked, I am actually facing a dilemma now, that is, thinking about things. If you don't say it, I'm likely to go out, but I am mostly going to sea, where are you going?"

   Ash followed Dolai's steps and followed closely.

   She thought that the nature of the two people's meditation thoughts were similar. They were both water and wind, and Duo Lai also had a kind of thunder system. It was understandable to go to sea.

   Occasionally there will be storms on the sea, which contains a lot of mysteries of the world of Fengshui thunder. Going to the sea may be the best choice for the other party.

  What kind of meditation did he cultivate?

She thought for a while, and said, "The place I am going is the far north, which is also considered to be the sea. If possible, I would like to invite you to go with me." She summoned a lot of courage and said, finishing her expectation. Looking at Dole.

   Duolai was also stunned at this time, the far north seems to be okay.

   "Well, the far north also meets my requirements. We can go together at that time, but we have to finish our immediate business first." Duola laughed.


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