Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 453: square

   On the fifth day, Duo Lai is studying the formula.

   At this moment, his heart moved, and a message came. Reading the news, I quickly settled my mood, and sat in the wizard tower. The deity changed into a wizard robe, brought everything that could be brought, and slowly walked out of the wizard tower.

   City Lord City Hall.

The entrance of the market hall is very lively today, and it is also very strict. The ordinary people around are completely shielded. Teams of powerful patrols are standing around. At the same time, a five-level wizard tower stands in the square. Next to it, a force radiated from the wizard tower, radiating the entire city hall, covering it completely.

   At the gate of the city hall, many people were already standing at this time. These people were either the heads of some organizations, or representatives of the organizations, or the leaders of a certain family. They were basically high-level people.

   Some of them gathered together and talked to each other, while some stood alone, seemingly isolated.

   When Duolai came to the square, it attracted a lot of attention. The third largest pharmaceutical supplier in Wassenberg turned out to be the name of all small and medium-sized organizations.

   Duola didn't know anyone, so naturally he didn't get together with them, and stood on the side and waited quietly.

   But he can feel that many people are looking at him. Some are well-intentioned, some are malicious, and some are unclear.

   Regarding these, he chose to ignore it. When he came here, he had already touched the interests of a large number of people, and it was very normal to be hostile.

   After waiting for a while, a large number of people suddenly came in outside. The leader was an old man. Behind the old man, a young man winked at Dolay. It was Gretel.

   Duolai realized that this was a member of the Aoun family.

   At this moment, Gretel took two steps forward and said a few words to the old man. The old man looked at Dolay and said something, then Gretel waved at him frantically.

   Seeing this, Duolai moved in his heart and slowly walked over.

   At this time, there was a commotion in the square, and many people wanted to come forward and get close, but they were all stopped by the guards of the Aoun family.

   When Dolai walked over, the guards automatically separated a wide road and let him in.

   Duolai looked at the members of the Aoun family. There were a lot of people here this time, but in general, only the first few people have some weight, and the others have nothing.

   When Duolai walked over, the members of the Aoun family were also observing him, some were amazed, some were indifferent, and some were puzzled.

   But they soon knew who it was.

Dolay walked over and came not far in front of the old man. Gretel came up and said with a smile, "Dolay, this is my uncle, the man in charge of the business of our Aoun family, you can call Grandpa Robert, this It's my third uncle, who is in charge of the caravan. You can call Grandpa Andis, two grandpas. This is what I often mention about Dolai."

   Dolay took the lead and said respectfully, "Grandpa Robert, Grandpa Andis." He has always been very kind.

   Both old men nodded in greeting.

Robert looked at Dolay, and said with a slight sigh, "It is said that Dolay Pharmacist is very young. When I saw him today, I realized that he was younger than expected. We Gretel, it is really lucky to be able to find you. "

   His words praised two people. Obviously, both for Gretel and Duolai, they are very appreciative.

  A medicinal material supplier, a very powerful pharmacist, the cooperation between the two parties is the real win-win cooperation!

Dole looked at Gretel and smiled sincerely, "Master Gretel is the most business-minded person I have ever met, so we can cooperate and win-win. Later, the Azure Beverage Shop is the result of our joint cooperation, father how do you feel?"

   Robert heard the words, and looked at Duo Lai a little bit higher. What he said was no worse than their old foxes.

He smiled gently, and said, "In the future, it will be your young people's world. We old men should have a good grasp of the direction. It will not be mixed with your business, but your drink is indeed very good. Give it to my old man when you have time. How about some?"

   He didn't answer Duolai's question in person, but praised it from the side.

   Duola nodded and smiled faintly, "Then it depends on Gretel's filial piety." As a partner, Gretel has the authority to take some of the drinks.

   Andis smiled and said at this time, "You young people, they are much better than we were at the beginning. The monthly income of the beverage shop you opened makes me and the old guys envious."

Doray smiled shyly, "That is not actually a drink anymore, but a health-care medicine. The value is naturally higher. What I envisioned at the beginning was that if they couldn't afford the finished medicine, could they do it? To be thinner, sell it cheaply as a drink, and then I didn't expect it to be so successful."

   Andis stayed, he didn't expect the origin of the Azure Beverage Shop to be like this. He glanced at Robert and found that this one was also looking at him, and the two old men were shocked.

   This is the real business genius.

"The younger generation is terrible, the younger generation is terrible, then you two talk, we old men will not bother you, oh yes, Gretel, you can introduce all the younger generations of our family, let them all see what is real Genius, the bunch of stupid idiots in the province don't know that the sky is great."

   Andis glanced back, and suddenly reprimanded.

   The people behind did not dare to show up.

   Duola saw this and became humble.

   Although he is a little arrogant at times, he also knows when to do his posture~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is an attitude and method of behaving in the world, and occasionally use it to save himself personal character.

Aoun’s entry into the arena also opened the door for the large forces to enter the arena. Other families have also arrived. They are all with a large number of people. The Macia family, the Lei family, the Sikong family, etc., Wassenberg is the center of the Northwestern Province. , The high aristocrats are naturally not the ones Duo Lai knew.

There are three families that are as famous as the Aoun family, the Lei family, the Rhine family, and the Langte family that Dolai has never dealt with. These are the four top families, such as the higher families such as Marcia. There are seven or eight.

   These high-level family forces entered the arena one by one, and Duo Lai realized that there were so many forces and so many huge organizations in the Northwestern Province. In contrast, he was like a drop of water in it.

   But these are all ordinary folk powers. Duolai is considered a wizarding power, and wizarding powers are generally not compared with ordinary folk powers because they are not comparable.

Gretra took Dolay and introduced some people behind them. After greeting each other, Gretel took Dolay and walked to the other side of the square. This side is family power, and the other side is regarded as The power of wizards, the two of them, as wizards, cannot stay here for a long time.

  While walking, Gretel introduced Dolay.

"In the pharmacist industry, your Dorai Wizard Tower ranks as the third higher power so far. The first class is naturally the Pharmacist Union. They occupy the bulk, and the organization that occupies the second place is called Nature. The force’s pharmacist organization is actually a force under the pharmacist’s union. As for other deficiencies, taking the force of nature, they may have more pharmacists than your wizard tower, but in terms of quality There is no way to compare with you."


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