Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 454: I can't figure out where to cry

   Gretel pointed to a place in the crowd, where there were a few wizards in green magic robes, and there seemed to be a lot of people around.

   Duola nodded.

There were too many people in the crowd and it was a little messy, and Dulle couldn't get over. He thought about it and sent a message to let Maurice Sano and Bennard, whoever wants to come, can come and give himself a strong voice. It was a little hasty to come by alone.

  Looking at others, there are five or seven or eight people at every turn, and there are also groups of people who come here. They seem to be more advanced than themselves.

   In short, I feel a little unbalanced.

   On the square, Hekuai, clearly divided into two sides, one is the folk faction, and the other is the wizard faction.

   The number of wizard factions is obviously less than that of folk factions, but in terms of momentum, folk factions dare not come to provoke them.

   Duolai and Gretel were standing, chatting, and introducing various forces to Duolai. He knew that Duolai didn't like dealing with others.

   Just as they were talking, the people in green clothes that Gretel had introduced to Dolay before, two of them came from a distance, and they strode forward, without evasiveness, and walked straight over.

   This makes Dolly and Gretel a bit strange. According to the truth, the two sides are now in a competitive relationship, and the other side is here to find fault.

"The one with the larger diameter of the canopy on the clothes is one of the controllers of the force of nature. In fact, he is also the elder of the pharmacist union. He is Waka, a fifth-level wizard, and he is also a sixth-level pharmacist. It's Robin, a fourth-level wizard, and a sixth-level pharmacist. At present, none of the pharmacists of Wassenberg's seventh-level pharmacist will appear in the public's field of vision."

   Duo Lai nodded, and when the two talked, the two of them had already come to Duo Lai's front.

   Waka's figure is taller, and his strength has reached level five, and the magical illusion has been condensed into substance, walking in front of the two, with more aura.

He looked at Dolay with a solemn face, "Dolay Pharmacist, I am Waka, the master of the forces of nature. I heard McLaren say that his amputated limb regeneration technology is a patent right from you, isn't it? "

   Duolai was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he had come to Xingshi to inquire about the crime, but did not expect that he was asking this?

   He nodded and said, "I have seen Wizard Waka, I have seen Wizard Robin." He paused, "Skin and muscle regeneration technology is his own. I only provide bone regeneration and shaping technology."

Waka nodded. Muscles and skin have long been able to grow, but bones have never been able to do anything about it. After McLaren has overcome this problem, it has been in trouble for some time recently, and it has long been profitable. Knowing how much money, I envy everyone.

   He thought for a while, and said with a heavy gaze, "Can we sell this technology? Our forces of nature also want to get this technology."

   Dolay shrugged and said, "I'm afraid that won't work. We are an independent trader. All authorizations are given to the McLaren Wizard. Unless he agrees, I can't teach you the technology."

   The Southwest Battlefield is about to open. The war will be cruel, and there will inevitably be many broken limbs. It seems that the force of nature also wants to get a share of this part of the market.

   McLaren recently sent money to himself every month, and he had been happily from ear to ear. He didn't know how much money he made. He knew all these things well.

   From the point of view of biotechnology, these are not difficult. They are rare occasional inspirations and ideas. Duola also borrowed some experiments from Wushu to perfect the process.

   Waka looked at Duo Lai, his eyes blazing, "We can give you a 20% split. You only teach skills and don't care about the others."

   The 20% share is actually a bit low in the pharmacist industry. After all, Duo Lai has mastered the key technology. Without this technology, they would be nothing.

   Dolay shrugged, and said in his heart, "Small-hearted." But he said faintly, "We have a contract. I can't violate the spirit of the contract, Master Waka, please don't embarrass me."

  Waka looked at Duo Lai, looking at his gaze, clear and firm, knowing that he might not be able to get this method, so he sighed and turned around and left.

   This action is a bit inexplicable for Dolai to see.

   At this time, the fourth-level wizard Robin next to Waka looked at Dolay, gave him a warning look, and then hurriedly followed Waka away.

   Looking at the back of the two of them leaving, Duola's gaze became a little playful.

The biggest reason why he has stayed away from the Pharmacists’ Guild is that there are many people in the Pharmacists’ Guild. He doesn’t want to spend his limited time fighting with these people. He just wants to be a pharmacist and sell quietly. For a medicine or something, you can do business if you have business, and practice if you don’t have business. Life is simple.

   And he does it all the time.

   When others provoke him, he bears it, and when others slander him, he does not hear him.

But up to now, he needs to change this state. After all, his strength and status are no longer allowed to do so. After being promoted to level 5, if there are cats and dogs bullying himself, then the wizard's face is not necessary. NS.

   The square is messy. The situation on their side attracted the attention of a small group of people, but it did not affect the overall situation.

   With the entrance of the big family, the square became more lively. For a time, the crowd was full of hustle and bustle.

   Not long after, a voice came from a distance, and Dolay looked at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It turned out that Eugene was also here.

   Eugene walked through the people, arrogantly ignoring all the people around him who greeted him, and came straight to this side.

   As soon as he came here, he immediately spit out loudly, "I knew it, I won't be here, there are so many people."

   Gretel said in a strange way, "What are you doing here? The Glory Wizard League also has a bidding project?"

   Duolai was also a little strange at this time.

Eugene sighed and said, "Yes, the Imperial Wizards have invited all the forces, why can't our Glory Wizard Alliance, but I have another thing." He was acting like a thief at this time, and suddenly turned his head. Leaning to the two of them, he whispered, "I'm here for Leona."

   Gretel winked at him, "She's here too? Did you hook up with you?"

   Eugene hummed, regaining his original posture, and said proudly, "What is hookup? We are called a strong alliance. No, it is our five strong alliance."

   Duola is a bit inexplicable, who is this Leona?

   Seeing that the two were making a fool of themselves, he didn't reveal the arrogant nature of the two, and slowly said, "Introduce the new person, where is the person! Who is it?"

   The person who can be recognized by the two must also be a genius, but I don’t know who it is? Dolay became curious.

Wasenberg actually has many geniuses. After selecting the top ten geniuses, there are a lot of talents and hard work not to lose to their ten people. There are so many characters, so Duo Lay did not dare to underestimate the people of the world, but asked curiously. .

Gretel smiled and said, "There are six men and four women in the youth project. Leona is a member of the Lei family. She is born with a body of purple thunder. She is very talented. It is a pity that she is not treated in the family. If it weren't for our third brother, then The little girl can't figure out where to cry."


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