Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 455: Leona

   Eugene heard this and said dissatisfied, "What does it mean to cry there? Leona is also very strong, okay, at least better than some people."

   Gretel coughed, looked at Eugene in surprise, and stopped speaking.

   Seeing this, Duola raised his brows, "A goddess in the eyes of lovers?"

   Eugene's face turned red all of a sudden, and he immediately defended, "Nothing, we are just good friends." He turned his head away, and then immediately jumped up and said excitedly, "It's here."

   He released his mental power to guide people over.

Dole looked in the direction of Eugene's gaze, but saw a delicate woman in a very ordinary wizard robe coming from a distance. Although she was wearing a wide wizard robe, she could still see that the woman was very thin and her clothes slumped against her body. It doesn't look good.

  Her face is very pale, not bloody. This is obviously caused by perennial malnutrition and ischemia.

   She is very tall, her big purple eyes are piercing, and she is a little bit shy.

   She walked through the crowd with difficulty, and soon came to Gretel and Eugene, said hello slightly, and then looked at Dolay.

Eugene’s shyness at this time didn’t know where to go, and immediately introduced to Dolai, “Leona, from the Lei family, the owner of the Purple Thunder Body, this is the Dolai I often mention. Some of the sixth-level potions you are using are from his hands, very powerful pharmacists."

   Leona looked at Dolay curiously, because Dolay's face was younger than she thought, and depending on her age, she might still be under the three of them.

   She gave a slight salute and said, "Dolly Wizard."

   Dole replied and nodded, "Wizard Leona, hehe, since I am Eugene's friend, I have a small gift for you here." He flipped his hand and took out three bottles of red potion.

   These three bottles of potions were sealed by him, and no fluctuations were emitted. They looked like three ordinary potions.

   Leona was taken aback and gave her a gift. What does this mean? Suddenly she looked at Eugene and Gretel at a loss, staying on Eugene's face for a long time.

   Eugene was also taken aback, what does Duola mean, robbing a woman in front of her, it's not right, Ashe is even better.

   This guy must have a deep meaning. He slowly said, "Since it was given by Duolai, please accept it. It's okay. Anyway, this guy is very rich. It is estimated that all the wealth of our top ten young masters in Wassenberg is not half as good as he has. money."

   Gretel could see at this time that Duola wanted to increase Leona's qi deficiency. These three bottles of medicine seemed to be nothing, but as a medicinal material supplier, he could see the extraordinary inside.

   He grabbed the potion from Dolay's hand, handed it directly to Eugene, and said, "You don't need to give it to her and it's over, chirp, not like a man."

   Eugene glanced at Gretel. Although his expression was a little puzzled, he was grateful. He took the potion, turned around and pulled Leona aside, whispering.

   Dolay glanced at Gretel, and the corners of their mouths smiled slightly.

   "To tell the truth, what kind of potion is that?" Gretel said through the voice.

   Duolai returned with a voice transmission, "Dragon Power Potion, which can enhance physical fitness, is considered a defective product of Dragon Blood Potion."

Gretel raised his brows, "Oh, in this way, Leona's body is indeed a little worse. The Lei family doesn't pay much attention to her. Power potions are not cheap, right."

   Duolay sent back, "Seven or eight thousand gold coins, it's a trivial thing."

   The corners of Gretel's mouth twitched, "The rich are going to die."

   Duola's mouth is smiling.

   At this time, the two whispered words have ended, Leona has received Dorai's potion, and her white face is slightly red at this time.

   "Thank you Dorai Wizard."

   Dolly smiled faintly, "You are Gretel and Eugene's friend, and you are naturally my friend. I am generally not polite to friends."

   At this moment, Dolly, Gretel, and Eugene set their eyes in a certain direction at the same time. Over there, a few people came arrogantly from the crowd, looking at the three of them.

   Leona also saw those people at this time, her face was pale and she said, "It's those brothers, I have to go."

   Duola felt that those people were also second-level and third-level strength, and they were not wizards. The strongest person was only a fourth-level wizard, why Leona was so afraid of them.

   Seeing this situation, Gretel and Eugene's faces are not looking good.

   Eugene gritted his teeth. Originally, this was a family affair, and he didn't need to intervene, but now the situation of the two of them has just improved. This might make Leona ugly in front of him, and suddenly his face is hard to look.

   He looked at Leona, slightly soothed, and said softly, "Don't worry, there are three of us, nothing will happen, you are fine today, there is no need to be with them."

   Leona was shocked, "But I..."

At this moment, the group of people had already arrived in front of the three of Dolay. The fourth-level wizard in the lead glanced at Eugene, looked at Gretel, and set his eyes on Dolay, then slowly looked towards Leona.

   "Corona, come back with us, the adults are looking for you."

Leona was about to speak, Eugene looked at the man with a sarcasm, and stretched out his hand to protect Leona behind him, "Yeah~www.wuxiaspot.com~ who, such a drag, when our third Is it transparent?"

   The man glanced at Eugene, looked arrogantly unnatural, looked down at him, and even the people behind him began to pull up.

   "Eugene, my adults don't want to care about you in the past few days. Your identity is not enough. If you are acquainted, leave Leona as soon as possible."

   Eugene's face turned pale, and he quickly understood the meaning of this sentence, "Huh, the Lei family is really good. It turns out that everything recently is based on the idea of ​​identity."

Leona didn't know what the two were talking about, and the man didn't want to entangle with Eugene. He looked at Leona indifferently, and said coldly, "Leona, come back with me, hurry up, don't linger. ."

   Gretel, who was on the side, couldn't stand it anymore, which obviously treated them three as transparent people.

   He raised his hand, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and smiled faintly, "Henry, you have nothing to do with it, do you really think I'm transparent?"

   Although he is smiling, there is a trace of disdain in his eyes.

  Henry looked at Gretel, his gaze turned serious, he looked solemnly, and said, "This matter has nothing to do with Master Gretel, please don't interfere."

   Gretel smiled away and snorted, "It doesn't matter, I have invited Leona to live with our Orne family for a few days, and she has agreed."

  Henry suddenly turned pale, turned his head, and stared at Leona, "Is there anything?"

   Leona was terrified and didn't know what to do, "I...I."

   Duo Lai was beside him at this time, "It is true. We were discussing about going to the Aoun family to play, isn't it Eugene?"

   Eugene immediately said next to him, "That's right, we are going to play together. Humph."


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