Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 462: My sister

   Dolai Wizard Tower produced, it must be a fine product, this matter is clear to the entire Wassenberg professional circle and the aristocratic circle, and it is impeccable at all.

   And after going to the warehouse, the rows of medicines in that huge space are clear and bright, which is enough to explain this point.

   At this time, in the meeting room, only Leon, Dole, and Gretel are left.

   Leon laughed, "Grett, I heard that you are going to take over the management of Dorai Wizard Tower."

  Gley nodded and shrugged, "Your sister is going to abduct the tower master. I can't come and see."

   Leon almost didn't squirt out a mouthful of old blood, and was a little angry. What is it that my sister abducted the tower master? My sister is a beautiful goddess. That was because of him.

   He snorted, did not answer the topic, and said slowly, "I heard that you and Eugene abducted Lei's girl?"

   Gretel curled his lips, "It's not me, it's Eugene. The Lei family don't know what to think, such an outstanding person actually pushed outside, and they don't know what they think."

   Leon nodded, "It's true that some people are always short-sighted, but if you really think that they are short-sighted, you are quite wrong."

   "The waste of marrying your Rhine family, that really buried him, Brother Leon, it's not that I said, your Rhine family is too ugly to eat." Gretel said unceremoniously.

The corners of Leon’s mouth twitched, "What is eating is too ugly. It was the Lei family who came up there, and no one of us forced her. Besides, don’t just look at the surface, what is that waste, that waste’s father, recently got it. A treasure can hit Level 7 in the near future."

   Gretel was taken aback suddenly, "That one? Want to hit the seventh level?"

   Leon pouted, "Do you think? Why did the Lei family rush up? I have seen the girl of the Lei family. The talents are all the best choices, otherwise how would we agree."

   Gretel gritted his teeth and thought, "If this is the case, then you should refuse it. Leona will also have a chance to be promoted to level seven in the future. If it is given to that person, wouldn't it be ruined in this life."

Leon sighed and said, "That's a matter of the upper echelon, it has nothing to do with me, but you are making a fuss, which is actually not bad. Eugene kid, although he doesn't practice very seriously, he is still very clever in his mind. My lord has been there recently, but I don't dare to make trouble."

   Duolai was listening in general, and didn't interrupt. Most of his energy was on the side of the Wizard Tower. Seeing that he was okay here, he was happy to relax.

Gretel is very talented, good at communicating with people, and has a complicated network. Handing the Wizard Tower to him, this guy will be able to make money and make a fortune in the near future. Maybe he is young. Light will become a baron, which is actually very good.

   Although the nobles are nobles, it does not mean that every descendant of the nobles has a title. They have to work hard for the title.

The baron is the lowest rank. It is eligible to own territory. It can have no less than fifteen private soldiers. You can form various forces, adventure groups, caravans, etc., and above the baron, you can follow the imperial merits under the name. , The position of rewarding the baron, the family strength and status instantly rose to several grades, the promotion of the title, in fact, there are many tricks in it.

   Duo Lai is also willing to give Gretel, the restaurant Eugene and Ashe, in this regard, the requirements are not very high, for them, it is similar to not having it.

   Personal strength is everything.

   For Dolai, this is also true.

The imperial wizards took one morning to finish moving the potions they needed. It almost removed 80% of the treasury of the Dorai Wizard’s Tower. These potions were registered one by one, and then they were traded normally and exchanged for money. .

   None of these Dolais participated, and he was not even present to distribute dividends to everyone. His energy had been completely put elsewhere.

   Although Gretel wondered why Dolay was unwilling to take care of things, he could feel that the spirit of Dolay had been declining. This guy, the clone, didn't know what major things he was doing, and the things were definitely not small, so he didn't ask.

After this transaction, Gretel seemed to be calm on the surface, but he was surprised at the bottom of his heart. With such a scale of thirty or forty people, the transaction volume was already nearly hundreds of millions of gold coins, which was so much more money than their Aoun family. It has to be fast, it's simply.

  Go to the **** house, I want to command the Dorai Wizard Tower, no one can rob me.

   Gretel was crazy.

After understanding Dolay’s ability to make money, Gretel had infinite ambitions in his heart. Of course, he just thought about it. Unless Dolay kept him in charge of the Wizard Tower, he would be useless. These people only Convinced Dole.

After the potions were sold, Gretel used his privileges to purchase medicinal materials and worked overtime to refine them. While operating various things, he had a good relationship with some wizards in the Dorai Wizard Tower. These people are all It's Wasenberg's baby. If you have a good relationship now, you will only have medicine in the future.


   ten days later.

   In the wilderness, Downey's figure appeared in front of the Wizard Tower.

In the surrounding world, there seems to be no movement. Within a radius of tens of kilometers, the magic elements have formed a fixed vortex ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ revolving around the wizard tower, and in the center, there are a series of magic elements. Throwing into the wizard tower, it quickly disappeared.

   On the Wizard Tower, there doesn't seem to be any movement, but it actually emits a ray of light, covering itself and shielding the surrounding induction, as if there is a cloud of air.

   If he hadn't known the location of the Wizard Tower early, I am afraid Downey would not have been so careful.

   He slowly came to the tower, this time he really saw the wizard tower.

   The whole tower is still the one built by himself, but the aura has undergone earth-shaking changes. Seeing the tower, it seems to see a huge furnace, that kind of explosive momentum, deeply shocking his heart.

   Seeing this, Donny nodded silently.

This kid Duo Lai has extraordinary methods. Refining the magic circle of the wizard tower is simply a magical technique. I don’t know how he cultivated. The mental power is so huge. After working hard for more than ten days, the mental power is not exhausted. horrible.

   He thought of the very famous meditation ideas of two big families, but he couldn't figure out which kind of meditation ideas could create the mental strength.

   At this moment, as the wizard tower shook slightly, the light outside slowly converged, and even the vision in the sky slowly disappeared, revealing the real tower.

   He knew that it was done.

   It took nearly 20 days, spent all my expectations, and finally it was done.

   But the Wizard Tower hasn't opened yet, and Dorai hasn't come out yet.

   He waited quietly.

   The sun went down, the night came, and the horrible howls of various creatures in the silent wilderness, soon, the eastern sky showed a hint of whiteness, the sky lit up, and the morning came again.


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