Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 463: To toss

   Duola held the magic crystal in his hand, and a trace of energy escaped from the magic crystal and flew into his body. There were a few empty bottles of medicine at his feet. Not far away, piles of unknown animal carcasses had become skeletons.

   I finally added a bit of energy. It was really painful for people to refine the Wizard Tower. Although I knew it would be the case, it was still very uncomfortable.

   But when he thinks of his own gains, this is nothing uncomfortable. Recently, he has promoted the Crimson Potion's sixth-level potion, and the effect is not much different from that on the market. Therefore, his heart is quite excited.

This proves that this book is useful and has a huge effect. Next are energy potions, vitality potions, agility potions, strength potions, etc. When all the six-level potions are researched, they can be based on the researched alchemy equations. Enter the seventh level in one fell swoop.

The seventh level does not require him to enter the level of the fifth-level wizard, only special treatment of certain medicinal materials, and more subtle manipulation of the mental power, which is actually not difficult. The most difficult way for a pharmacist is the sixth and the ninth level. Everything else can only be regarded as a step-by-step process.

   He slowly opened his eyes, exhaled, and then looked at the tower carefully.

   One night, one day's operation, the Wizard Tower has no problem at all.

   At this time, he saw Downey, who was quiet under the tower, slowly stood up, and then disappeared for an instant.

  . . .

   Donnie looked at Duolai who appeared suddenly, with a look of horror, "Space Teleport, this?"

   Does this wizard tower still have this ability?

   He stared at the opponent in a daze, and slowly said in a low voice, "This is?"

   Duola said with a faint smile, "Short-distance space teleportation is only effective within a hundred meters of the wizard tower. It looks cool, but it's actually fancy, and it consumes energy."

   "I will send you a copy of the wizard's formation manual. Our transaction will end here."

  He took a token from his arms and handed it to Downey, "This is the control center."

   Downey still looked at the tower in disbelief. He took over the control center in a daze, a little unbelievable.

   This involves the ability to transfer space. You know, for a long time, only the Glory Wizard Alliance can master the relevant skills. Ordinary wizards can't even touch the edges. Good guy, this guy can actually.

   Immediately, his eyes shined, there must be related magic lines and magic lines in it, and he will be able to study it in the future, but this time he made a lot of money.

   He nodded, a book, in exchange for a wizarding formation with infinite potential, he felt like he was touched.

   "The follow-up formation, I will bother you at that time." Downey thought for a while, holding the token, with emotion.

   The wizards who can refine the wizard tower and the wizards who can refine the advanced potions are all sweets in the wizarding industry. Duola has these two abilities, and it is no wonder that he can succeed.

   This is both talent and capital.

   Duola nodded, and he showed a slightly tired look, "Then I will go back first. If you don't understand, you can transmit the sound."

   He instantly turned into a black mist and headed towards the distant horizon.

   has the deity as a beacon, he is not afraid of losing his way.

Above the wilderness, Downey looked at the wizard tower in front of him, a little excited, he instantly communicated with the control center, huge spiritual power penetrated in, and quickly refined the token into his own. When he fully grasped the moment, The information that popped out of it surprised him.

   This wizard tower is almost the same as an ordinary hexagonal wizard tower.


For ten days, Gretel was very busy, and he didn’t even have time to practice. In the past few days, the actions of the military headquarters, the actions of the Imperial Mage regiment, and the actions of his own family made him very busy, using all the relationships he could use. , To straighten out all procedures.

   But Duo Lai, who should have been busy, shut himself in the room for the past ten days, not knowing what to do.

   Gretel was initially very upset, but the monthly income of tens of thousands of gold coins made him shut up, and he could only express his dissatisfaction.

   On this day, the imperial mage group came again, and just sent away, but they saw Duolai's clone coming in from outside, looking tired, as if he hadn't rested for a few months.

   Standing on the first floor, he looked at Dole and said inexplicably, "What are you doing? A listless look?"

   Duola raised his head with a look of tiredness, "I have not rested for almost 20 days. I have used mental powers intensively. This is naturally the result. I won't tell you more, I want to rest."

   He bypassed Gretel and was about to walk inside.

   The clone also needs rest.

   Gretel is a little surprised. He hasn't rested for more than 20 days. What is it doing? He whispered from behind, "What about Ashe asks you?"

   Duola didn't look back, "Let her wait a few days, I really want to rest." After saying this, he quickly disappeared at the door.

   Gretel stroked his chin, this guy, what did this do. At this moment, a voice sounded in his ears, and he immediately got upright, and then left the wizard tower.

   Wizard Tower Three.

   Alan looked at Gretel with a look of dissatisfaction. He accepted Gretel because he was fancying Gretel's talent and talent, not for him to do business. This guy is really addicted to doing business and doesn't practice.

   "I heard ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you are helping Duolai recently, how long will it take?" Allen said slowly.

   Gretel was taken aback, he heard that the teacher's tone was wrong, he tried to figure out what the teacher meant, and then gently tentatively said, "By the end of the war."

   Alan suddenly exploded. The war was over, and the Southwestern battlefield was over. How about a few months, or even more than a year?

   His ninja was angry and said, "Then you don't practice anymore?"

Gretel immediately understood what was going on, he laughed, and said, "Teacher, I practice a special technique. You also know that you need to collect all kinds of emotional fires. In the Dorai Wizard Tower, you have seen all kinds of All kinds of people are actually helping me in my practice. Although I don’t have time to exercise, it doesn’t help me in other areas. Don’t worry. When Dulai can be promoted to the fifth level, when will I be promoted to Level five." Gretel said confidently, patting his chest.

Allen looked at Gretel with a silent face, "It's not that I want to talk about you, but you are wasting time. While you are young, if you don't pay attention to cultivation, it will be difficult to wait until the end of your potential rise to disappear in the future and think about practicing well. . You’d better improve your strength as soon as possible, don’t engage in those things."

Gretel smiled bitterly in his heart, and hurriedly said, "I have asked the people in the Wizard Tower to speed up their learning and connect with my business. As long as it is completed, I will be able to act as a shopkeeper and hide behind quietly. Recently, the Imperial Mage Group Both the Imperial Army and the Imperial Army need me to coordinate. The students have tried their best to let them learn to contact themselves, and the current effect is not bad."

Allen groaned and still refused to let him go. "Your talent is here. Unlike Dolay, his talent is tossing. You can't afford to toss it. Understand, since you can collect emotional fire, then I too I won’t say much, anyway, you can’t lag them too far, know?"


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