Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 465: Tower of Babel

At this time, the entire pharmacist industry exerted tremendous pressure on the Glory Wizard Alliance, and put pressure on Dolly, including the Pharmacist Union. Because of the outflow of some outstanding pharmacists, some small organizations, and even the Pharmacist Union, were somewhat irritated. Unstoppable, the voice of protest is endless.

Duola didn’t care about this at all. Gretel was in charge. He was going to the far north. He had to prepare something for himself, refine new wizard robes, and reset the wizard for the new wizard tower these days. Array, where do you have time to pay attention to them.

   He just made policies, and someone else would do it himself.

Although the new wizard tower has only three floors and is very short, it looks very spectacular. Among the wizard towers, five-hexagonal towers are very common, but octagonal towers are rare. The new octagonal tower still attracts a lot of people. look.

   The Wizard Tower has been built, and I just waited for Dolai to set up the Wizard Array.

   After having been busy for so long, he finally had time to refine, came to the door, and walked in slowly.

   But there are only three floors, the task can be easier, Duola estimated, a little slower, pay attention to rest, it can be completed in ten and a half months.

   And this time is already October, just leave before winter comes.

   At this moment, a white figure came from a distance and stood in front of the Wizard Tower.

   Duo Lai turned his head, his mental power moved slightly.

"What's wrong?"

   Ash slowly ascended to the sky, leveling with Dole, and then slowly flew to the wizard tower, standing on one of the corners, about ten meters away from Dole.

At this time, Duo Lai's spiritual power was like a frenzy, shrouded in madness on the wizard tower. The hexagonal tower in the distance released a magic power at the same time, connected with his spiritual power, under the octagonal wizard tower, The Dao magic pattern was formed instantly, and then flew to an unknown place. Within a second, thousands of magic patterns flashed.

   The scene was very spectacular. In Ashe's eyes, Dolay was simply a ruthless magic pattern refining machine.

   Beside him, a huge energy crowded out everything around him, she didn't dare to come close at all.

   His own power, the power of the Wizard Tower, at this moment, Dolai is like a complete sixth-level wizard, unscrupulously releasing his power, powerful and majestic.

   Ashe saw this, she sighed in her heart, the gap between herself and Duola was not even a little bit.

   She spoke slowly and said, "It's okay, I want to start as soon as possible, everything is ready."

   Duola nodded, "It's already October, and I want to leave as soon as possible, so I'm speeding up."

   Ai nodded slightly, hoping for the energy surging around Duolai.

   Duolai looks like this, very much like the old ancestor he met back then, he is like this, dealing with this kind of alchemy method, the performance is very exaggerated, not like a human.

   Duolai was recently caused by the Imperial Wizards and the Glory Wizard Alliance. The Imperial Legions had some headaches, so he also wanted to leave as soon as possible. He was caught by Downey's Wizard Tower two days ago, otherwise it is estimated that he has already slipped away.

   He is really not very good at dealing with people, so he might as well just throw it at those who are good at it. Gretel and Eugene are very suitable for cooperation.

Eugene is also in despair these days. After snatching the little girl from the Lei family, the atmosphere between the Lei family and the Glory Wizard League has become a little nervous. If he does not show his value, I am afraid that Leona will Cool.

   This made several people gloat towards Eugene.

   Leona also expressed guilt, but she became more dependent on Eugene, which made the single dogs very unhappy.

   But everyone will not be envious at that time. When they are in their position, finding a girlfriend and boyfriend is not a matter of minutes.

Ashe stood next to Dolay, thinking about some things and watching Dolay’s operations. It was a great inspiration for her, thousands of magic lines per second, and she had to be precisely arranged in a certain place, placed in a certain place. In terms of the material, it forms part of the Magic Array, which is very difficult to manipulate the mental power. Duolay is fully absorbed, and the whole person exudes a mysterious brilliance, which deeply attracts his eyes.

   I am afraid it is precisely because of this focus that he can achieve his current achievements. Unlike them, he has to be tired of his family and relationships, and cannot do his own things.

   Ash sighed, then stabilized his mind and studied carefully.

   Duolai's speed is very fast, it only took a day's work, the rough wizard formation has been arranged, and the infrastructure of the Tower of Babel has been constructed.

  Babel has two meanings in that world. One is the gate of gods, and the second is the meaning of reaching the sky. The ambition of the founder of the wizarding formation of the Tower of Babel is self-evident.

   This formation is very grand, and the theories involved are very rich. Although it is currently only three layers, the knowledge of the wizard formation designed by Dolay far exceeds that of Chris' formation.

The core of the Tower of Babel is not a furnace state, but an energy core composed of no small pure magic lines. The energy core is completely controlled by the formation. The overlapping magic lines together form a huge space. All the energy is In the magic pattern space, it is more flexible than the furnace. In terms of volume, he has no upper limit. The amount of energy and energy level that can be accommodated depends entirely on the ability of the arranger, compared to the furnace. That model is simply not much better.

   At the current level of Dorai, the energy level of the core of the Tower of Babel and the amount of energy that can be stored, naturally far exceed Chris's Furnace, this new octagonal tower, he is going to build it as his own core wizard tower.

After finishing the magic patterns on the outside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dolai came to the second floor and began to build the core. Magic patterns flew out, and strange materials were added in. It only took a day. The embryonic form of an energy core is established.

  At this time, the core was activated, and a series of magic elements were absorbed by the core and filled in, and the core soon lit up.

   The entire construction process took almost three days, and this is only a semi-finished state, but it is enough for current use.

   These days, Duo Lai is very tired.


  Honor Empire, October Golden Autumn.

   The leaves on the surrounding mountains began to slowly become colorful, dotted with mountain peaks. The hot summer finally passed, and the north began to usher in a cool atmosphere.

   On the early morning of October 15th, when the sun just rose, the south gate of Wassenberg began to move.

   The door opened earlier than before, and a large group of soldiers walked out of the city gate, looking endless.

At this time, outside the south gate, outside the mountain pass, on the plain, there were densely densely packed tens of thousands of tents, divided into various areas, at this time tens of thousands of tents came out of people and began to pack everything. .

   Within a radius of tens of kilometers, all of them are such tents.

   There are legions, private soldiers of the nobles, densely packed, endless.

  The army finally opened.

   Duolai and Ashe stood on the top of a mountain, looking at the situation here.

They are also ready to set off. Although the two of them looked empty-handed, everything was in the storage ring. Even Dorai’s Wizard Tower was completely shrunk, as if it were a palm-sized circle. Plate, hung on the waist.

   The Wizard Tower was originally a creation of space.


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