Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 466: Leave

Ai hoped outside, with an inexplicable expression, and slowly said, "Ten years ago, I also saw such a scene. That time, I lost three uncles and more than a dozen elder brothers, and the family fell into grief for ten years. Among them, it also gave the family dozens of titles."

   There is no emotion in her voice, but she can hear the sadness in her heart.

   Duo Lai turned his head, looked at his profile, moved slightly in his heart, and slowly said, "This is the price that Human Race needs to pay for growth. Without the blood of predecessors, where is the current peace."

   Ashe turned her head, looked at Dorai, and suddenly chuckled, "The way you talk is very much like my father."

Dole curled his lips. "That's what the book says. Okay, don’t read it. Let’s go. It's more than 5,000 kilometers from the far north, and three countries and hundreds of places in the middle. Dangerously, if we walk from the sea, it can actually be easier."

   Both of them were only preparing before, and they had never discussed the route.

   Hearing this, Ash was dumbfounded.

   Although she had gone out, it was all arranged by her family. How can she know so many things? Although the far north is far away, as long as she goes north, she will be there? She was a little confused.

   Seeing the look in Ashe's eyes, Dolay understood.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said calmly, "The Far North is the northernmost part of the world. He refers to a very big place, larger than our Glory Empire, or even the Western Ring Continent. We are going to In the extreme north, you have to leave the western ring continent and enter the north pole. From here, to the extreme north, there are generally two ways to choose. Just avoid some dangerous places, some major densely populated areas, and avoid some large forces. The other is to go to the largest northeast port of the Glory Empire, from the sea to the north."

   Ashe still looked dazed, "Then which one is the safest?"

Duola said, "Walking by land, we have to guard against those who are right, it is Beasts, and when going by sea and land, we only need to guard against Beasts, but no one knows the situation at sea. The specific location of high-level Beasts is unknown. We walked all the way. Only hope and luck."

In fact, he prefers to go by land, because the operability on land is much better than that on sea. There are various forces here, and they are restrained by each other, but the two of them can pass safely. If they go on the sea, all of them will be the territory of Warcraft. Once discovered , That's a huge chase.

Ashe heard that Dolay’s tone was specifically biased towards that road, he nodded, "Then go overland. I know the surrounding situation in general. We leave the Glory Empire and cross the Evil Spirit Mountain, and then we will enter. The Eternal Forest, we can walk all the way and look at it. I heard that the Eternal Forest is beautiful over there."

   Ai Xi's gaze has already looked into the distance, as if he has seen the endless eternal forest.

Duolay said, "In the depths of the Evil Spirit Mountain, there are at least three, four or seven levels. I don’t dare to go directly. Let’s take a detour, go out from the Northwest Fortress, take the trade route, and then follow the desert corridor into the eternal forest. Let’s talk about it later."

  Aish doesn’t care about this, "Well, then, it’s up to you."

   It is now October, and the north has begun to cool down drastically. On the vast expanse of plains, with a loud slogan, the dense army began to pull out the camp, and the flow of people began to flow slowly from the front, like quicksand.

   As for why they choose the end of autumn, it is because many monsters have the habit of hibernation. In winter, their obstacles are much smaller, and the temperature in winter is low, and the wound is not easy to be infected. Although it is more difficult to heal, it is much better than in summer.

   Considered from many aspects, so in autumn, before the heavy snowfall in December, the war will be over or half-fought.

Outside the wasteland of Wassenberg, a long dragon quickly formed. An army of millions passed through the wilderness. It was very magnificent, and there was a tragic emotion formed in everyone's heart. Then, there will be a million army. I don't know how many people can return to the city safely.

   Glancing at the sight of the army pulling out, Dolay turned his head, looked at Ashe's delicate face, and said lightly, "Let's go too."

   Ai hoped that in the distance, the long dragon took away not only his relatives, but also his thoughts. After coming back a few years, he didn't know how many relatives were missing.


   She shook her head, put all these thoughts outside, and said to Dola, "Yes."

   The flash of the two figures melted into the wind and disappeared.

   The wind technique they used at the same time disappeared into the air together.

  Except for some places in the Glory Empire, other places are very safe. The nobles, the poor, the chambers of commerce, and governments at all levels have developed soundly, and overall they are very good.

   Campbell fortress, Kemer fortress is not close to Wassenberg here, almost a thousand kilometers, but for the two who use wind movement, the distance is actually not far.

This time, Duolai is traveling with the deity. Only half of the clone is left, and it stays in the wizard tower. The other half of the worm Duolai needs to be carried with him. The clone, himself, plus the power of the wizard tower, he has three. The source of magic power, the little consumption of traveling long distances is nothing to him.

And at this time, he also felt the power of Ashe’s powerful thoughts. She continued to drive on the road. She was also very familiar with driving, and did not feel any fatigue at all~www.wuxiaspot.com~ By noon, the two had already arrived. Fort Campbell.

More than a hundred kilometers around Campbell Fortress are covered by magic circles. Anyone who wants to fly around the fortress will be monitored. Moreover, there are thousands of meters of mountains on both sides of the fortress, and there are various powerful creatures everywhere. It is also difficult for ordinary people to leap, so Campbell Fort has become the only way out of the Northwest.

   Before, Duo Lai just found it a little difficult. As long as he mastered the flight, he could fly out in minutes and go wherever he wanted. Now he realized that there are some places where he can't fly indiscriminately, and that would really kill him.

   When the two were more than ten kilometers outside the fortress, they were questioned by the fortress. After learning about the situation, they never harassed the two of them. Therefore, they soon entered to die, and then quickly walked out of the fortress.

   Duo Lai discovered at this time that Ashe did not sigh for the huge fortress. Obviously, she was not here for the first time.

Seeing Doulai’s doubts, Ashe smiled, “One of the commanders of Campbell’s Fortress is a member of our Rhine family. Every once in a while, the family will let people come over, stay here for a while, and I will come too. Past here."

   Dolai blinked his eyes, "I will let people come here every once in a while, is it to stimulate patriotism, or to inspire something?"

Ashe sighed and said, "Among our nobles, there is a saying that we are not rich in three generations, but brave in one life. If we want to pass on to the world, we need to pass on the spirit. You know, the juniors of those rich people, Most of them are what kind of goods, in order to pass on the family spirit, it is inevitable to go to some places, fortresses, caravans, these are the places where the younger generations of the family experience, so that they can see the world more, lest some people just think about life and death. "


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