Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 472: Clouds

   Back to the Wizard Tower, the two began to experiment.

   Doing experiments, Ash is very interested.

  Duolai prepares equipment. There is a little reserve in the wizard tower. Some things can be used directly. Some equipment needs to be refined on site, separators, observers, mental detectors, matter separators, new alchemy stands, and so on.

   He had been preparing for these just now. After Ash came back, Duola asked him to look at the basic magic patterns first, and then prepared by himself.

He has an alchemy stand. On the alchemy stand, the flame burns. Soon, various materials are purified and deformed in his hands to form new equipment. After the new equipment is formed, a magic pattern is formed out of thin air from Duolai’s hands. Branded on the new device.

   Ashe was dazzled by all this, Dolay's use of magic patterns was simply dazzling and dizzying. Looking back at himself, it was the most basic simple magic pattern, which was also very clumsy in his hands.

But Ashe is not discouraged. He knows that this is the result of many years of practice for Dorai. This is his talent and his ability. As long as he can have half of the opponent's ability, he will also achieve success in alchemy in the future. Not much difference.

   She cheered for herself.

   Soon night fell.

On the river, a powerful breath wandered down the bottom of the river. Some eye-opening bears, birds and beasts, when drinking or hunting by the river, were instantly eaten by the strong aura of restlessness. For a while, all around the river surface quietly , Almost no creature dared to approach.

  The fifth-level crocodile dragon has already developed wisdom. He felt that the number of crocodile dragons here was reduced by more than half out of thin air.

   Where did they go?

   So, he kept patrolling the river, trying to find their tracks.


   One night passed quickly, and Duola had some more tools at his hand, all of which were to observe the blood.

   After all this was done, the two took out the blood of all levels of crocodile dragons, began to observe them slowly, and tried to separate them.

  Observation is the first step, separation is the second part, and then observe and experiment to see which part of the blood of the crocodile dragon comes from.

   The power of the bloodline is so special. He needs to constantly test and try to find the root cause without being impatient at all.

The Kabash bloodline test detailed the standard procedure and observation direction of the bloodline experiment. The two of them naturally followed the instructions strictly. They processed the blood and only drew it for more than half a day, and then from the bloodline of the low-level crocodile dragon. A pile of black, blood-red, viscous liquid was purified, and among these blood, a powerful breath belonging to the crocodile dragon gradually revealed.

   This is the pure blood of the low-level crocodile dragon, and the blood power contained in it is not strong.

   The two put it aside, and then began to purify the third-level crocodile dragon, the fourth-level crocodile dragon.

The pure blood of the third-level crocodile dragon is more reddish, but still presents a black attitude, the power of the bloodline is stronger, and the dragon-attribute aura is more intense, as if the blood itself carries a powerful force, and the fourth-level The blood of the crocodile dragon turned into a real blood red, and a dragon force that Duolai had seen jumped up.

   got these three different levels of blood, this is just the beginning of the experiment.

   At this time, more than a day has passed, and the energy of the Wizard Tower has been replenished.

The experiment can be carried out at any time, but the distance to the far north will not be shortened. Therefore, after seeing the energy replenishment, Dolay put down the experiment and handed it to Ashe to control, and he hid the surroundings. The formation was retracted, and then the formation was activated, and the wizard tower soared into the sky in the midst of the night.

   Tens of kilometers away, the crocodile dragon felt this breath and howled crazily to the sky. The powerful breath made all creatures around several kilometers tremble.

   It's just that he wanted to chase Duolai two people, but he could only watch the black shadow quickly disappear before his eyes. .

   After the Wizard Tower flew into the sky, Duo Lai naturally felt the gaze around him. He directly climbed the Wizard Tower to a height of more than 6,000 meters, turned the direction to the right, and flew quickly to the far north.

   At this time, the wizard tower has completely opened the hidden formation, even if the surrounding creatures are watching, he can't find him at this time.

   After the wizard tower stabilized, Dolay looked at the wizard tower itself while looking at the direction, took Ashe's map over, compared the direction, and constantly adjusted the flying direction of the wizard tower.

   After determining the direction, he handed the Wizard Tower to the semi-intelligent formation, and he was relieved.

   It’s not difficult to manipulate the Wizard Tower. The difficult thing is what happens after manipulation.

   After the Wizard Tower flew smoothly, Dolay looked at the map and determined his next foothold.

   The Eternal Forest is very large, with a total distance of 20,000 to 30,000 kilometers from north to south. The Wizard Tower flew for two days and only flew for 3,000 kilometers. It took eight or nine days to fly at full strength, and there should be no mistakes in the middle.

Looking at the current energy reserves of the Wizard Tower, if Duolai does not modify the core, he would fly for at most two days. Therefore, after entering the high-altitude flight smoothly, Duolai wondered if he needed to give the core of the Tower of Babel. Going up to a higher level, the current energy reserve is really too small. As for the blood test, you can let Ashe play next to him and just watch it by himself.

   It’s already October. The further north ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the lower the temperature, the lower the high air pressure, and the lower the resistance to flying. Duola looked at the indicators of the Wizard Tower and seemed to be able to fly for a while.

After going north for a while, the air is already very cold. Looking down from above, some places are already full of white snowflakes, which seems to have been snowing, and some places have become completely withered yellow, here It has entered winter.

   One day later.

The clouds are getting lower and lower, but Duo Lai did not control the descent of the wizard tower, but increased the height, because in his message, there are various powerful flying birds, falcons, eagles, eagles and other powerful high-altitude creatures in the north, as well as the roc Legendary creatures such as birds wander around, so they dare not fly too low.

   The scenery above the sky is the same everywhere. I saw it for two days and three days. From the beginning, I felt that the nature was so magnificent. Now I feel bored to see the clouds outside.

   But Dolai didn't feel bored soon, because there was a large cloud in front of him, covering a distance of a thousand kilometers, and it seemed that it was snowing in front of him.

  The clouds are below me, so I can clearly see the changes of the clouds. In some places, even small vortices are formed, but the scale is not large.

   That is the embryonic form of the storm, but in the winter weather, the temperature change is too low to form too strong storm, this kind of cloud will soon disappear.

   This is the law of nature and the most natural law.

   Duo Lai already knows these things.

   He wanted to float above the clouds, carefully observe the changes of the clouds, and experience the rhythm between the wind and the clouds, but it is not a good time right now.

   At this moment, he saw that there seemed to be some huge creature flying by in the clouds.


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