Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 473: Far North Wilderness

   The figure flickered in the clouds, and the powerful aura quickly disappeared.

   He frowned, that kind of creature is very powerful, whether it is felt by himself, or the energy level of the detection reaction from the wizard tower is very high.

   So, he turned his head and asked, "Aish, you know, that kind of creature is usually in the clouds? And it's in the Great North?"

Ashe was doing an experiment, when she heard this, she raised her head, thought about it, and said, "Before I came out, I looked at the family records. It is said that there is a creature called the ice lark that lives in the clouds, and The more the north, the greater the number, but this kind of creatures are not many, because it is considered a kind of elves and feeds on the cold water element."

   "How big will it be?"

   Ai Xi stopped doing the experiment, raised her head, and solemnly said, "When the ice lark was at its largest, it was almost a few kilometers away, and when it was at its smallest, it was about the size of a slap. Why, have you noticed it?"

   Ashe instantly connected his mental power to the formation of the Wizard Tower to check the situation outside.

   When she saw thousands of miles of clouds, dense and low scattered clouds, she was shocked. Is it snowing here?

   It was the first time she observed the snowing clouds from above, and it felt very strange.

  Ice and snow field, to a large extent, is to simulate weather changes to form an ice and snow world within a certain range, creating the best favorable environment for itself.

   She immediately thought that if she comprehends it here, it is actually not bad, but the clouds are constantly changing, not as stable as the Arctic ice cap, and there are many tyrannical creatures here.

   At this moment, his eyes lit up, and an extremely large creature rolled up in the clouds, and it disappeared into the sky with only a flash, and he couldn't feel it anymore.

   This thing, seen from the outside, is almost three to four hundred meters in size. It is extremely fast, but it comes and goes thousands of meters from the clouds in the blink of an eye. This speed definitely exceeds the speed of sound.

   She looked at Dolay, and Dolay looked at her at this time.

   "It's the ice skylark, and it's almost level five or six. Let's go around." She immediately urged.

   Ice Skylark is a born elves, almost twice as powerful as the same level. If it is a Level 5 or above Water Skylark, staring at two people, at the speed it just showed, it is estimated that they will chase them to the ends of the world.

   The corners of Duolai's mouth twitched, and he did not immediately adjust the direction, but adjusted the height, reducing the strength of the wizard's formation, but the speed slowed down.

   He has already activated a powerful force-grabbing array, flying in the sky invisible at all.

   Ashe naturally felt the changes in the wizard tower after Dorai's control. The mental power of the two had a little contact at this moment, and their minds instantly met. In an instant, the two thoughts exchanged thousands of times.

   How fast is the mental power? It was unimaginable. The two people's thoughts touched instantly, and the other's thoughts were immediately seen through him.

   Not many two of them are thinking about the things in front of them, and the blending of thoughts is thinking about the things in front of them, without revealing too much hidden emotions and memories.

What Dolay considers is how to hide. There are thousands of plans in his mind. These plans have been spied on by Ashe, but Ashe panicked for a moment, just thinking of leaving, and his mind was full of encounters. After the ice skylark's reaction, I felt a little flustered and unconstrained.

   The two looked at each other at this time, Dulai had no expression, but Ashe blushed.

   Both of them stopped thinking immediately, and they couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed at this time.

After reading Ashe's thoughts, Dolay smiled faintly, and said, "My tower is called the Tower of Babel. In another world, it means the gate to the sky, the road to the sky. In essence, it can be as high as level 9 and the strongest. , Each wizard formation is the strongest existence of the same level. As long as it is not too much higher than us, it will be fine. Don't be too scared."

Ashe rubbed the corners of her clothes at this moment, "Oh, I see, the family records of Ice Skylark are too terrible, so I thought about it, we just avoided it." She looked at Duolai but didn't see him. There are too many emotions, and my heart is a little loose. There shouldn't be many secrets being watched by him just now.

   At this time, Duo Lai was a little funny, this woman, a little older than him, was so timid, what's the big deal, Lord Barr.

   His confidence is full.

   But he soon discovered that after reducing the speed, the energy output of the Wizard Tower was reduced a little, and with the magic elements added from the outside, the battery life increased a little.

   Thinking of this, he touched his chin.

   "If I upgrade the wizard array of the energy core now, and strengthen the absorption of the elements, can I still increase the battery life?"

   It took ten days to fly halfway, and three rests. Now only two rests are needed, which obviously reduces the degree of danger.

   Thinking of this, he told Asy what he thought, let him play by himself, and prepare to improve himself.

   Aixi glanced at Duolai secretly, and found that after he didn't care too much about his thoughts, his face turned from red to calm, but his heart was full of Xiao Jiujiu.

Spiritual power blending is itself a big taboo for wizards, because two wizards' spiritual powers collide, either in a death fight, their spiritual powers are fighting each other, or they are exchanging information during weekends, otherwise their secrets will be watched by each other. , This is a terrible thing~www.wuxiaspot.com~Dolly is undoubtedly very good, so good that Eugene and Elett are not too good, he has no special physique, but his own abilities are very terrible, Ashe developed a certain affection for this little guy from the Northern Kingdom.

Most of the partners of wizards are wizards. Only wizards can live longer than warriors and stay together for longer. This is the practice in the professional world. Like her own mother and loves her father, Ashe is really not. I understand, but my mother's strength is not high. In terms of age, I'm afraid it should be about the same as my father.

   The two proceeded cautiously all the way, without showing a trace. Although the flight speed was slowed down, there was no delay in time.

   Twelve days passed slowly, and the two finally walked out of the eternal forest and saw a large swath of wasteland in the north.

   Wasteland used to be the northernmost kingdom of mankind, the Northern Kingdom, but at this time, on this land, it has already become a white piece, completely covered by ice and snow.

When they arrived here, Duolai and Ashe formally breathed a sigh of relief. There are too many unknown things in the Eternal Forest. In the past few days, despite walking high in the sky, the two encountered many terrifying creatures and various very powerful ones. natural disaster.

   is really terrible.

   High-altitude turbulence, storms, all kinds of strange creatures, cloud beasts, ice skylarks, and Dapeng monsters with a wingspan of 100 meters are very terrifying.

   But fortunately, the two finally came over.

After entering the wasteland, Duo Lai lowered his height. They were going to fix it in the king's capital of the Northern Empire. By the way, they added materials. These days, alchemy, experiments, and refining various equipment and equipment consume a lot of materials. It was far beyond Duolai's expectation, and some of it was consumed too much, and it urgently needed to be refilled.


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