Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 474: Far North Kingdom

  The territory of the Far North Kingdom is very large, almost surpassing the sum of the Glory Empire and the North Kingdom. It occupies most of the Far North Land, but its population is very small. There are not too many hostile countries in this country, because except for people from the Far North Kingdom, people from other places rarely come here to live except for business. It is really too cold.

   It’s November, and the temperature here has dropped to ten degrees below zero. If it weren’t for the real locals, the outsiders wouldn’t be comfortable with it.

   In November, in some places in the south, the leaves were a little withered, and here, all the ground was completely covered by heavy snow, and even the caravan activities were completely stopped.

   After entering the wasteland, they soon encountered the first village and saw the first human.

There is only one race of people in the Far North Kingdom. They are the Kimo. The Kimo are huge, sturdy, and generally about two meters tall. The same is true for ordinary people. Professionals are stronger. They are more powerful in the summer. Sufficient food will be accumulated, and then it will continue until May of the next year before it can continue to plant and hunt.

The staple food of the Kimo people is all kinds of fish. Here, the ice can only be grown for one season on the ground, which is not enough to eat. Therefore, the Kimo people have the world’s largest sea fishing boat to catch all kinds of fish. , And then either save it by yourself or take it out and exchange it with other empires for various kinds of food.

   Kimo’s life is actually very bitter.

   Duolai and Ashe rushed along the way, seeing the scene, they fell silent.

   The far north is very large, and the wizard tower is not used to drive the road, purely using wind movement. It took the two of them fifteen days to arrive at the king's capital of the Kimo.

The king of the Kimo is one of the few buildings in the entire world built on ice. At this time, the walls on all sides are covered by a thick layer of ice, which is very thick. Many soldiers wear thick clothes on the walls. On patrol.

   Duolai and Ashe appeared from a distance, and walked along, the appearance of the two of them immediately attracted the attention of the Kimo.

There was too much difference in height ratio. The two of them were like two children. They walked into the giant’s kingdom. No wonder they didn’t attract people’s attention. Soon, several rituals wearing thin clothes appeared at the gate of the city, standing there. The gate of the city.

   This situation also attracted the attention of ordinary Kimo, and their expressions became dignified. Only when they encountered a powerful wizard, the priest would take the initiative to appear at the gate of the city. It seems that these two outsiders are wizards.

   Some people lowered their heads and dared not look at them, while some were very interested.

Duolai and Ashe came to the door, and saw all kinds of expressions along the way. They naturally saw everything in their eyes. When they got here, neither of them deliberately concealed their strengths, but directly exposed them, just to attract extremes. Wizards of the Northern Kingdom.

   came to the gate of the city, they also saw these two sacrifices.

   These two sacrificial bodies are particularly tall, almost two meters and five meters, standing in front of them, Dolai and Ashe feel like two little dwarfs.

   The two were expressionless, and they didn't blink their eyes when Duolai and Ashe walked forward.

   Duolai and Ashe saw this, and took the initiative to stop and salute the two, "I have seen the sacrifices of two northern kingdoms."

   One of them asked coldly in common language, "What do you mean by coming, and when will you leave?"

Duola looked at Ashe and saw that she hadn’t spoken, so he smiled slowly, “We are going to the far north. We are just passing by when we come to your country. I just ran out of materials on hand and wanted to buy some materials. I hope it will be convenient. We are the people of the Glory Empire."

   He took the initiative to report his family.

   The priest blinked, and his white face rarely showed a clear expression, but instead of looking at Duolai, he looked at Ashe.

He pondered for a moment, and said, "The royal family of the Glory Empire has a meditation called the Goddess of Ice and Snow. Every year, many people go to the extreme north to comprehend the realm of ice and snow, which is almost the same as the ice goddess of my extreme north kingdom. It seems that your Excellency is a person who glorifies the royal family?"

   Ai Xi nodded, and said crisply, "Yes, sacrificial lord, I am a member of the Rhine family."

The priest nodded, the two looked at each other, then looked at the two Duo Lai and slowly said, "Since they are distinguished guests, the Far North Kingdom welcomes the two." hope.

   then turned around and left.

   Duolai and Ashe took the aura, analyzed them separately, and then realized instantly.

   Aura contains a lot of information, some of which are taboos in the Far North Kingdom, for example, they cannot walk around the Ice Goddess Hall, and some are information about empire transactions. This thing is very useful for both of them.

   The two raised their heads, and the two sacrifices have disappeared.

   Duolai and Ashe breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then Shi Shiran walked into the city under the weird gazes of the people around.

To purchase materials, the first choice is definitely various chambers of commerce, and the second choice is auction houses, because auction houses generally have higher prices, far exceeding the normal price. Among the two sacrificial information, there is information about various chambers of commerce. , So the two do not need to run around.

The Far North Kingdom is not the same as the Glory Empire. Although it is not a religious country, there is a huge sect of the Ice Goddess Church. It can be said to be a state religion. It cultivates and selects talents for the empire. The Ice Goddess Church has a very detached status. Even more detached than the Glory Wizard Alliance of the Glory Empire, as long as the sacrificial rituals speak, ordinary officials, officers and soldiers will not disagree.

  Of course, the Goddess of Ice is only responsible for security issues, and the administrative aspect has never been ignored~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two Shi Shiran entered the city and formally saw the sight of the royal capital in the far north.

   A scene of ice and snow.

The king’s capital of the Far North is very large, and the streets are very wide. The only place where there is no ice or snow is the streets. Except for the streets, the buildings and buildings on both sides are covered with a thick layer of ice at this time. It's also interesting. Various patterns are carved on the ice, showing a strong exotic atmosphere.

The people in the far north are relatively simple, all kinds of buildings are direct and direct, without too many sculptures, many patterns, and animal images are extremely simple, rather than fancy, there is a relatively rough style .

   Duolai quietly admired the various ice sculptures around, feeling pretty good.

   Ai Xi also looked at the surrounding scenery enthusiastically, feeling very novel.

   Both of them are dressed as wizards, but they are obviously different from the appearance of the local wizards. The people around are looking at them curiously.

   At this moment, Ashe suddenly said, "Do you think how many people around you are coveting us?"

Duola looked around casually, and said casually, "With our current strength, those who can covet us and are able to deal with us at their own expense. There are no less than a dozen powers around, but those who dare to attack are probably only So two or three, when we blew our own door just now, those people should have heard it."

Although the Far North spans nearly a third of the continent’s area from the Glory Empire, and there is almost no border, the Glory Empire is a wizarding power, the Far North is very clear, and there are also contacts between the two high-level wizards. , So it is impossible for official forces to take action. The most likely ones are mercenaries, adventure groups, and some messy forces.


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