Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 477: Mimicking

   Two ice mirror arts were exploded in one blow, and Duolai's face was not very surprised, because at this time the huge ice spear arts had already arrived in front of him.

   He put his hands together, gave up the attack, turned his magic power with all his strength, and maintained the defensive witchcraft.

   At the same time, Ashe took advantage of the moment when the ice mirror technique exploded, when the surrounding magic was disordered and the induction was not strong, he released the ice spear technique that had been condensed.

   She didn't deliberately play with Duolai, but directly shot. In an instant, she broke through the original four-level witchcraft limit, and her speed directly reached the fifth level, and she was submerged in the ice and snow.

   At this moment, a cold snort sounded, and the third person in the dark suddenly snorted, and two extremely bright white lights rushed towards Ai Xi's ice spear technique.

   Very freezing cold.

   Four white lights met in mid-air, and there was a crash, splashing a cloud of snow.

Dolay looked at the person who had just come out, his face sinking slightly, "Fifth-level wizard." He secretly waved his hand and released a lot of black mist out, but as soon as he let it out, his face sank slightly. In this kind of weather, the mysterious corpse insects are greatly restricted, and there is a sense of resistance in their minds. They are very unsuitable for the cold winter.

   Boom boom boom.

At this time, the ice spear technique really arrived, and the defensive cover exploded. The huge ice spear technique, with an extremely sharp cold light, slammed down on Duolai's defensive cover. For a moment, it was like a meteorite landing. The heaven and the earth shook three or four times, the ground exploded, and the snow filled the sky, enveloping the figures of Duolai and Ashe.

   The fifth-level wizard shot, although it was just an ordinary ice spear technique, but when he used it in his hand, it was powerful enough to reach the level of an ordinary fifth-level wizard.

   The elements exploded, and the place where Duolai and Ashe stood was completely covered by messy energy, and there was no movement at all.

The fifth-level wizard appeared in midair, slightly anxious. It was still too close to the imperial capital. The eyes of the goddess of ice could easily notice it. Fortunately, it is winter and the wind is full. Natural weather has given them enough protection. .

   At this moment, the energy outside dissipated, revealing the situation inside.

   The two wizards also walked out of the darkness in embarrassment at this time, silently looking at the direction of the two Duolai at this time.

   The two are still one high and one low, standing quietly where the defensive cover outside has completely disappeared.

The fifth-level wizard just broke the opponent's defensive cover. This is a bit weird. Looking at the man, he was not moved at all. It seems that the scattered to the fifth-level wizard just now is not in the eyes, only the woman. Somewhat shocked, he was looking around for loopholes in the defensive cover.

The fifth-level wizard in the distance suddenly sank, his figure shook, and the snowflakes under his feet continued to condense to form a huge ice wolf head. Standing on the ice wolf’s head, his figure continued to rise, and under his feet, The ice wolf's figure seemed to grow out of the snow, and slowly stood up.

   Ai hoped for the ice wolf in the distance, frowning, he looked at Duolai.

Duola sighed. Level 5 is trouble. The power is too great. The defensive cover he formed with all his strength can only resist it. The magic simulation in front of him is already a very high-end technique. The defensive cover of the wizard is defeated. There is no way to play. Now we want to defeat the opponent. There are only two ways. The first one is to dispatch the wizard tower and use the huge magic circle and energy of the wizard tower to bombard the opponent. The second one is to dispatch Baal. Your lord, as for the avatar of the mysterious corpse insect, he has silently begun to recall it now.

   In this icy world, the mysterious corpse worm instinctively wants to fall asleep, which is useless at all.

   He thought for a while, and decided to call Lord Barr.

   He shook the shrunken wizard tower around his waist casually, and said casually, "Master Barr, the rations are here."

  The wizard in the distance is still condensing the ice wolves. At this time, the three of them are standing on the ice wolves, their eyes closed, squinting, and looking at Duolai indifferently, it seems that the two of them are dead.

   At this moment, they saw Dolai's waist shaking movement, and when they were thinking about what other means this guy had, they saw a dog rolling out of a small thing in his hand.

   This dog rolled down from the air and quickly grew bigger. In the eyes of everyone, it became a giant dog with a body length of more than two meters.

   ferocious, huge, and exudes a fierce aura.

   As soon as he came out, a dog face looked at the three people standing on top of the ice wolf ten meters high, grinning, "Who interrupted my sleep, is it you?"

   The three of them were stunned at this time, what is this?

   Barr's body shape is still getting bigger, and soon he reached five meters, six meters, seven meters, and slowly came to ten meters.

   The three people in the distance were completely sluggish at this time, because they had already felt the breath of each other.

   Level seven.

Oh My God.

   When Barr turned into a behemoth of more than 100 meters and came to the fifth-level wizard, the three of them were directly paralyzed by fright.

   Level seven.

Barr ate the two fourth-levels behind him in one breath, biting off most of the magical creatures, and then slapped him to the fifth level, directly wounding him severely, and rolled down under Dolay’s feet. The shape flickered and disappeared into the snowy field.

   The snow and ice in the sky dissipated, and the powerful five-level witchcraft seemed to be a real snowflake in front of Lord Barr, and couldn't stand a shot at all.

   At this time, the people hiding in the dark were startled and started to run wildly.

   After a while, the snowy field was calm.


   Duola looked at everything around him blankly. In fact, he could run away completely, and he was not used to face these people.

   He didn't want to kill more, but this world is like this. If you don't kill others, it doesn't mean that they don't kill you. Duola is also forced to fight back.

   Half an hour later, in the first-floor prison, a full three fifth-level wizards were suppressed.

But at this time, Duo Lai touched his chin and stared at Baal until he saw the other person a little hairy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Baal had been seen for a long time and was also annoyed, "I said, kid, What are you looking at?"

  Aish was also a little strange next to her. It was the first time she saw Baal make a move. It was amazing, but the pure physical ability was so exaggerated.

   Dole stared at Baal as soon as he came back. This was what he was going to do, and he didn't annoy the adult.

   She was a little frightened.

Duola was not afraid at all. Hearing Barr's question, he suddenly said, "I have some thoughts, the sign of level 5 is simulacrum magic, then I use your body shape to model an elemental creature, will it? Will it also have **** characteristics?"

Barr's anger was suddenly taken aback. He leaned his chin and blinked his eyes. "You are a good idea. Every race has racial talent. The talent of our **** dog is the power of hell. If you can Mimicking my appearance, maybe it will simulate the power of hell. But how to construct the model of the spell, do you want to study me?"

  Barr was now a little less irritated, and a little more thoughtful.

   He also became curious.

Summoning magic, from a certain kind of essence, is actually the in-depth understanding of this creature in the witchcraft model. For example, the ice wolf condensed by the wizard who was captured just now is born with its own cold air, and it will be an ice blade. The cold attack, ice spear and other abilities are all imprinted in the witchcraft model.

  The witchcraft model is the essence of a wizard, the accumulation of life.

  Aish didn't expect Duolai to have this idea either. She stood on the side and listened quietly to the dialogue between the two, the power of hell, the simulation, and silently thinking about the feasibility of this matter in her heart.

  PS: The alarm bell rings, don't forget the national shame! ! !


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