Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 478: Far north

  Practicing to this level of the ice domain requires the support of mimicry witchcraft. Within the domain, mimic creatures will never go extinct. This is the characteristic of the ice domain.

   Duo Lai nodded and said, "Then join in the research topic this time. After reaching the fifth level, you can use it."

Barr nodded and said, "Then you are busy with you, I will analyze myself first to see how the spell model is built." He raised his head and thought carefully, "The power of **** is the characteristic of the **** dog. I just think about it, if I make better use of the power of hell, synthesis, utilization, and purification, this will also help me in the future." As he thought, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

   The bloodline experiment that Duolai recently did, he also understands that if he can really purify his own bloodline and have room for improvement with the power of hell, then it shouldn't be a problem to upgrade to eighth level.

  From the seventh to the eighth level, it is not simply a pile of power, but also involves the deeper use of power, which is the key.

Baal is a Warcraft, a high-level Warcraft. Although he has always used talents, under the influence of Dorai, he has begun to think about questions, how to improve himself, how to strengthen himself, this is the key at present, as long as he can Promote to the eighth level and go back to the world of purgatory, you can also occupy one side and claim the king and the ancestor.

  He slowly went to his room, thinking carefully that the dog student had gone.

   Duolai curled his lips when he saw Baal like this, he hadn't started studying yet.

   Aixi stood on the side and did not dare to take a breath. This true seventh-level master really made an extraordinary move.

   Duola turned his head and saw Ash like this, and smiled faintly, "Don't worry, Barr is usually very gentle. We are about to enter the Arctic Icefield. Have you thought about where to go?"

   Ai Xi was taken aback for a moment, and returned his thoughts to the two of them.

"The people of our family in the past have only walked to the far north ice sheet, that is, here. If we two, we can go a little deeper and come here." She turned out the map, looked north, and pointed to a place. .

   There are almost no labels on the map here, only a few names can be seen occasionally. The Arctic Ice Sheet is impressively listed, and farther north of the Arctic Ice Sheet, it is quite blank. There is only one name, the Arctic Iceberg Group.

   Duolai nodded and looked at the distance. It was only two or three days away from now.

The Far North Kingdom is very large and has a very sparse population. You can often not see a few people flying in the sky, and the creatures here are also very sparse. Sometimes you can see some snow-white snow wolves and snow leopards. , Ice raccoon and other creatures.

   is all snow, and there is no food. The survival of these creatures is a problem.

   But this is not a problem that Dolai can worry about.

However, according to the current information, after entering the far north and entering the far north ice sheet, the situation inside becomes complicated. Many creatures of the ice and cold system will go here to live in seclusion after reaching the fifth level, so it is still very dangerous. of.

   Duola looked at the map and looked at the location. He suddenly said, "I want to go here. The technique I practice has nothing to do with ice. I want to find the storm element, the living storm element."

  He refers to a small corner of the Arctic Icebergs beside the Arctic Ice Sheet, on the shore that connects to the sea.

   Ashe nodded, he already knew what kind of meditation Dolai was practicing, and he might have to look for it back and forth at sea, so he didn't spend most of his time together.

   The two are actually more likely to practice separately.

   She thought about it, and said in a soft voice, "Yes, anyway, as long as you are in the extreme north, you can do it anywhere. I just understand the ice and snow domain. In fact, it is the same everywhere in the extreme north ice field."

   At this time, I saw that the world was full of white glaciers, ice fields, and icebergs, and the sky was completely white. The wind was roaring outside, and the ice and snow flew around like knives, hitting the wizard tower, making a faint cracking sound.

   From here to the north, it is the real far north, and the air and water elements are relatively rich.

   At an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, the wind is very strong. At this time, the Wizard Tower has begun to be shaken. The wind and snow in the sky seem to have no boundaries, and there are also here.

   Duolai can only lower the altitude, and the more it drops, the more crazy the wind speed is. Soon, when it approaches the ground, the wind speed has reached more than 20 meters per second, which is very violent.

   In the squally wind, the wizard tower was blown and swayed from side to side. Duola had to increase the strength of his defense, and his energy fell violently.

   This is not a solution.

   "We may have to hike, the Wizard Tower is not very good here." Dolai called out the control template of the Wizard Tower and placed it in front of Ashe.

   Aixi was also looking outside at this time, her mental power extended to the outside, she only felt that her meditation thoughts were completely transparent, the ice, freezing, and low temperature made her whole person feel refreshed. Here is the paradise of the goddess of ice and snow.

   Dorai dropped the Wizard Tower, and then the two of them walked out of the Wizard Tower and officially stood in the Far North.

Cold, cold, cool, cold words you can think of can be experienced here. The cold air from the neck, hands, and face conveys the feeling that this is a forbidden zone of life~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dole shrank his neck, feeling a little uncomfortable. He looked around, his whole body was magical, hiding himself in the wind, and the cold was a little bit less.

   The wind elements around him are very lively. In fact, he can also feel the spirit is active and the meditation thoughts are beating.

   It's just that although the two elements of water and wind are active in this place, they cannot form a storm. You still have to go to a slightly calmer sea, where there are traces of storm element activity.

   Looking around, the two are standing on a low mountain, and the wind and snow are blowing from the depths of the far north, blowing on their calm faces.

Dole looked at the direction. The Arctic Icefield was in front of the two of them. It was a huge iceberg plain with almost no mountains. The ground was full of ice and snow could not fall on it, and then it would be blown by the wind. Blow away.

   He pointed in the direction and said, "Let's go to the coast."

   Ashe nodded, then the two merged into the wind and disappeared quickly.

   The extreme north is very large. It has the area of ​​a continent, but there are rarer creatures than any continent. The world is full of ice and snow.

   Flying in the wind, Duola flies while observing the surrounding ice and snow, which is quite interesting.

   Wind and snow are the mainstream of this world, and these two are the most indispensable.

   After almost a day's time, the day went down and ushered in a long night. The day here was only about three hours, and the rest of the time was night.

   The night is coming, and you can't see your fingers. When the wind hits, you can't even see the stars in the sky, it's pitch black.

   The two can only use their mental power to explore the flight, and the flight speed is greatly reduced.

   The two followed roughly the same direction and flew down the ice sheet. There should be nothing wrong with them.


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