Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 479: test

   Soon, one hour passed.

   Both of them are wind masters, and they are not affected by the strong wind, so they fly extremely fast, flying a distance of seven or eight hundred kilometers in five hours.

   At this moment, a few faint vitality entered the mental power of the two.

   It was a few polar bears, a father bear, and a mother bear, with a few cubs, digging and digging heavily on the ground. A big hole has been dug out, and it seems that the water is about to be seen.

   When they sensed the mental strength of the two, the father and mother bear immediately raised their heads and howled frantically to the sky.

   Duolai's heart was slightly stunned, these few seemingly humble white bears had actually reached the third level of strength.

He just thought about it for a moment, and said, "Aish, we may have deviated from the direction. We are now flying to the north of the polar ice sheet. Do you want to take a break? Wait for the wind to stop, or wait for the day to identify the direction before walking. "

   In the extreme north, the compass is useless, because the north range here is too general, the compass swaying everywhere, there is no accurate direction at all, you can only look at the sun, or look at the stars to distinguish the direction.

   Aixi went out for the first time, and after Duolai said, she immediately reacted.

   If you are flying along the edge of the ice sheet, you should not be able to see these polar bears. Now you should be flying straight to the Arctic ice sheet.

  The very northern land is said to have very strong geomagnetic forces, which can interfere with human judgment, and it is normal for flying to deviate from the direction.

   She told Dolai what she knew.

   Duola was taken aback, geomagnetic force, what kind of force is this? Can it interfere with people's spiritual power?

   After discussing, they decided to stop first, wait for the wind to stop, wait for the sun to come out, or wait for the starry sky to fly.

   In the midst of the wind and snow, Duola casually found a smooth ice surface, released the wizard tower, and then got into it.

   The power of the wizard tower spread out, madly absorbing and swallowing the surrounding power, replenishing itself, the icy wind blew across the sky, and it fell on the wizard tower, making a crackling sound.

   Going into the Wizard Tower, Duo Lai hit a spirit, it was really much warmer inside.

   But Ashe said with a serious expression at this time, "Send me to the top, I think it can be better outside."

   Duolai nodded, a white light flashed in front of him, and Ash was gone.

   The wind and snow is a disaster for any creature, but for those who practice the idea of ​​the goddess of ice and snow, it is a perfect environment. They are naturally able to adapt to this kind of place.

   Dolai slowly came to the laboratory, using the power of the wizard tower to restore his own strength, while thinking about the next step of the blood experiment.

The blood of the crocodile dragon is actually very complicated. The lower the blood of the crocodile dragon, the more complicated it is. After purification, it is divided into several parts, and these parts can be purified again, and the deepest part is not visible at all.

Although there is a difference in the bloodline of the high-level crocodile dragon, Duo Lai finally did not catch his blindness. With the understanding of dragon power, Duo Lai still has some clues, but the problem is that it is limited to the current environment and no creatures as a reference. It is purified, and there is no way to inject and observe.

   crocodile dragon, crocodile dragon, also has at least two bloodlines on its body, one is the blood of crocodile, and the blood of an unknown dragon.

   After several days of reference and experimentation, Duolai has ruled out at least two dragon bloodlines, one is the blue dragon, the other is the red dragon, and he has never seen the other dragon blood.

He has never seen the blood of the three five-color dragons: black dragon, green dragon, and white dragon, but as long as it is a dragon, the blood contains the same power. This has been analyzed for many times. It is a symbol of pure power. It seems It represents the purest power law between heaven and earth.

However, in addition to dragon blood, any dragon species has the purest magical energy. The bloodline also contains other powers. In view of the current cognition, Dulai can't separate it, only the dragon power and magic. Power mix treatment.

   The essence of bloodline research lies in this, to study the original, most primitive power, and separate it for oneself.

   Duolai's power has reached the limit of level 4, and no matter how much he cultivates, he can't improve it much, unless it is to find a real elemental storm, so he can only recover while doing bloodline experiments.

   This time when they came out, the two of them didn't take any of them, so they took a Baal. This old ancestor was either sleeping or sleeping every day, so chic and comfortable.

   The first floor of the Wizard Tower.

  In the closed prison, several fourth-level wizards, fourth-level warriors, and fifth-level wizards are all locked together, both men and women.

   At this time, they were all hung up by silk threads and hung in the air, looking extremely miserable.

   They weren't tortured, but their spirits looked very sluggish, because those silk threads had the strictest restrictions among the wizard towers, and they were not drawing power from them all the time. As long as they recovered a little bit of power, they would be drawn out immediately.

   There is no power, everyone is weak, and even communication is left to speak in the simplest language.

   "It's been more than ten days, this dog and man have entered the far north, **** it." A warrior screamed, cursing fiercely.

   A wizard who hung beside him said weakly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Okay, you don't want to be the next experimenter, so just shut up. "

   He is a wizard, his physique is far worse than that of a soldier, and he is a bit weak at this time.

The soldier said fiercely, "When I took this step, I didn't expect to die intact, but I didn't expect to die so aggrieved. If it weren't for suicide, I would have followed in the footsteps of my brothers, &......% &*......%...... This **** thing, come on, come and kill me, useless crap."

  He suddenly started to curse loudly again.

At this moment, a voice came from above, "emmm, it seems that the spirit is not bad. Today's test product is you. I have an interesting experiment. I hope you can bear it, if you can bear it. , Then you can become the most powerful fighter. If you can’t bear it, ha ha.”

  The voice is naturally Dolai's voice.

   The test product is naturally useful, but one is missing.

The warrior suddenly cursed loudly again, "You black wizard, bastard..." As soon as the silk thread closed, the warrior's body immediately trembled, and thunder and lightning were poured into his body along the silk thread, and the warrior was curled into one by electricity. group.

   Immediately, his body was pulled by the silk thread, slowly rising up, and quickly disappearing from the sight of others.

   Seeing this, these people have already anticipated their death, and still feel endless despair.


  In the laboratory.

   Duo Lai changed into a white wizard robe, shrouded himself in it, showing only one pair of eyes.

   On the experimental platform, the man lay flat on it, his eyes widened, his mouth was stuffed with fur balls, and he was lying motionless.


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