Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 480: Experimental body

Duola was busy beside him. He quickly made a half bowl of black and red liquid. He used a needle to extract something from wherever he was. Then he took it to the warrior's side, looked at the frightened warrior, and said expressionlessly," This is the crocodile dragon bloodline that I purified. Although it has only reached the fifth level, there is no way. Without the main tools to derive more advanced bloodlines, I can only wrong you first."

Duo Lai does not have a living crocodile dragon, so he uses a little less crocodile dragon bloodline. He came up with an idea to let these people have the crocodile dragon bloodline, so that he can get the relevant blood continuously and continue to do it. experiment.

This thing looks very evil and terrifying. It is a proper black wizard in human society, but when I think that these people are desperadoes, I don’t know how many innocent people have been killed. The shame and anxiety disappeared completely.

   Killers, people always kill them.

   They are not dead, so let's be a test subject honestly.

Based on Dolai’s current biological knowledge, he knows that bloodline transformation is divided into two parts. One part is that after the bloodline medicine enters the body, it stimulates the bone marrow and reshapes the bone marrow, so that the blood produced by the bone marrow has the power of the bloodline. The transformation of the body starts with the blood vessels, then the internal organs, and then to every corner of the body, muscles, and membranes. In the middle, if there is one link that is not well coordinated, the bloodline experiment will fail.

   With his level of refining pharmaceutical agents, the success rate is naturally enough, and this person is a fifth-level fighter, his body recovery strength should be good, the failure rate will be reduced to the lowest, and it should be infinitely close to 100%.

   Thinking of this, he directly stuck the needle on the warrior's thigh.

   There was no reaction in the thigh, and he didn't move a bit. When all the medicine was pushed forward, Dolay retracted the needle, then turned around and left.

   Beside this person, three guinea pigs were lying there, letting Duolai operate without any movement.


   A light curtain appeared next to the person, and rays of light shot out from the light curtain, covering the whole person. On the light curtain, data began to appear.

   "Bone marrow transformation, slowly in progress."

   "The bone marrow was successfully transformed and new blood began to be generated."

   "The blood corrosion level test started, the corrosion level was 13%, the recipient's blood vessel was decayed, and the treatment was started."

   "Blood enters the body, the body decays, and treatment begins."

   "Blood enters the five internal organs, and the five internal organs decay, so start treatment."

   "Blood enters the brain, the brain is damaged, and normal treatment begins."

   A series of data refreshed.

   The warrior's body was trembling constantly, his whole person trembling violently on the test bench, his eyeballs burst, bloodshots spread from all sides, and soon covered the entire eyeballs.

  Pain, severe pain, except for the pain, he could hardly feel the second sensation.

Ah ah ah ah ah.

   He shouted inside.


   I don't know how long it has passed. The pain quickly reduced. The soldier rolled his eyes and passed out.

   But the body transformation is still in progress. From time to time, the body trembles twice, the skin glows bright red, and the blood vessels are raised and entangled, looking very scary.

   Duo Lai left after the injection. There was no fear of failure. This medicine was very mature, so I felt relieved.

   There were four unconscious people lying in the laboratory, two of them were crocodile dragon blood, one was red dragon blood, and the other was blue dragon. One failed in the middle, and one person was abolished.

   There are three more under his current test product, plus these four, for a total of seven people.

   Fortunately, the transformation is very successful. After a few days, he will get fresh blood. Although the quality may be lower, it doesn't matter, it can be purified.

   In addition to the blood test, Dolay also conducts other drug tests.

   After obtaining the full version of the various levels of potions, the current drug dose reserve is enough for him to study a lot of things. The sixth-level potions are no longer the straitjacket lying in front of him, but the thoroughfare.

In addition to the regular potions, many partial potions have great value to study. For example, vanishing potions can simulate the invisibility of wizards and make people disappear directly in place. Another example is transparent potions, which can make people change. In the form of a transparent glass, the pharmacology of this medicine is worthy of contemplation.

  The medicine is broad and profound, and it is worth studying for a lifetime.

  Actually, after getting all the potions from Master Puyousi, Duola didn't have much interest in potions below the sixth level. Only after reaching the seventh level did he have some fun potions.

   For example, the epiphany potion is a very peculiar potion. It can instantly activate one's mental power more than a hundred times, and the comprehension ability will instantly increase, and it is easy to enter the state of epiphany.

   Another example is physique potions, which can directly improve a person's physique and improve a person's measurements in all directions, which is quite powerful.

   After reaching the eighth level, the counterpart is the sixth-level wizard. The potions in it are even more powerful, making Duolai look very greedy.

   After reaching the eighth level, the rarity of the medicinal materials has risen linearly. Sometimes you have a formula, and you may not be able to find the medicinal materials. This is the biggest problem.

When he came to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ please ask Gretel to purchase some sixth and seventh-level medicinal materials, which is already very impressive. As for the eighth-level medicinal materials, the number of their Aoun family is not very large. Leave it to some advanced pharmacists, but you can't give it to him.

Even those medicinal materials of level 6 and level 7 were only obtained because of the face damage caused by Gretel now in charge of the wizard tower. Gretel is in charge of the wizard tower and can obtain a huge amount of feats. They can change the medicinal materials with feats. Their Oren family How will it not lose.

   The older generations of the Aoun family have a very good abacus.

   Three days passed quickly, and the body of Duolai's fourth experiment problem slowly stabilized, and his breath increased a lot.

  At this time, the weather outside finally cleared, and the wind disappeared, revealing the long-lost blue sky.

   The sky of the polar ice sheet is very blue, revealing a deep blue color. Looking out of the sky, there is a deep black, as if brewing in the blue.

   Dolai stood on the wizard tower, looking at the ice field.

   It is endless and very flat. The ground is a layer of ice that is no more than many meters thick. The air is very transparent. At first glance, you can see hundreds of kilometers away, but there is still no edge.

   looked at the top of his head. At this time, even in broad daylight, he could see a trace of starlight. Looking at the sun, although it had just risen, it was just a little bit on the horizon.

   After seeing the stars, Duo Lai and Ashe each sighed. They were indeed flying towards the innermost instead of flying along the edge of the ice sheet. Now they are going back again.

   Duola took a closer look at the sky, felt the weather around him, and thought about it a little bit, "I can feel that the weather can be sunny for a few days. Let's rush to the beach first."


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