Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 490: 7 overseas countries

   Duola looked at the map marked by Ashe and nodded slightly.

   The two are so close that they can feel each other's breathing. Duola suddenly feels that at this moment, the relationship between the two is so close.

   Neither of them spoke, and quietly stared at the drawing.

   Ai Xi also felt the approach between the two. She raised her head and glanced at Duolai, just in time, the two eyes met.

   She blushed slightly, and then said without a trace, "Do you have any plans in the future?" She didn't deliberately stay away, and it felt good.

   Duola looked at Ashe's delicate face, thought about it for a moment, and slowly smiled, "Are you asking about your short-term plans or long-term plans?"

   Ai Xi was shocked, "What's the difference?" For the first time, she felt that the man in front of her thought was unfathomable.

   Duola turned his head, looked up at the sky, sighed, and slowly said, "The short-term plan is to first rise to level eight or nine. The long-term plan is to leave the world and find a way to advance to a higher level."

   Ashe took a step back and looked at Dolay for the first time.

   Her gaze is not that far away. It feels too far away from the seventh and eighth levels. Duolai has this confidence, it is simply unimaginable.

   She shook her head, "Level 7 or 8 is still too early, then you can talk about recent plans. I want to hear your plan."

In the wizarding world, after reaching a certain level, they will inevitably form forces to grow their own family and abilities. This is very common among family wizards. As a member of the Rhine family, Ashe naturally thought about this kind of thing. , She will work hard, but the pursuit of higher strength is too far away, she doesn't even dare to think about it.

Dolay thinks so, it simply subverts his cognition, but considering that there is Boss Barr next to him, this person from the outside world, Ashe thought, he has heard a lot of stories from other worlds, that’s why Think about it.

Duola didn’t even know what Ashe was thinking. He smiled at this moment and said, “Let’s talk about the near-term plan. I’m now promoted to Level 5, and then I want to find a place to occupy it and form my own territory. In Wassenberg, the suppression was too great. Then I will think about finding a way to get promoted to the sixth, seventh, um, that’s it."

   Ashe felt that Duolay was a normal person.

   She asked slowly, "Then you didn't consider joining another family?"

   Duola looked at Ashe, and suddenly became a little frivolous, "Join that clan, that clan can tolerate me and my power, if it were you, I would think about it."

   Ashe blushed upon hearing this answer, he took a sip, "I don't look beautiful, I want to be beautiful."

   Come and laugh more, and suddenly become serious, "By the way, beautiful Ai Xi, don't you have any ideas?"

What thoughts could Ashe have? Her thoughts were fixed by the family. After hearing what Dolay said, she realized that this world is so big that she shouldn't be fixed by the family, just like an aunt, for the rest of her life Where he is restrained, it seems that he is powerful, and the overlord of one party actually has no future at all, and even the promotion to the seventh level can't find an opportunity.

   The entanglement of favors, relationships, and feelings has long exhausted her life.

   If you follow Duo Lai, wouldn't it be cool in this life.

   She suddenly said, "If one day, I am not happy, I can't come to you."

   Duolai shrugged, "Come here anytime, I should still be in the northwest. The environment here is pretty good, and there is a medicinal vendor called the Aoun family."

   Ai Xi nodded, she walked over, got a little closer to Dolai, cuddled with him, and then leaned her head up, feeling very relieved.

   Now, Duola is a little uncomfortable.

   Feeling the warmth next to him, the single dog that has lived for more than twenty years suddenly becomes uncomfortable.

   Ai Xi said at this time, "You know, like our family members, under normal circumstances, one's own destiny can't be the master."

   Although Duolai was a little uncomfortable, he was still very happy. After thinking about it, he knew why Ashe would do this.

He nodded and said, "I know that unless they are particularly talented, children of aristocrats are often used as tools for family marriage. Even if they are very talented, they will not be able to take the initiative to control their own life due to blood problems. ?"

   Ashe sighed and said, "Me too."

   Duola raised his eyebrows, he raised his head, looked into the distance, and whispered softly, "If they choose the person for you who is not very talented, what should I do?"

   Aixi shook his head, "This kind of thing won't happen, people are divided into groups, and things are gathered together. How can people like us stay together with ordinary people?"

   Duola bit his lip and said, "What if he wants you to follow him in the future?"

   A touch of warmth came into her heart, she knew that Dolay was talking about himself.

"Nor, the family will not let people go. My bloodline, or who I am with, will definitely be the top bloodline in the future. Whether it is the imperial royal family or the Rhine family, my father, clan, will not let me go. Leave."

When Dolay heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched. He could still like Ashe, but now it seems that he has nothing to do with him, "Hey, you aristocrats have so much shit~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ashe also sighed in his heart, Dolay He was also an excellent candidate, and he liked him a lot, but he was destined to be a dragon among people in the future.

   This person is too good, and it makes people feel a little unworthy of it.

   Actually, it's pretty good now, she got closer to Dorai again.


   Dog men and women! Barr lay comfortably in the room, raised his head, and looked through the wizard tower to see the situation above.

  Under the stars, the two cuddled together, feeling quite romantic.

   He sneered in his heart. If Duolai was promoted to level 7 or 8 in the future, he would go straight to the door and grab someone. Who would dare to stop him, hum.

   Of course, the premise is that Ashe can resist the pressure of the family and not get married.

  Humans, it's really complicated, like their **** dog, if you see that, just grab it, hum.

   Duola rested for a while, only feeling a little emotional, then reluctantly left Ashe, and reinvested in the transformation of the energy core. Now he has only transformed less than one-tenth, and there are still many tasks left.

   Ai Xi sighed and continued to stand on the third floor, controlling his direction.

After    got the exact address, she had a lot of thoughts in her heart, and she didn't want to go back so early.

   Above the East China Sea, there are not many human forces. There are two top ones and two wizard genres. However, there are also many places where the human race gathers, which are known as the Seven Overseas Countries.

There are more overseas resources than land resources. Under the boundless sea, there are many rare treasures that are not available on the mainland. The seven overseas countries, Ashe, have only read about it, and have not really seen it. This time I just went to have a look. By the way Change resources.


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