Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 491: Yingzhou House

   If you want to advance in the field of ice and snow, you need a lot of materials, one of which is called white sand ice, which is only found near volcanoes in the ocean. If you buy in large quantities, only seven overseas countries have this inventory.

Baisha ice is water like ice, but the temperature is as high as one hundred and fifty degrees. It is very mysterious. It is very difficult to collect this kind of things. If she is asked to collect it by herself, just looking for submarine volcanoes in the sea is a very Huge project.

   So, she just turned a corner, went to see that place, and went back in no hurry.

   In the Wizard Tower, Duola felt the movement of the Wizard Tower, and did not care about it. Ashe liked to go, then go there. His current task was to upgrade the energy core of the Wizard Tower.

   There is no sun or moon in the sea. After flying for a few days and nights, the scenery in front of me is still exactly the same. If it weren't for the constantly changing starry sky in the sky, I thought I would stay in place.

   This kind of long-distance boring flight is a great test for anyone.

   On the fifth day, Dolay asked Ashe to stop the Wizard Tower anywhere, and the Wizard Tower had no energy.

   Ashe knows naturally.

   Standing at a high altitude, she glanced at the vast ocean, saw a place with heavy smoke, and flew straight down.

   That is a living volcano. The volcano is also an excellent source of energy. It should reduce the time to extract energy.

   Duola saw it too and nodded slightly.


  The volcano in the sea is not big, but it has a radius of seven or eight kilometers, with a circular crater in the middle. It is a full five to six hundred meters high. There is continuous thick smoke from above, and red things are constantly rolling in the smoke.

The location of    volcano is bare and bare, looking like a small scar in the blue sea.

   Under the surface of the sea, I don’t know how many microorganisms feed on the ore emerging from the volcano, and there are even tyrannical creatures of level three or four.

   When the Wizard Tower fell, there was no movement at all, and no creatures under the volcano could sense it.

   Duo Lai let go of her induction, and she moved away in all directions.

This is a very barren place, there are no powerful creatures, you can safely draw power, thinking of this, he immediately released his power, under the wizard tower, a chain of pure energy can go down the ground and face the ground, and soon contact Arrived the hot lava.

   Replenish energy.

   At this time, Ashe practiced uncharacteristically, but flew directly out towards the sea.

   "I'll see if there is any white sand ice nearby, I need it for promotion."


   After staying in the volcano for two days, the wizard tower continued to fly west after the energy replenishment was completed. Soon, after another five days, large tracts of clouds appeared in the distant sky, and a huge island emerged among the clouds.

   At the same time, Duo Lai also completed the construction of the energy core.

   The energy level of the Wizard Tower has risen one level again.

   This is, Ashe’s voice came, "The winners of the seven overseas countries are coming. Make some preparations. I'm going to buy something from it."

   White sand ice?

   "Okay, it's up to you."

   As the saying goes, Wangshan is the same as a dead horse on the sea. It looks like an island from afar, but it takes a long time to get closer.

   In order to avoid suspicion, the two of them came out of the Wizard Tower early and flew over the sea. By the time they arrived on the island, it was already very late in the evening.

   The two followed the night, quietly lurking on the island, did not dare to actively release their mental power to investigate, but flew at will, quickly found a road, and then walked slowly along the road.

   After a short while, I came to a place with human population.

   These people speak the local dialects. Few people speak the lingua franca of the world, but it doesn’t matter. One language is proficient in solving all problems.

   Randomly asked someone to ask where is the nearest city, Duo Lai and Ashe left soon.

   However, the two people who appeared suddenly were also quickly learned that the news was passed up one by one, and the news that it was suspected that two foreign wizards had landed on the island was passed on to higher levels.

Ashe has looked at the maps of seven overseas countries and knows that the winning country is not big. There are only about 30 islands. The largest island is Yingzhou Island. Its area is about the size of an entire Wasenberg. It is very huge and far away. From a distance, it looks like a land.

   Duolai spent two days wandering with Ashe outside, but he couldn't find a place where a large number of wizards wandered, and then searched for a little wizard in the city, and he asked for it.

The wizards and ordinary warriors here do not live with ordinary people. The wizards have the place where the wizards are, high above them, overlooking everyone. Yingzhou has a specially set up organization to manage all the wizards, all the wizards in the wild and the wizards under management. It is unified management, reporting, foreign wizards have entered and won, must go to the local wizard tower to report and so on.

   There is only one organization for the transaction of supplies, whether it is privately or in public, the Yingzhou Wizard Tower.

   Two of their five-level masters appeared, but the little wizard was so frightened that he almost peeed.

The most senior wizard here in Yingzhou is also level 7, but it does not come out all year round. Only level 6 wizards are in charge. There are only six level 6 wizards in the entire winning country. Although the number of level 5 wizards is a little more, they are distributed throughout the win. In fact, it was not too much. Suddenly, two fifth-level wizards appeared. The legs of the little wizard were soft~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the question, Duola didn't embarrass the little wizard too much, and left him behind. After getting some magic crystals, I headed to Yingzhou Mansion. According to the little wizard, although white sand ice is difficult to collect, because there are a large number of volcanic islands nearby, the number is still very considerable. I don’t know how many are nearby. There are definitely enough wizards to live by this.

The overall area of ​​  Yingzhou Country is relatively small. The two sneaked away, and they soon reached the edge of Yingzhou Island and landed on the island.


   "Two fifth-level wizards?" Yingzhou Mansion, on the wizard tower.

   A sixth-level wizard frowned, and in front of him, two fifth-level wizards looked solemn.

   Sixth-level wizards wear gorgeous wizard robes. The wizard robes are gleaming with all kinds of crystal light, embellished with light, radiant, and exudes sacred brilliance.

   "To figure out their origins, the fifth-level wizard, and the two fifth-level wizards, should not be messing up, they should have a purpose."

   A fifth-level wizard said, "Listening to the little wizard report, the other party mentioned Bai Shabing?"

  The sixth-level wizard was taken aback, and he was suddenly relieved, "It should be from the mainland, and purchased white sand and ice. If there is no accident, the other party should have arrived on Yingzhou Island."


  From night to day, in the early morning, Duo Lai and Ashe arrived on Yingzhou Island.

  Yingzhou Island looks very huge. There are two mountains on the island. There are two mountains in the north and south. In the middle is a very large valley. The Yingzhou Mansion is in the center of the valley. This is also the capital of Yingzhou Country.

There is no such thing as a city wall in the kingdom of Yingzhou. There are only two north-south roads running through the city. In the center of the city, there are several huge wizard towers overlooking all the buildings. The tyrannical force scanned the surroundings.


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