Wizard: Lord of the Elements

Vol 2 Chapter 497: remains

"The warrior system is relatively simple to survive the calamity, but one of the biggest reasons it is difficult to survive is also the same. The spiritual power is too weak, which leads to the fall of the sky. It is difficult to resist the heavenly power against the spiritual power. Because their mental power is weak, the Tribulation is not very powerful, as long as a little more talented, a stronger fighting spirit can also survive. But this is also the biggest reason why a warrior is not as powerful as a wizard. The Tribulation also recognizes the strength of a person. A manifestation of the fact that Heaven's Tribulation is weak, the proof itself is weak."

   Ai Xi was a little confused when he heard these words.

   She has always focused on cultivation. Where did she have heard of such things? The catastrophe is a part of the test of human beings. The relationship between the mental and physical is so simple and clear to express?

After thinking about what her sister-in-law and father sometimes said to herself, she shook her head, "I still want to pursue the extreme of the single system. The purpose of my bloodline experiment is to improve the ice bloodline. , Not for the golden blood."

   Barr sighed and said, "That's a pity, in fact, it doesn't require much. The strength of the fifth-level fighter is enough to use, and the chance of going through the catastrophe will be 10 or 20%."

   Aixi's face remained unchanged, "It is not necessary. If I have that time, my ice field will become stronger, and my confidence in dealing with the catastrophe will be stronger."

   Duolai didn't intend to really persuade her at first, but Barr was wishful thinking, so he smiled and rounded it off, "The ultimate of a single system is actually very powerful, let's go ahead, Barda people, what else have you observed?"

   The two have been doing experiments, and the experiment is still under observation. They are outside today, but they don't know what happened in the laboratory.

   The two are connected to the magic circle at the same time, the nature of the observation period experiment.

   Not long after, Ashe's eyes lit up and said, "I'm going to do an experiment, don't disturb me." She took the lead into the laboratory.

   Dolay watched Ashe walked into the laboratory and shrugged. He looked at Barr, and said with some confusion, "Barr, how is your research on your own bloodline?"

Barr became proud at this time, "Ahem, not bad, I have initially found a way to purify it, but it has yet to be verified. There is no **** blood in this world, and the rules are also missing. I have to wait for specific information. It’s only possible to go back to the **** world, and I’m not in a hurry yet."

   Duola nodded.

   The true power of blood can affect the rules. He already understands that the power of blood, to put it plainly, is to be able to communicate a certain law of heaven and earth, no matter which kind of wizard is particularly important.

   He hasn't tested himself, anyway, it must be ground, fire, and geomantic, but it's hard to tell the bloodline.

Because in the history of the Western Ring Continent, people with four powers and bloodlines are too mixed and can't get on the stage at all. He doesn't know exactly what happened to him or whether Lord Barr moved on him. What's wrong, these still need to be verified slowly.

Ashe bought a large amount of Baishabing. He knew that Ashe would definitely need to do a lot of experimentation, and then incorporate Baishabing into his own meditation thoughts, and Duolai also needed to settle at this time, and both of them quietly practiced. , No one interferes with anyone.

   Back to his room, Duo Lai, while practicing, allocated a small amount of mental power to monitor the wizard on Yingzhou Island.


Soon, after a few days passed, Dole got a definite news that there was indeed a ruin in one place in the sea, and that ruin will be revealed recently. It will take about two months, he thought. Think, don't worry, make a batch of potions, take them to various islands to sell, make some money back, and then continue to buy white sand ice, by the way, see if Xuanbing sells it.

The more white sand and ice, the better. This kind of special product from the sea can be sold to magicians in the interior. The price can be doubled. Except for those used by Ashe and the Ashe family, Duo Lai plans to make this. For business, although he is a pharmacist, he is actually short of money. To build the octagonal wizard tower to the same scale as Christa's twelve stories, at least tens of millions of gold coins are needed.

   So, he is short of money.

   In addition to the white sand ice, he is also planning to buy some specialties from the sea, and he has thought about the content.

   Now that he is here, he doesn't make any money to go back. How can he be right? In addition to the winning country, he is also planning to go to several other countries to maximize his benefits.

   When he thinks of this, his heart surges and he can't help himself.

   This is how the money comes.

Therefore, he began to refining medicine every day and night. In addition to refining medicine, he changed his identities, sold medicines on various islands, and then replaced them with various medicinal materials. After only half a month's effort, he would be able to do so. Most of the boundaries of the continent have been traveled all over the place.

   Time slowly came to the beginning of May, and the sun moved to the middle position, which was when the year was about to start to heat up.

   Duo Lai had just woke up from the practice, and immediately received news that a large number of wizards set out from the island and headed into the sea.

These wizards are divided into various groups, but the largest group is actually from the wizard tower group of the Yingzhou country~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The staff is complicated, and there are many mercenary groups. Dulai knows the Amethyst Maid. Both the Corps and Youlan Mercenary Corps were hired by the Wizard Tower.

   Duolai was taken aback. No wonder the two mercenary groups wooed him. It turned out to be an internal competition. Maybe it was an agreement signed with the City Lord's Mansion.

   He touched his chin, and while gathering the black corpse worm, he sent a message to Ashe and Baal at the same time, at the same time he came out alone and looked towards the sky.

   The single mysterious corpse insect is very inconspicuous, and there is no aura. It will take a while to withdraw from the island.

   Although the mysterious corpse insect is powerful, its flight speed is average. It is impossible to track it by this thing. Therefore, he has to put the mysterious corpse away first, and then track it.

   Leaving from the island, Duo Lai turned into a romantic current alone, hanging against the water surface, dangling the distant breath.

   Those people are not hidden, so they are easy to track.

   Not long after, he stretched out his hand, and there was a cloud of black air in his hand. After closing it, he immediately jumped into the sea and accelerated along the water.

   He was not in a hurry. Among the members of the Amethyst Mercenary Group, he still had a mysterious corpse insect. It was just for hiding and was not activated, but it did not prevent him from sensing the position of the mysterious corpse insect.

When a large force went out on the sea, two or three huge ships fell in the air. These huge ships seemed to be alchemy creations, and a type of wizard tower. Once they landed on the sea, they quickly grew larger, becoming about two to three hundred in length. The giant of rice.

  The wizards, warriors, mercenary nobles stand on different giant wheels.

   Not long after, the huge ship broke through the waves and flew into the sea at a very fast speed.

   At the same time, this kind of drama is also being staged in other places. There are dozens of large and small ships in the sea.


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